Does Eternity Eddie's Fury have ANY effect on the Dragon King?

I generally farm BNW with Navigator Eddie then switch to Eternity Eddie for the Dragon King. With Vampiric Talismans... and Clairvoyant. So 99% of the time I use Clairvoyant's Fury to heal everyone. But sometimes the Dragon King is down to a sliver of life so I will use Eternity Eddie's fury as a "finishing move" of sorts.. but...

Eternity Eddie's Fury appears to have absolutely no effect on the Dragon King (Garden of Dismay and Garden of Fear tested so far, not Garden of Life).

There's no damage read.. no DK health bar change.. nothing. Just the animation and empty Fury meter. I realize Eternity Eddie won't stun the Dragon King.. but he should be doing fury damage, shouldn't he?

Anyone else see this?