Great players are leaving every week, and many more of us are seeking out reasons to stay as this experience becomes a chore vs. an enjoyment. Now Witkacy is leaving, and with good reason.

I had a small rant last week in your defense regarding game bugs, but that's because I don't experience the same crashing that many others do. I can't even imagine sticking with this if I was having those issues in addition to the monotony.

The game is the same thing, over and over. Not enough resources to make a difference, so buy the resources and take a chance - but you better have picked one of the 4 characters worth sharding this month, because otherwise, you just wasted your skill shards. And by the way, we're going to nerf them next month... and if that hasn't made you throw your phone and say f**k it, then you can spend the time figuring out which new characters to use in the arena against the same defense made up of the 8 decent characters in the game. And just so you spend more money, here's 5 japanese sluts to collect that have nothing to do with Iron Maiden.

Come on. So many players are saying the same thing - if it wasn't for the obligation to the Troopers, they'd be gone. And I feel the same way. There used to be a sense of excitement in putting together some creative defense that would challenge others - but eventually, you sift through all the useless toons and realize that while they may be cool, they don't hold up in the arena at all. So what's the point then? New toons to use when grinding random shit on autoplay? There's no fun in farming, no matter how cool the move set is. PVP is the only thing you can do in this game that presents you with a creative challenge. But there's no creative challenge when you need to use the same group of toons that everyone else uses.

I used to want a Prisoner, AHE, VHE, Cyborg... but honestly don't care much anymore. VHE is hot today, but that will stop at some point and he can sit on the shelf like Viking and the rest of the 5-star toons that will make you lose.

I don't know what it entails exactly, but you need to fix this game. BNW coming with a 15 SoT pricetag was a mistake. Character events like this latest one that is basically 'buy the character'... why? Spend my real money for another character on the bench? There's a balance between making a profit and keeping players, and that balance needs to be found. There are many of us longtime players that are being patient with you, but patience runs out eventually. I think we're still here because we really want this game to be what it can be. We see the potential.

So what are you going to do to fix it?