View Full Version : Calculating SoW needed to clear Gauntlet

08-04-2018, 11:09 AM
Let’s tally actual SoW/ironite needed to clear Gauntlet
Hopefully someone can then make a proper list in guides section
For now, leave a comment below
Example: Level X = 3 battles @ 3 SoW each / 9 SoW total

08-04-2018, 12:33 PM
Go to announcements and then the beta thread. I believe blade gave a break down of the costs.

08-04-2018, 03:30 PM
Thanks to Blade, Shalindo, R1ck & Kamuz for the info..

Rank F = 2 battles @ 1 SoW / 2 SoW total
Rank E = 3 battles @ 2 SoW / 6 SoW total
Rank D = 3 battles @ 3 SoW / 9 Sow total
Rank C = 4 battles @ 4 SoW / 16 SoW total
Rank B = 5 battles @ 5 SoW / 25 Sow total
Rank A = 6 battles @ 6 SoW / 36 Sow total
Rank AA = 6 battles @ 7 SoW / 42 SoW total
Rank AAA = 5 battles @ 8 SoW / 40 SoW total
Rank S = 8 battles @ 9 SoW/ 72 SoW total
Rank SS = 10 battles @ 10 SoW / 100 SoW total
Rank SSS = 10 battles @ 10 SoW / 100 SoW total
TOTAL SoW = 448

08-04-2018, 03:55 PM
Rank SS and SSS are 10 matches each @ 10 sow / 200 sow total

08-05-2018, 01:31 AM
Just out of curiosity, are any new game features tested before they are released for everyone, say, on iPhones in the US for example? Meaning is the “Beta” version released regionally like in the UK for example or is there another method of testing that’s used? If this is be wrong place to ask—sorry. But not really — you’ll get over it.

08-06-2018, 03:18 PM
Does anyone have the IC rewards for each level? I started working through but the IC/SoW cost seems a lot lower than normal PVP (I know we get a few souls and evo materials but, to me, it seemed that Gauntlet was hyped to be a faster way of getting IC which just doesn't seem the case, at least at the lower levels). As I'm mainly after IC I'm unlikely to bother with Gauntlet due to the high cost per battle unless the ratio gets stupidly better at higher levels (enough to offset the initial low ratio).

So far I have:

Rank F - 6 x IC per victory @ 1 x SoW each = 6 IC/SoW
Rank E - 9 x IC per victory @ 2 x SoW each = 4.5 IC/SoW
Rank D - 12 x IC per victory @ 3 x SoW each = 4 IC/SoW
Rank C - 18 x IC per victory @ 4 SoW each = 4.5 IC/SoW

08-06-2018, 03:35 PM
...Gauntlet was hyped to be a faster way of getting IC

I am not sure if this is true. As I remember it was described as another way to earn IC or something similar. I also hoped for an additional (!) way to get IC, instead of an overpriced imitation of PvP (in terms of earning IC) draining the same currency. I like the Gauntlet for the challenge but the currency/cost/IC-return topic is disappointing.