View Full Version : Soldier Eddie (+others) Recovery

08-14-2018, 05:10 AM
As you know, Soldier, Grim reaper, Wicker Man, and Holy Smoke Eddie are acquired during the story and do not drop in souls. When the sacrifice feature arrived, I, and possibly a few others deemed them not too useful and sacrificed them away. I did not regret this until mission challenges arrived, requiring certain talisman load outs on these Eddie's making it quite difficult for me to achieve these.

So far the only way to recover a mistakenly sacrificed Soldier, Grim Reaper, Holy Smoke or Wicker Man Eddie is to contact NF and request a switch with one of your current Eddies. This is convoluted for players and, I imagine, a hassle for NF.

At the suggestion of forum member Yup, it would be much easier and more efficient to offer them for Frontier coins, or a suggestion of my own, offer a chance for their (currently non-existent) character fragments to drop in the world in which they appear in (and perhaps in Lord of Light or Brave New World for Grim Reaper)

What say all you?

08-14-2018, 08:40 AM
As far as I remember, I get Holy Smoke as a Starter, Soldier in Battlefield, Grim Reaper for completing Missions & had Wicker Man but I sac it while drunk).

Frontier Coins are to hard for Me to earn, so it's a no-no. About your suggestion, why not ?

08-14-2018, 09:05 AM
It is too long ago for me, but I am quite sure that HS was your starter, Wicker was aquired by clearing the first world and Soldier for clearing the battlefield and Grim for a certain number of cleared levels. Those 4 you cannot get (anymore) in other ways!
I think there are no changes needed. If you sacced them without knowing that you will need them for the missions, there seems to be a way to swap other Eddies with them if you ask the devs very friendly.
I really hope (and think that its the best way to go), that those essential (for missions) Eds get a fixed lock so that you cannot sacrifice them anymore. Maybe in the next update? I am getting tired to read the same posts here every week.
By the way: if you aren't sure what you can get from which souls, go to the Book of Souls -> Fragments and select a soul type of your choice. You will then see, which chars are possible from that type of soul.

08-18-2018, 06:09 PM
I just got all 4 back (Holy Smoke, Wicker Man, Grim Ripper, Soldier), thanks to NF Support. But I agree, you should be able to get them back somehow. Souls fragments on BNW or something like that.


08-18-2018, 06:27 PM
Grim Reaper is 5 star,what Eddie they used for him in exchange?i sacreficed him long time ago but i didn't know he is not in Magus rare soul...

08-18-2018, 07:06 PM
Grim Reaper is 5 star,what Eddie they used for him in exchange?i sacreficed him long time ago but i didn't know he is not in Magus rare soul...

All 3* dups. 2 SoL, a Mummy and a Run to the Hills.