Maybe I'm alone in this, but I miss the weekly PvP threads. Always enjoyed Nicko's thoughts and insights on the week in PvP. So, since he's casual and taking a break I'll give it my best effort.

First, congrats to those up top. Carlos did a great job fending me off and captured eternal, followed by me and FallenAngel. Also, congrats to everyone who hit their target tier. I managed mine with minutes to spare, thanks to a slew of APMA3 errors in the last few hours which pushed it right to the wire. Hope everyone achieved the tier they wanted.

Meta is obviously still slow, and while some battles can go quick there are still far too many that drag things out. Perhaps the next meta shift will bring improvements, if not then NF may need to reconsider pricing on PvP store as battle numbers will only get lower with a slow meta.

Interesting things I saw in PvP this week include Viking stealing perfect immunity from Clairivoyant (gained from having Eda on my offense), defense toons with fate talismans reviving even though the buff showed as immunity or ascension. Along with that of course the usual bugs as well as the NF purposely OP toons.

Other thoughts: Events are nice, but a steady barrage of constant events while mildly entertaining does nothing to reduce time spent playing. Personally, it seems to be more a distraction technique to keep people from noticing there is limited new content. A new game mode coming, question is when (before or after Night City)? While a new game mode may be cool, I'd be willing to bet I'm not the only person ready for a continuation of the storyline. That's my two cents.