I've said it before and I'll say it again, the Lillith frags are far less now than before,the very first two Lillith frag/lol events I had 2 - 3 Liliths by the end of the event even more perhaps and that was before we had 150 ironite to sands of time conversions...
This event I'm on my third 150 ironite for sands of time, I started with 195 Lillith frags and at the end of the 2nd lot of sot I only had 375 frags. I have not got a single rare soul and I've been farming Lol10 all day.

What makes it worse for me is I've been saving frontier coins up like a mad man and only need 5 fc to finally purchase Alexander Eddy.... if the Lillith does not drop it doesn't matter, tomorrow I'll purchase 25 fc for a rare soul... So I guess I'll have Alexander by this time tomorrow...