Quote Originally Posted by Vaseodin View Post
Yeah I didn't realize that was his only AOE. So you may have to make a decision on how to build him. It seems that AOE is the only ability where the damage is NOT based on Def and HP, and it's your shield as well (based on your Magic stat). So you can even out his abilities and get mediocre damage across the board, sacrifice his AOE to really boost all of his other skills (you can mitigate this by pairing him with 2 AOE allies), or you can just make his AOE/ Shield strong and sacrifice all of his other abilities (probably the worst choice). This is probably the reason they require you to use a blue talisman (to at least have some damage on that skill). I would maximize that 1 blue one and make sure you get the most magic out of it. This is a common problem with some characters where their skills are too spread out across many stats for them to be effective. The green pyro soldier is another I can think of that has this problem.

By the way, I currently recommend using Health Talisman (overwhelming) on him, but that is mostly because the Stone Talisman (overwhelming) is currently bugged. The Stone Talisman is supposed to boost your defense by 1% of HP (which is over 10k at max), meaning 4 stone talismans will boost your defense by over 600 total (making you very good at surviving against red characters). But the stone talisman doesn't give you the bonus defense based on HP. Hopefully this bug will be fixed soon as the stone talisman seems like the best choice for this guy.
Glad you were able to decipher my last post. I realized afterwards that I had accidentally hacked off part of a sentence rendering it incoherent.

Taking your suggestion I currently have 4 overwhelming health talismans in him and 2 holy power talismans (one is required). I may sub out the second one after I develop the talismans (all are only level 3 at the moment).

I could have had more gold to take the talismans further but I recently got stuck making progress isn Underworld on the hard level. I came to a grinding halt so I have leveled my allied soldier (who i was not using to level 4) and just got Pharaoh in the process.

It'll be awhile before he's good enough to be my lead, but I'm hoping he'll be good with some TLC!

Edit add: I only have one stone talisman right now, but my sub these in the future when I get more if it helps.