Hi Sparton,

I wanted to thank you for sharing the year's roadmap in this week's announcement on the forum. It is great to be aware of what's coming and especially for some of us who have pretty much achieved most of the interesting parts of the game and are just missing a few characters for our collection.

It helps us shape and define strategies on what to collect and farm for to be ready for the upcoming features. For instance the Fragmented Characters approached has clearly changed the way I am dealing with Trooper points :-)

One observation though for some of the newer players who haven't been there since day one and are seeing a massive gap between our teams and theirs it may seem and actually be impossible to reach the kind of inventories that most of us are sporting without spending a fortune in cash on the game.

A few months ago, Rare Souls were dropping in regular levels and it wasn't uncommon to finish a day of farming with an extra 15 Rare Souls. These have been suppressed on the premise of augmenting the chances to get better characters out of Rare Souls (obtainable only very rarely through Dungeons or Secret Locations which are impossible to get to for newcomers) but I must admit that I haven't seen any changes to the RNG odds on Rare Souls, they still mostly results in "unwanted low stars characters" or Dupes... with that in mind, I think you should really be thinking of re-introducing these as standards drops in standard quests.

Another way is to maybe also propose some of the rarer Eddies (like Cyborg, Vampire Hunter and Viking) as 3 Stars characters for short periods of time (one Eddie per Day for a week every month for instance) in order to give everyone a fair chance of at least getting them. The work will happen when they build up their skills and they will find a goal to their grinding and farming.

In reality, building and getting Eddies is what gets us Maiden fans excited :-)

Keep up the good work and Up the Irons 🤘🏻

-- Written 30ft over the Alps somewhere between Nice and Zurich listening to Live After Death --