I'm use to seeing strange things in arena, stuff that doesn't add up to winning when I shouldn't and losing when I would win in normal circumstances. Having my A-wolf in the defeated position, but with full health scooting across the battle floor ( amusing and funny ) to battling enemies that weren't there with and without life left, starting to see strange things in raid boss and saw moon Lilith in lol xv drop out of site like a trapdoor opened up below here and sucked her in
I honestly don't know what to make of it. I had screenshots but after so long I forget to submit a ticket and there are the things that happen and you miss the screenshot or need a video to show what is happening. I'm coming to realize that the RNG has its own RNG and it doesn't make sense to other RNG but that RNG is thinking, why not! Let's roll with it... I think I have gave up on trying to figure out what this game wants to do.