View Full Version : Guardian vs Strength (Fierce)

05-25-2018, 02:19 PM

I'm looking to build up my warrior team with samurai, reading troughout the forums i see a lot of people suggesting 6 guardian fierce for him but i really don't get it why i should do this, are those suggestions outdated? He has 1374 atk and 679 def, guardian gives him ~136atk (20% of def) and strength gives him ~206 (15% of atk). Why would i use guardian instead of power?

05-25-2018, 03:10 PM

I'm looking to build up my warrior team with samurai, reading troughout the forums i see a lot of people suggesting 6 guardian fierce for him but i really don't get it why i should do this, are those suggestions outdated? He has 1374 atk and 679 def, guardian gives him ~136atk (20% of def) and strength gives him ~206 (15% of atk). Why would i use guardian instead of power?

Hello! Don't use Guardian talismans on a Samurai Eddie! The recommendations for doing that were happening in the early days of the game when Guardian talismans were overpowered. Their stats have since been corrected and Strength talismans are clearly better for Samurai Eddie.

05-25-2018, 03:41 PM
*cough*cough* Echo *cough*

05-25-2018, 04:26 PM
Hello! Don't use Guardian talismans on a Samurai Eddie! The recommendations for doing that were happening in the early days of the game when Guardian talismans were overpowered. Their stats have since been corrected and Strength talismans are clearly better for Samurai Eddie.

That's the exact information i was looking for! Thank you!

*cough*cough* Echo *cough*

Do you use it? Is it worth? It's a four set right? I would have to grind for them that's why i'm asking. Maybe a health overwhelming for the fifth slot?

05-25-2018, 05:03 PM
Echo is totally worth it. When it works it's great. When it doesn't you still have good stats.

05-25-2018, 06:29 PM
Yeah Echo (Fierce and Safeguard only) will boost the ATK about the same as the Strength and when it fires, it is worth it.You can always throw 2 strength in there as well if you want, although I don't :)

05-25-2018, 10:18 PM
I like to use a set of Strength, one Piercing and one Advantage. Sure, having 2 greens cuts damage a little but I find once the piercing and advantage talis proc, it doesn't matter who the enemy is, they're in for a world of hurt. When used on a team with the crimson dog (with echo) and the red newborn who lowers defense by 80% on impact, as well as the Red hellhound or General Moustache who make for a great support unit with their Lifesteal and Attack up abilities. Although he's not used as much lately, ole Sammie's been at my side since the day the Red LoL dungeon first opened. Over time this is the most effective configuration I found, especially for autoplaying GoL X.

3 sets of Strength is fun though, as is 2 Strength and a piercing . Invisibility and and explosive were probably my favourite setup before his last tuning where they changed his cyclone shield ability. Buff removers were also a lot less prolific in those days making invisibility a relevant buff back then. Plus his fury would charge extra fast with those. Same as for Strike/Chance setup. Also lots of fun.

He carried me through the game and remains one of my favourite Eddies to this day. Doesn't work everywhere but damn, where he works, he works f**king well.

Enjoy your new Eddies.

05-26-2018, 11:47 AM
Echo is totally worth it. When it works it's great. When it doesn't you still have good stats.

Yeah Echo (Fierce and Safeguard only) will boost the ATK about the same as the Strength and when it fires, it is worth it.You can always throw 2 strength in there as well if you want, although I don't :)

That's it, i'll start farming them on the next days!

I like to use a set of Strength, one Piercing and one Advantage. Sure, having 2 greens cuts damage a little but I find once the piercing and advantage talis proc, it doesn't matter who the enemy is, they're in for a world of hurt. When used on a team with the crimson dog (with echo) and the red newborn who lowers defense by 80% on impact, as well as the Red hellhound or General Moustache who make for a great support unit with their Lifesteal and Attack up abilities. Although he's not used as much lately, ole Sammie's been at my side since the day the Red LoL dungeon first opened. Over time this is the most effective configuration I found, especially for autoplaying GoL X.

3 sets of Strength is fun though, as is 2 Strength and a piercing . Invisibility and and explosive were probably my favourite setup before his last tuning where they changed his cyclone shield ability. Buff removers were also a lot less prolific in those days making invisibility a relevant buff back then. Plus his fury would charge extra fast with those. Same as for Strike/Chance setup. Also lots of fun.

He carried me through the game and remains one of my favourite Eddies to this day. Doesn't work everywhere but damn, where he works, he works f**king well.

Enjoy your new Eddies.

Well, i have strength, piercing and advantage almost maxed out, maybe i'll take a shot and see what happens. Sadly i don't have a good support team for him, i'm using red COTD and UR, already sacrificed tons of red newborns, i'll keep the next one and wait for a good support.

Thank you so much! \m\