It's an interesting mode. I got to Tier A in the first installment. Right now I am at Tier C and wondering if it's even worth attempting more battles based on current awards. As I started before the change in rewards I am still showing as having a Fate talisman reward which would complete a set that I got from the previous installment at least. If I go after the next lot of grades how likely am I to get a full set of Necropolis talismans? I'm not that confident. When will be the next opportunity to get more necropolis talismans, or will there even be an opportunity? I already have enough 1 and 2 of various rare talismans just sitting in my inventory from previous events which I can't effectively use, so I dont need more. At least the Fate talismans could be bought in the arena store if you didn't manage to get a reward of a complete set. If I knew for sure Necropolis talismans could be earned again some time in the future I might be tempted but right now I'm putting it off. So unless one of the Devs can give me an answer on if necropolis talismans will ever be available again I think I am done until the next reset. But I have been more of a casual player anyway...

Also like others have mentioned, an ability to go to your team screen directly from Gauntlet would be a cool idea. I would also like to see something to make it easier to find or sort through the toons you are looking for. I was thinking of a button that could give you the ability to select any toons in your team as a "fav" (much like selecting your champion), which would then show first in your team screen before your other toons, with Eddies getting priority like it is now. Or maybe an icon would show like the locked icon does, either way...To me being able to choose a "fav" would mean those toons would be the ones fully sharded and with maxed talismans, which I am having to remove talismans from for Gauntlet battles. So having to go back and worth is a bit painstaking at the moment. Having over 200 toons including various dupes, most at level 100, if can make it hard to find the toon you are after, I often find myself scrolling past the toon I want. So a way to speed up the process would be good. I think something like this could improve general game play in all the other modes too. But thats just my opinion.