View Full Version : Troopers & Badges
- Official Thread To Find Troopers!
- Troopers wanted lvl 20+
- Add me
- Add me
- 5* Nomad as Trooper - add me
- Account Switch - Looking for the Old Troopers!
- Please add me
- Huge Thank You
- A cry out for champion selection etiquette
- Troopers: You are missing badges from kevin-6275
- Add me please
- 5* Rainmaker Eddie add me
- Daily player
- Teooper Badges
- Trooper etiquette: when does a trooper become inactive?
- Trooper badge accumulation rules question
- Looking to add troopers
- Looking for cyborg, vamp hunter and aces high Eddie.
- Looking for high level troopers to add
- Unable to play since Friday - sorry, fellow Troopers
- search and recommended not working - add me
- I'd just like to thank all my troopers
- 5 * golden son as champion add me
- Would you dump a weak active trooper for a powerfull one?
- Flann's Troopers! Pick my next champion!
- Looking for some troppers
- Another Soldier Eddie for quick & easy Trooper Points!
- Thank you Warrior CotD troopers!
- I'll keep being a Grinder...looking for meat for all my Troopers
- Sorry Troopers...
- How many Souls/Skillorbs per week can you buy?
- Lookin for 5* Eddie troopers
- Inactive Troopers but returning...
- Hey, Troopers! I'm back!
- Looking for allies
- Finished Underworld Madness - need Troopers!
- Allies wanted
- Dump me for an active trooper
- [Need for Centinels (Green) and Warriors (Chars, not eddies)Troopers!]
- 20 times as much trooper badges
- Need some troopers!
- Please help
- Active Troopers Wanted. Reaper-3007
- Beelzebub hard 300 request
- Looking for new troopers
- Troopers! Fewer Eddies, More Allies
- Troops.
- Looking for 5* allies
- 5* Samurai Eddie if you need some trooper help.
- Whats best for a champion?
- Active Troopers!
- Wanted: Active Troopers
- Looking For More Active Level 50+ Troopers
- Save Trooper badges for next update?
- Is there an average to daily badges?
- Need some troopers! Active player lvl 17
- Looking active troopers
- Newblet
- Gen question on trooper use...
- Join the Cyborg Friends Network today!
- Giving troopers the axe.
- why i am removing my trropers
- Trooper badges: should we be hoarding them?
- Looking for Troopers who play everyday
- Wanna try Rainmaker?
- Post update troopers: please change to an Eddie.
- Apologizing to my troopers
- I am back fellow Eddies
- hourly player needs troopers
- Popups! ! !
- Sorry troopers...
- Any trooper requests?
- donslaukis 2nd account wants you for his mighty trooper army
- Lets share our teams to find troopers
- General or Careiage Rider?
- Question
- Wanted troops character
- Looking for troopers who play daily
- Any tropper for the beast?
- What persuades you to drop a trooper?
- Im back from a few months offline,add me if you want :)
- Active player looking for active troopers
- Looking for some active troopers!
- Need troopers for time rift X! I play all troopers!
- Please change shield casting toons from trooper champ
- Reccommended troopers? and/or heros to use...
- Strong prisoners add me!!
- Can anyone lend me their champion :)
- Troopers feel free to delete me. Taking a break
- Are troopers a must have...
- maxed out troopers needed, i use all daily :)
- Tracking trooper usage
- Trooper Preferance
- Three Trooper Slots Open
- Esquatcho/Gringo on Holidays
- Any Trooper with Viking Eddie?
- Troopers for a friend
- Feel free to remove me (Leo-0280)
- Apologies to My Troopers
- Feel free to replace me with an active trooper
- New Troopers Welcome - Daily Player
- Scream for me Troopers!!
- Another "feel free to drop me" post to my Troopers.
- Feel free to remove me (Hellrider-5543)
- You can remove me (13579-9546)
- Feel free to remove me IronMik-8041
- Daily player Looking for troopers
- Remove me as well - Ringe666-7406
- Help pick my Champion for 2017!
- Feel free to drop me as a Trooper - osiris-0220
- Feel free to add me as a Trooper!!
- Talisman Packs??
- Trooper Casualties
- A message to my troopers! (Vertax-1387)
- Daily player few troopers spots open
- Sorry troopers, the bugs have won this time!
- Troopers question
- Looking for a Viking Eddie trooper. Anyone? :)
- Apologies to troopers... but this is the last straw.
- 4 Slots Open
- Shallow Pool
- Looking for Troopers..
- Bringing my daughter...
- Returning after some time away
- Replace me as your trooper, AmBush-1902
- Feel free to drop me as a Trooper - vgta99-8855
- 10 Troopers went inactive this week
- Trooper points limit
- I'm out for good
- Fellow trooper coming through, feel free to add me!
- I'm quitting LotB, please drop my trooper (Sinister-2035)
- Gonna drop some troopers for now...
- Daily player Looking for 2 troopers
- Trooper Request
- Another Trooper Down!
- Plz add my son
- Taking a break - Kardas-1158
- Troopers badges
- Trooper Toss!
- Uninstalling Time (Chernobog-4295)
- Looking for Troopers
- Who wants to Join my team!?
- Temporary leave
- Finally i am back! + Looking for troopers with Eddies
- Looking for 2-3 daily players.
- Time for a break (Bobo-5710)
- M.i.a.
- Looking for 3 troopers
- To all my troopers
- Looking for Greg-9744
- Calling all daily players
- Message To My Troopers
- Need a break (Hornetaker-8818)
- Time for another break.. (osiris-0220)
- Call to all daily players, I have 2 spots open ;-)
- Time for a break-ish? (Emile-3944 )
- Sorry guys, have to throttle back my game a bit...
- Daily player looking for troopers, Please add me! Hammerhil-8671
- To all my troopers
- Can I borrow a Viking Eddie?
- Another One Bites The Dust?
- Daily Troopers Needed
- Game crashed and now won't load. Pls don't drop me, trying to fix it.
- Vacation (Soultakerr-4873)
- To all my loyal troopers
- Goodbye Troopers
- Need 1
- remove me
- New Guy, Needs Active Troopers!
- Looking for daily players
- Looking for more daily players
- Kardas is back
- Looking for 15 daily players/troopers
- Preferences for troopers - Eddie or not?
- Blood Brothers
- Need troopers!
- Enti on holiday
- Shameless Request for Rainmaker
- Canyptian-2758 on Holiday/Vacation
- Troopers Needed
- Kardas' champion: Mummy vs. Navigator
- Champions for troopers to use
- Message to Thursty's Troopers
- Daily Troopers wanted
- Reducing my playtime for a while, troopers beware
- Gotta shut down second account, Johndoh-1283
- In need of Troopers.
- How can you tell when a Trooper has used you?
- Join the Beelzebub Friends Network Today!
- Alright, taking a break
- Tritium Clocking Out
- Inishmore Broken Phone
- Taking a quick vacation from technology
- Off to Chicago for the week. Will try to play all Troopers
- Dank Brew Where Are You?
- Trooper Inventory
- Crazypants -Vacation 6/14 - 6/17
- Dropping alt account
- I am back! (Vertax-1387)
- Looking for troopers to kick some @ss!!
- Treeb0mbb going to quit for some time
- (one) tex goes on vacation till mid july
- Overwhelmed with trooper requests
- My Trooper Friends
- May not be able to play much this weekend.
- May eventually happen that I won't be able to play in this forthcoming weekend...
- Not be able to play enough this weekend
- Farewell
- Leaving for now...
- Going on vacation for 2 weeks
- Holday Time - Monday to Monday next week
- Gone for a few days
- permadeth trooper rental available?
- Oopsies, won't be able to run all of you today
- Inishmore on Vacation
- Ian-5547 on short vacation
- zdm-1083 slow play :)
- New Event Starting: Dump Ringe
- Going Casual - No Action Required
- Emile-3944 saying goodbye
- Congrats FallenAngle
- Blackbolt on vacation...finally!
- FAO All my Troopers - away for next few days
- Vacation for a couple days...
- Time to say goodbye
- I need 4 troopers
- To my troopers
- Sid-2370 on vacation for a week
- On vacation
- Looking for 10 troopers
- Leaving On Vacation
- GotN on festival vacation 01/08 - 06/08 & 16/08 - 20/08
- Taking off a day or two.
- Early August Out Campin'
- Kardas on holiday
- Looking for a new and dedicated soldiers!
- From the Alchemist to his troopers
- Summer time
- Saving badges?
- Crazypants reducing play time.
- Tom Out
- Goodbye to my troopers
- To the players on my trooper list
- Back from holidays
- Not shure how much i can play this week.
- A short letter to my troopers.
- Pepp on vacation
- Askora checking out
- Farewell (sort of)
- Ladyofshadow Reduces her playing time
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