Hi Grim, long time reader, few time commenter.
I'm leaning the Storm Herald in WotW and they being the main character that turns into Senjutsu Ed. Also leaning buff Belshazzar but we'll have to see.
I also feel Magus Fomorian was a placeholder name and they meant to be more clever than forgot lol.
I also have predictions for when events will drop that I figured might be handy.
Gauntlet Reset - Jan 2
New Years Saining (BOS) - Jan 3
Walls of Montsegur (FF Hard) - Jan 6
Hold the Line (Raid Boss) - Jan 10
Stormy Supression (Evo) - Jan 13
Gauntlet Reset - Jan 16
Writing on the Wall (Dungeon) - Jan 17
Feast or Famine (Variety) - Jan 20
Magus Fomorian (LOL Frag) - Jan 23
Renewed Faith (Cosmos/Frontier) - Jan 26
Gauntlet Reset - Jan 30
Towerfall (Gauntlet) - Jan 30

Thanks for all your hard work. I've appreciated reading your stuff over the years.