View Full Version : Have you heard, have you heard?
The Educated fool
08-25-2016, 12:45 AM
I thought it might be interesting, given the varied musical tastes represented here, to have a thread where members post favourite or interesting or unusual songs/pieces/compositions they've come across in their time shuffling through this mortal coil.
I'll start us off with this curiosity: The Knife - Still Light -- CLICK HERE (
I found this song fascinating, myself... have you heard? :cool:
08-25-2016, 02:20 AM
Well that was... Unique, in a good way thou, not much on the vocals thou, creepy, REALLY creepy, but its good in its own way.
If i had to choose a wierd song, id say chum drum bedrum? U may have heard of it, but still its really, different. I prefer the nightcore version of it thou
08-25-2016, 02:37 AM
Damn... that was creepy interesting.
I think Bjork is out of the question :P
I saw this guy street performing some years ago while I was traveling and he blew my mind, I usually dont like beatboxing but he was incredible.
The Educated fool
08-25-2016, 02:59 AM
Well that was... Unique, in a good way thou, not much on the vocals thou, creepy, REALLY creepy, but its good in its own way.
If i had to choose a wierd song, id say chum drum bedrum? U may have heard of it, but still its really, different. I prefer the nightcore version of it thou
Isn't it? It's one of the most interesting, creepy songs I've ever heard. I'd loop this in the background of a haunted house. :cool:
That is indeed a weird song, and no, I hadn't heard it. Made me think of THIS ONE ( from Hot Chip. The song you post doesn't have to be weird, mind you... it could be any obscure, strange, interesting, unique, or just plain awesome (to your taste) song at all (Like THIS ONE ( from the Crash Test Dummies). Just to share a bit of music that made you stop and listen. :cool:
All that having been said, here's another weird one. I kinda wish that Dio could have covered this... CLICK HERE (
The Educated fool
08-25-2016, 03:18 AM
Damn... that was creepy interesting.
I think Bjork is out of the question :P
I saw this guy street performing some years ago while I was traveling and he blew my mind, I usually dont like beatboxing but he was incredible.
Nice one. Some interesting sounds, and it got my toe tapping too.
My brother showed me that first, creepy song... it was actually being used for the soundtrack of a documentary on Jeffrey Dahmer, when he heard it. Seems fitting, somehow...
08-25-2016, 03:37 AM
Nice one. Some interesting sounds, and it got my toe tapping too.
My brother showed me that first, creepy song... it was actually being used for the soundtrack of a documentary on Jeffrey Dahmer, when he heard it. Seems fitting, somehow...
First thing that came to my mind was this instrument called waterphone... it's commonly used in horror movies. I got to play one once and they are creepy AF, really simple to build too.
The Educated fool
08-25-2016, 03:48 AM
Right on. I remember seeing one of these before in some documentary or other on horror special effects... very cool. :cool:
08-25-2016, 05:21 AM
Very creepy and weird, but awesome!
The Educated fool
08-25-2016, 04:44 PM
Glad you dug it, man. Have you heard anything cool lately? :cool:
08-27-2016, 03:22 AM Best song ever
The Educated fool
08-27-2016, 03:40 AM
lol--The person who wrote that is probably hoping that McDonald's hears that one day...
The Educated fool
10-07-2016, 05:42 PM
A little something for a Friday afternoon...
10-07-2016, 07:45 PM
New Alter Bridge out today. If you haven't heard them do yourself a favor and give them a shot.
1) Arch Enemy had me until Linda Blair starting...singing?
2) That Alter Bridge is actual cool, never listened to them before. It seems that may have been released just in time for the US election season.
and here is one that causes a lot of controversy, but I do love it
The Educated fool
10-08-2016, 06:10 PM
1) Arch Enemy had me until Linda Blair starting...singing?
lol--You ought to see her do that live! Angela Gossow is amazing. Arch Enemy is not the same without her on the mic, though the new singer's alright.
The Educated fool
10-12-2016, 07:37 PM
Love this tune...
10-12-2016, 11:04 PM
Everytime is see this thread title, it reminds of this following clip/episode........., i refrained myself 5 times from posting this...
i guess it is in your fate today...
play it or regret :p
The Educated fool
10-13-2016, 04:53 PM
lol--The bird is indeed the word! ... and I have heard. :cool: The title of this thread is actually taken directly from the lyrics to WHEN THE WILD WIND BLOWS ( :cool:
10-15-2016, 12:47 AM
Although I will never argue against X-Japan.
Lets post some music until the servers are back up:
10-15-2016, 03:54 AM
lol--The bird is indeed the word! ... and I have heard. :cool: The title of this thread is actually taken directly from the lyrics to WHEN THE WILD WIND BLOWS[/URL]. :cool:
yeah! joke aside...
that's even better reference,they should put the maiden's lyrics into Education system,very rich! lots of things to learn.
Although I will never argue against X-Japan.
Lets post some music until the servers are back up:
Oh my! Rammstein! after long time,i've got so many favorites .. du hast was a national song once
Spiel Mit Mir,Asche zu Asche...
Te Quiero Puta! ( not at all ) lol
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 06:28 PM
Lets post some music until the servers are back up:
That's the spirit, soldier! :cool:
10-15-2016, 06:29 PM
Here, something that fits into the occasion:
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 06:35 PM
Sweet! Clearly, while the wild wind continues to blow, Final Frontier is the disc to spin. :cool:
10-15-2016, 06:38 PM
Sweet! Clearly, while the wild wind continues to blow, Final Frontier is the disc to spin. :cool:
Only chose cause we're on the talisman nerfing discussion...I don't actually find myself often spinning this disc.
Actually rated it very low on the rank thread...on the top! (looking upside down :cool:)
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 06:48 PM
I have to be honest... that album was a grower for me. I like it now, but it took about 5 listens through the whole thing before I did. It's so very proggy!
10-15-2016, 06:56 PM
I still don't think of it as bad, just not good as the others. 'Proggy' yes, but has some weak songs + many of them unnecessarily long/repetive.
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 06:59 PM
Unnecessarily long is pretty much my definition of "proggy." :cool:
10-15-2016, 07:01 PM
You're not into Dream Theater then :cool:
10-15-2016, 07:02 PM
The final frontier is a really good album imo, there are better ofc but had it's good songs...
One unnecessary long song was "satellite 15... the final frontier" with it's 4 minute wtf is he saying at the beginning, but the last 5 mins are amazing
The alchemist, el dorado, the talisman, the man who would be king, when the wild wind blows, isle of avalon and starblind are great songs.
But mother of mercy and coming home ruined it for me... i didnt like them...
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 07:02 PM
You're not into Dream Theater then :cool:
Nope. Very little love for prog here. :cool:
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 07:04 PM
But mother of mercy and coming home ruined it for me... i didnt like them...
Coming home was one of the album's strongest tunes, to me... different strokes. :cool:
10-15-2016, 07:10 PM
Coming home was one of the album's strongest tunes, to me... different strokes. :cool:
I guess yeah... different tastes for different people!
Imo the best song would be either el dorado or the alchemist... i think the alchemist is the best cuz its fast paced, and das cool
But el dorado was long... and cool... and it had a story... HARD DECISIONS
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 07:36 PM
Hard decisions indeed! Try this one:
10-15-2016, 07:41 PM
WHERE DID U FIND THAT??? This is epic af
The Educated fool
10-15-2016, 07:51 PM
It was never lost, good Nekro. :cool: It was a part of Bruce's best of... one of two new ones... along with this:
10-16-2016, 02:01 PM
Cool, is it possible to find this as a cd or record? (Prob not)
Listening to songs on itunes isnt as great as on a cd or record...
On a cd or record you can touch and feel them... its like ebooks vs books, books are more apealing
10-16-2016, 02:33 PM
Best of Bruce Dickinson, 2disc cd , this particular one.
10-16-2016, 08:36 PM
Evening folks :)
All the new music you guys presenting here is probably good, yet completely unknown for me (apart of Maiden & Bruce solo stuff) because I am mostly listening the music from 70s - all kinds - blues, folk, prog rock, heavy, hard etc. Hardly listening new records - cause all good stuff was already recorded long ago :p So... I'll post you some great bands worth listening imho :)
A as Andromeda
Enjoy! :)
10-16-2016, 08:49 PM
Something a little bit outside the box.
10-17-2016, 11:35 PM
WHERE DID U FIND THAT??? This is epic af
You like Bruce's stuff, Nekro? So enjoy! :)
10-18-2016, 12:00 AM
You like Bruce's stuff, Nekro? So enjoy! :)
I wondered if anyone was gonna post old videos
10-18-2016, 12:03 AM
Nicko Gets pwned
10-18-2016, 12:06 AM
TISWAS Today Is Saturday Watch And Smile
The Educated fool
10-19-2016, 04:16 PM
Nice posts, folks! I enjoyed that bit outside the box, Dom! Here's one for the Wickerdog in all of us... everyone's favourite Pitbull-fronted band... Caninus! :cool:
10-19-2016, 05:05 PM
Well no song mentioned beats this one...
The Educated fool
10-19-2016, 07:17 PM
That was indeed a song of great beauty, Nekro... thanks for that! :cool:
The Educated fool
10-23-2016, 06:35 PM
Whistle a happy tune... :cool:
10-25-2016, 03:06 AM
very cool.:mát mẻ:
The Educated fool
11-05-2016, 03:39 PM
Jackyl with Brian Johnson... because one good collaboration deserves another! :cool:
The Educated fool
04-24-2017, 03:09 AM
No reason necessary... a revolution is its own reward. :cool:
oh, I wanna play this game too, even tough there's no game.
Any Thin Lizzy fan here?
The Educated fool
04-29-2017, 05:18 PM
Cool post, Grim. A nice little rocker, that one. :cool:
I'm not a huge fan of Thin Lizzy, but I definitely don't run away from them when they come up on the radio. lol
A little something to get the Arena juices flowing... :cool:
04-29-2017, 05:39 PM
This music doesn't fall under the metal category, but I absolutely love it. Figured some of you guys may enjoy it as well. It's instrumental, so if that's not your thing, I understand. Regardless, it's awesome to play in the background while doing other stuff!
The Educated fool
04-29-2017, 08:53 PM
Interesting stuff, Tritium. Thanks for posting. :cool: It's definitely got some punch to it, in parts.
04-29-2017, 08:57 PM
Cool post, Grim. A nice little rocker, that one. :cool:
I'm not a huge fan of Thin Lizzy, but I definitely don't run away from them when they come up on the radio. lol
A little something to get the Arena juices flowing... :cool:
Oh man, this song means more to me than you'll ever know. Now it's really on lol. I saw Ryan get close earlier and Master of Puppets came on randomly and I unleashed a quick 400 point lead, now there's really no hope! Whiplash, 4 Horsemen, gonna bump this album on repeat now, thanks :)
The Educated fool
04-29-2017, 09:02 PM
Oh man, this song means more to me than you'll ever know. Now it's really on lol. I saw Ryan get close earlier and Master of Puppets came on randomly and I unleashed a quick 400 point lead, now there's really no hope! Whiplash, 4 Horsemen, gonna bump this album on repeat now, thanks :)
Right on, man. :cool: Here's another to stoke the fires...
04-29-2017, 09:29 PM
Right on, man. :cool: Here's another to stoke the fires...
Haha oh shit, that song brings back so many memories of the days when I used to play Halo 1 and 2. So many of the semi-pros used that song in their Halo montages on YouTube. I loved the golden days of Halo!
The Educated fool
04-29-2017, 10:00 PM
I could see that. :cool: Definitely music to kill by.
05-03-2017, 11:06 PM
This is a masterpiece
Edit :I dont really know how to link shit to a url saves the day
Edit 2:Maybe like this?
Edit 3:Oh fuck it!
Edit 42:Hey it worked!
This is a masterpiece
Edit :I dont really know how to link shit to a url saves the day
Edit 2:Maybe like this?
Edit 3:Oh fuck it!
Edit 42:Hey it worked!
Things I do when I hear that Gamma Ray are coming to my country:
-Buy ticket
-Commence a countdown
05-04-2017, 08:43 PM
Things I do when I hear that Gamma Ray are coming to my country:
-Buy ticket
-Commence a countdown
Btw ive never ever been into a concert (due to the fact that bands rarely go near me, and that im poor af and cant travel... what is it like?
If any of you dig Death Metal a little bit, give this album a try. They were quite good, it's a pity they had to split up.
Also it feels as it was made in a mental institution.
05-04-2017, 10:33 PM
Btw ive never ever been into a concert (due to the fact that bands rarely go near me, and that im poor af and cant travel... what is it like?
For me, there are two kinds of concerts: music shows, and church.
You get a music show when you have a band just kind of doing their thing. Sure, the crowd gets into it. Maybe the band gets into it a little, or maybe they are just going through the motions. Good times can be had at a music show. Sometimes you wonder why you came.
Now a church show is a bit different. The band is on point. Every note is the right note, and it is delivered with emotion and passion. The crowd is brought from their regular state of being, to a higher state of group consciousness. Band and audience enter a symbiotic relationship, that elevates each.
Sometimes you get a music show from a band, and next time you see them its church.
Live music is where its at.
05-05-2017, 08:17 AM
A little offering for one of our favorite Eddies, as I seem to face him a lot in PvP, lately:
A little offering for one of our favorite Eddies, as I seem to face him a lot in PvP, lately:
Of course you face him a lot, you need no legendary soul nor Lady Luck on your side to get him. All you need is the right amount of ability to clear 3 objective on 255 quest. He is strong, you don't have to spend iron coin or ironite and pray for a stroke of luck, and you can use them to strenghten your eddies/toons.
05-05-2017, 04:17 PM
I think it's also because his AI got better lately, after a update, and he seems to be really good on defense right now, I like his triple attacks, when they're not against my team, of course. :p
05-05-2017, 04:48 PM
I think it's also because his AI got better lately, after a update, and he seems to be really good on defense right now, I like his triple attacks, when they're not against my team, of course. :p
I don't think they've done anything with his AI. As far as I know, he never uses his Cleave attack. A little less powerful than his Slash (and no retrigger), but it's aoe and has a chance for heal block. That's one of his abilities that I use most often.
The Educated fool
05-05-2017, 05:22 PM
Some nice heavy stuff, Grim and MoonShadow! The Dissection I'd heard before, but the Infernal Poetry was new to me, so thanks for that. :cool:
As for you, Nekro, and your Karaoke post (lol). Very nice. Put me in mind of this one:
05-06-2017, 07:23 AM
Some nice heavy stuff, Grim and MoonShadow! The Dissection I'd heard before, but the Infernal Poetry was new to me, so thanks for that. :cool:
As for you, Nekro, and your Karaoke post (lol). Very nice. Put me in mind of this one:
Wait a second... i posted a karaoke... well woops! Tried to find a one with lyrics, didnt bother with tye tutle, didnt even listen to it. Rip
05-13-2017, 05:29 AM
05-13-2017, 05:14 PM
Its a play on the wild wild berry, by the same guy, sam lee. Its made for king arthur (obviously)
Pretty good song
05-15-2017, 12:30 PM
Mercyful Fate - GypsyOh yeah!! One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite bands of all time!! King at its best & a amazing guitar solo. \,,/
Saw them last year at Rock Fest in Barcellona, never in my life I have seen a better frontman than Dee Snider.
The Educated fool
05-16-2017, 05:53 PM
Bruce included? Bold words indeed, good sir! lol :cool: Dee is awesome though, no argument there.
Bruce included? Bold words indeed, good sir! lol :cool: Dee is awesome though, no argument there.
Bruce Dickinson is a way better singer, nobody can deny it and also an awesome frontman, he has a presence on stage than very few can hope to match. However Dee Snider is simply the best at what he does, in more than 10 years of gig and festivals I have never seen anybody else who could set on fire the audience as he did last year.
P.s. yesterday was Ronnie James Dio's death date, this isn't my favourite Dio song but I have a special affection for the lyrics
05-30-2017, 10:31 AM
I like my metal with clean vocals and this is one of my fav metal bands. Nevermore - Dead heart in a dead world.
nothing is better than Kreator when you are pissed off
The Educated fool
06-08-2017, 04:36 PM
Kreator pretty much kick ass at any time, but I definitely agree they make a good mad better. :cool:
I've always liked this cover in an angry vein...
06-08-2017, 10:56 PM
Bored and messing around.
06-08-2017, 11:23 PM
Nice playing Askora!
I will also show something then :p
I am the drummer in the band.
06-08-2017, 11:34 PM
Nice playing Askora!
I will also show something then :p
I am the drummer in the band.
That's awesome! I've only played on stage once and that was about 30 years ago. I need to find someone to jam with, all I ever do is play for my dogs and they don't appreciate it. :cool:
Kreator pretty much kick ass at any time, but I definitely agree they make a good mad better. :cool:
I've always liked this cover in an angry vein...
oh! Anti-Nowhere League! I did not know that Metallica covered this song
Mood of the day
06-26-2017, 04:56 PM
Morbid Angel... anyone?? :D
06-26-2017, 10:48 PM
Ария. Баллада о древне-русском воине. Aria. The ballad of ancient Russian warrior.
Cover Time!
Is there a cover that you particularly appreciate?
The Educated fool
07-01-2017, 08:04 PM
Sweet cover! How about this one? :cool:
07-01-2017, 08:08 PM
Lots of interesting stuff.
I don't have much to share, you probably all know this one.
I can't get enough of it though.
07-01-2017, 09:32 PM
I'm still laughing with Children of Bodom's cover.
I hope you like this one, to add something to your music collection.
Children of Bodom...what a bunch of moron XD
07-04-2017, 05:55 PM
Hell yeah Grim love me some Gamma Ray.
07-25-2017, 11:45 PM
Evenin'/Mornin' all :)
Some chicks from U.S. for you this time... Enjoy!
07-26-2017, 09:04 AM
Some of my favs (Pantera, Mr Bungle, AIC) been posted recently and some I haven't heard of before like Avantasia, that particular tune was quite interesting :)
Here's a band I've been enjoying quite a bit lately - Elder.
07-28-2017, 02:14 AM
Some of my favs (Pantera, Mr Bungle, AIC) been posted recently and some I haven't heard of before like Avantasia, that particular tune was quite interesting :)
Here's a band I've been enjoying quite a bit lately - Elder.
I liked that Elder tune. Are you a proto metal fan Alch?
Ive listening to a shit ton of Fantasy influenced Trad Metal lately (Manila Road, Cirith Ungol etc....). Below is taken from my favorite metal album of 2016.
07-28-2017, 03:42 PM
I liked that Elder tune. Are you a proto metal fan Alch?
It depends on the band really. If its rock or more traditional sounding metal (not death or black) there's a good chance I'll like it.
Here's some Cathedral.
08-13-2017, 06:41 PM
Evenin' all :)
Some classics for you...
Evenin' all :)
Some classics for you...
Witkacy 🙂
Like those old rock classics! Just saw Europe and Status Quo on W:O:A. Great musicians & music!
08-13-2017, 08:10 PM
Witkacy 🙂
Like those old rock classics! Just saw Europe and Status Quo on W:O:A. Great musicians & music!
GotN :)
As for Europe... Started to listening hard rock pretty early - being a kid thanks to elder cousins... My adventure with Europe began in 1984 (already been fan of Maiden)... Here in Poland we were ''behind the iron curtain'' at that time - literally... Music from the so called ''West'' was very expensive and available on black markets... My uncle had the chance to go abroad pretty often - being truck driver... Once he bought me in one of the Swedish shops - a tape of ''new band called Europe''... He already knew that I am crazy about Maiden, and he wished to buy something ''heavy'' and shop assisstant gave him ''Wings Of Tomorrow''...
I have to say that very much liked the album, and when later on they become worldwide popular thanks to ''The Final Countdown'' here was real hysteria about them... Almost everyone at school wished to borrow the tape from me LOL...
Not a true fan as for albums post ''The Final Countdown'' (''Out Of This World'', ''Prisoners...'' etc.) Lately they seem to back to their roots with more heavy stuff... Seen them once they performed free open air gig in Warsaw back in 2010...
Here you can watch how it was (the film done not by me though... I was in zone ''0''... All these people standing at the barriers were behind my back... Before me was just the stage and so the band :))
Witkacy 🙂
Great story, thanks for sharing! They performed it like this on W:O:A too. Wish I would have stood as near on stage as you did, must have been amazing! But that's nearly impossible there. Could we see you in the vid? Maybe on the screen showing the crowd directly in front of the stage? 😉😄
08-14-2017, 08:35 AM
Witkacy 🙂
Great story, thanks for sharing! They performed it like this on W:O:A too. Wish I would have stood as near on stage as you did, must have been amazing! But that's nearly impossible there. Could we see you in the vid? Maybe on the screen showing the crowd directly in front of the stage? 😉😄
GotN :)
I just quick looked at it and haven't found myself at the recording... I am rather short guy, you know LOL
08-16-2017, 10:10 PM
Evening all :)
In today's episode:
Some prog rock band from Finland: Kalevala - People No Names (1972)
08-17-2017, 11:09 PM
Evening all :)
In today's episode:
Some prog rock band from Finland: Kalevala - People No Names (1972)
There's something I've never heard before. Kinda space rock, reminds me of Hawkwind a bit
08-18-2017, 07:25 PM
There's something I've never heard before. Kinda space rock, reminds me of Hawkwind a bit
Freeze :)
I loved it as everything from 70s era... Thanks for posting good music :)
Today - we go down under to hear Buffalo - simply the best band from Australia... Enjoy!
08-23-2017, 05:04 AM
I haven't read through all the pages of this thread, so I'm not sure if somebody's mentioned them yet, but Iron Fire is an awesome (I think Danish) power metal band. They sound to me sort of like a combination of Iron Maiden, Dragonforce, and Disturbed. Here's a link to their song Kill for Metal from their "To the Grave" album. I think it's a pretty good song to serve as an introduction to the band. This song has kind of a slow intro, but explodes after 15 or 20 seconds
08-26-2017, 05:20 AM
Oh! And how did I forget to mention?!
This is quite possibly my favorite song in the world. It is from Bruce Dickinson's Accident of Birth album and I think an explanation of its lyrics is necessary to fully appreciate what a masterpiece it really is. For the first part of the song Bruce sings of "hellriders" (obviously referring to the four horsemen of the apocalypse) coming along and doing various bad things to the world, while the chorus tells about the "Wheel of Dharma running out of time." When he finishes singing about the fourth hell rider, the song slows down and, after a brief melodic interlude and a reference to the silver surfer which is lost on me, he goes back to singing about the "Wheel of Dharma."
"Dharma" is a Buddhist term that refers to all the collective teachings of Buddha. Well, basically all Buddha ever taught was to be nice to each other. Murder, stealing, lying, war, rape, torture... just refrain from that stuff. Just don't do anything violent or deceitful, that's all Buddha ever taught. So Bruce's reference to the "Wheel of Dharma running out of time," alongside tales of the hell riders destroying society, is clearly him saying that the world is ending because we aren't being nice to each other. There is too much war and too many lies for us to go on living, but we can stave off the apocalypse, give our species a little more time and give the next generation a chance to turn it all around, if we can just be good to each other. The song is very fun and heavy at the beginning, and very emotional and uplifting at the end.
08-30-2017, 07:58 AM
Just in case you didn't know him. I think his guitar play is pretty amazing:
The Educated fool
09-06-2017, 01:25 AM
A fun, mostly forgotten song. :cool:
09-07-2017, 08:44 PM
Good evening, everyone :)
As some reminiscence of latest events going on here, with some dedication obviously goes to... ;)
Iron Maiden - Falling (1969)
P.S. I owned this record, yet I thought some day if I manage to meet Stevie in the near future - I will give it to him as the souvenir for remembrance the meeting and so Polish fans, so I did in 2000... Still have the digital copy ripped as wavs of the original CD in my collection and use to listen sometimes...
09-18-2017, 01:46 PM
Best Maiden Song that they never wrote.
09-19-2017, 08:48 AM
Best Maiden Song that they never wrote., I haven't listened to the Flots&Jets since ages and this song does sound good, although it has many elements from IM songs, but it's a nice tribute.
09-19-2017, 05:11 PM
Their last album is worth checking out. Back to the old school. I'm looking forward to seeing them headline next years K.I.T. Festival in Lauda-Königshofen. I go there every year. It's about 30 minutes from my home and one of the coolest festivals I know.
09-20-2017, 12:24 PM
Hmm, I should give it a try, then, I like when old bands still got it.
...and I like most when new bands still play in the vein of the good 'ol days, and I am speaking now about bands I'm sure you saw them performing at the KIT festivals lately, bands like Enforcer, Portrait, In Solitude (RIP), Cauldron, Evil Invaders, Attic... to name but a few bands that came out with some good music. Nice for you to be so close to that festival area! :cool:
Cover Time!
10-04-2017, 09:30 PM
Good evenin' all :)
In today's trip to past times in search of great and sometimes forgotten bands we go to Italy - the land of PLENTY of excellent prog bands like you would have found nowhere else...
P.S.: Lots of flute in this one, so any particular Jethro Tull fans here on the forum should be delighted ;)
Dalton - Stagione Che Muore (1973)
10-07-2017, 03:26 AM
Bruce covering Black Sabbath, speaks for itself..
10-08-2017, 03:59 AM
I know it might be sacrilege (of the unholy kind) to say this, but I actually like this one better than the original.
The Educated fool
10-08-2017, 10:23 PM
Satyricon's a strong band... makes sense they'd do a sweet cover. :cool:
Always liked that Sabbath cover by Bruce a lot too... that was probably my favourite tribute album of all time.
Have you heard this one?
Jalen Robinson
10-10-2017, 01:58 PM
I know it might be sacrilege (of the unholy kind) to say, but I actually like this one better than the original.
Hail to the Hordes!
The Educated fool
10-22-2017, 03:36 PM
It's Sunday. Go outside and walk in some leaves or something! :cool:
The Educated fool
01-18-2018, 10:10 PM
Some men... just want to watch the world burn... :cool:
02-09-2018, 04:54 PM
After discussing it in the wrong thread, I want to post it in the right spot as well: The latest single of my bands new Album "The Lemming Project". I hope you enjoy.
The Educated fool
02-10-2018, 12:18 AM
After discussing it in the wrong thread, I want to post it in the right spot as well: The latest single of my bands new Album "The Lemming Project". I hope you enjoy.
Cool tune... I dug the vocals! :cool: Which member of the band are you, if I may ask?
02-10-2018, 03:34 PM
Awesome tune Inishmore!
Sharing with all my friends the link to the music.
I also an intrigued to know who are you.... lol.
Cheers, Ed.
Again Inish, awesome stuff! After watching the video again, you are the guitar player, right?
02-10-2018, 05:48 PM
Again Inish, awesome stuff! After watching the video again, you are the guitar player, right?
I also think he is the guitar player, just got his badges and had a closer look at his pic.
Cheers, Ed.
02-12-2018, 01:07 PM
I also think he is the guitar player, just got his badges and had a closer look at his pic.
Cheers, Ed.
Yes, I am the guitar player and (male) singer. Great to hear that some people like it.
03-16-2018, 03:46 PM
Hey, Inishmore, nice to see you playing in a (good!) band. Cool stuff. I've always thought that your nick is related to a Riot album.
I came here to say about the new Judas Priest album, "Firepower", which I found extremely good. I've just listened to it on the youtube and it really rocks. This band is like wine: older gets better.
03-16-2018, 05:03 PM
Really liking the new Priest too - got it on Spotify and added several tracks from it to my Priest playlist! Some ace tunes on this - like the singles a lot and Spectre is a good one. Only heard it a few times but already sinking in.....
03-16-2018, 06:16 PM
*Sigh* Seems a lot of people are liking the new Priest album. I tried so hard to get in to them over the years but I always preferred Halford's first two solo albums to Priest. But you guys, my guitar player and even my brother are all telling me it's good...
On another note, new Visigoth is out and is great! Also, check out a band called Night, from Sweden. Their new(er) album called Raft of the World is randomly hella good.
03-16-2018, 06:18 PM
Oh, and speaking of Riot, Riot V has a new album coming out in April!
Time for some old stuff from my country
04-08-2018, 06:53 AM
Been listening to Power Trip's Nightmare Logic a bit lately.
Edit: Here's a link:
The second track, Executioners Tax, really pulls me in.
Do you dig prog rock?
04-10-2018, 11:51 PM
Anyone remember those Metal Massacre compilations from the 80’s-90’s? There was some great stuff on some of those.
Anyone remember those Metal Massacre compilations from the 80’s-90’s? There was some great stuff on some of those.
Nope, too young for that.
04-12-2018, 01:29 AM
Do you dig prog rock?
Thanks for sharing, just listened all the way through, good stuff.
04-29-2018, 11:20 PM
Been getting into Mastodon's Emperor of Sand lately. Latest video for their track Clandestiny is classic Mastodon having fun. Lots of silly references all over.
05-09-2018, 08:47 AM
Reflections of a floating world - Elder
05-09-2018, 01:49 PM
Vicious Rumors - Digital Dictator - 30 years old (!!)
Been going back to the 80s for a few weeks now and this album was a shred essential back in the day - got into them through hearing the first Vinnie Moore album on Shrapnel (he played on the first album by VR). Carl Albert (RIP) was a top singer and these guys are a top band. Kind of like heavy Judas Priest style (Painkiller) - power metal I guess if it had a label attached to it. Very melodic though and loved all the solos too. They had a not so strong patch after Carl was killed (car accident) but then got back to the core sound with the last few albums which are very good - not quite as high marks as the first four or five though!
Digital Dictator and the Self Titled that followed are my faves of theirs.
05-15-2018, 02:34 AM
Procession's Doom Decimation is also getting some high rotation on my playlists, particularly tracks like One by One They Died:
05-15-2018, 10:23 AM
Procession's Doom Decimation is also getting some high rotation on my playlists, particularly tracks like One by One They Died:
Gave this a spin on Spotify - really very good. The vocals are maybe not the strongest but the music is great. Vocals I can get used to I think so nice find there!
05-15-2018, 01:35 PM
If you like Procession, then do give Argus a try - better singing I think and the music is great. Another smallish band no one had heard of - you can get them on Spotify.
05-16-2018, 05:01 AM
Part way through Argus's From Fields of Fire and liking it so far. Thanks Scott! Great recommendation.
05-16-2018, 09:29 AM
Only just discovered them myself a couple of weeks ago. They have some great tracks and overall each album is actually a great listen. Almost instantly liked them on first listen of each album. Not sure why I missed them for all these years but Spotify is great for recommendations. Quite a bit of Maiden in their sound - also a little bit of Baroness at times - if you have not heard Baroness give their Blue or Red albums a spin. Have you listened to much Kadavar? Another great band I stumbled on through Spotify and seen them a couple of times now. Same with The Sword - now one of my fave bands and that was another Spotify recommendation - listen to any of their albums but for me High Country is ace but try this one for a starter:
Good Old School Heavy Metal, naive as f*** and heartwarming for the very same reason.
05-16-2018, 10:20 PM
Good Old School Heavy Metal, naive as f*** and heartwarming for the very same reason.
Fucking yes! I dig JSBS. Gotta love the crossover vocalists from/to Riot as well. Rhett Forrester was awesome, and gotta love Todd Michael Hall's voice. He's a good singer for Riot.
05-17-2018, 10:21 AM
Yeah - really old school style but I like it as it is done well. Good singer and good band too. Riot are another fave of mine but only just got into them over last few months.
05-17-2018, 06:09 PM
Yeah - really old school style but I like it as it is done well. Good singer and good band too. Riot are another fave of mine but only just got into them over last few months.
You're in for a treat, for sure. I've been listening to Riot for about...damn...12 years now at least. I'm starting to feel old...Immortal Soul (the return of the Thundersteel line up and Mark Reale's final album) is really good. One of their best. Riot V is a continuation of Riot after Mark's death. They keep alive the Riot sound that Mark Created.
05-18-2018, 09:22 AM
You're in for a treat, for sure. I've been listening to Riot for about...damn...12 years now at least. I'm starting to feel old...Immortal Soul (the return of the Thundersteel line up and Mark Reale's final album) is really good. One of their best. Riot V is a continuation of Riot after Mark's death. They keep alive the Riot sound that Mark Created.
Yeah, I have to say that I like the classic metal sound and the singers have always been decent too - I happened on them again through Spotify as I have been a Vicious Rumors fan since they started and Riot were a Spotify recommendation - they were not wrong. Great stuff. Great for in car music while driving!
05-18-2018, 02:36 PM
Yeah, I have to say that I like the classic metal sound and the singers have always been decent too - I happened on them again through Spotify as I have been a Vicious Rumors fan since they started and Riot were a Spotify recommendation - they were not wrong. Great stuff. Great for in car music while driving!
Agreed. VR is a favorite of mine as well. You should also check out Night. Their third album Raft of the World is surprisingly good. Savatage is always good. Airbourne and Enforcer are also greats if you like that old school sound. My list could go on, so I'll just stop there.
I haven't done Spotify at all. I just go to Google Play and check out the suggested artists there based on what I'm searching for. Found some awesome stuff there.
Oh, and a great way to learn of some new old school sounding bands is to check out the Youtbe channel: NWOTHM Full Albums. I've come across great things there.
05-18-2018, 05:08 PM
Agreed. VR is a favorite of mine as well. You should also check out Night. Their third album Raft of the World is surprisingly good. Savatage is always good. Airbourne and Enforcer are also greats if you like that old school sound. My list could go on, so I'll just stop there.
I haven't done Spotify at all. I just go to Google Play and check out the suggested artists there based on what I'm searching for. Found some awesome stuff there.
Oh, and a great way to learn of some new old school sounding bands is to check out the Youtbe channel: NWOTHM Full Albums. I've come across great things there.
I'll give a night a check too - also just got a note on email that Riot are playing Glasgow soon doing Thundersteel annoversary tour! Result, for me so going to go to see them then I think.
The Educated fool
06-14-2018, 03:51 PM
Anyone encounter any cool new metal bands lately? I have a hankering to hear something new... :cool:
Here is something old, but great.
06-26-2018, 02:53 AM
Anyone encounter any cool new metal bands lately? I have a hankering to hear something new... :cool:
Here is something old, but great.
Mmm... idk if u have ever heard of powerwolf but damn ive been possessed by their songs recently, great band!
here's this, hope yall like it!
also check out system of a down, although im sure youve already heard of it (You know everything)
really great band!
also rip urls instead of videos cus only 1 vid can be used lol
Also! Hi guys! How's it going?
The Educated fool
06-28-2018, 06:53 PM
Oy, Nekro! Good to see ya, lad! :cool:
I have indeed encountered SOAD before (though I'm not sure this immediately qualifies me to claim that I know everything... I mean... I DO, but I'm not sure that this, specifically, is what qualifies me to claim it... ;-) ) lol They're a cool band.
Powerwolf are a cool band too. Your taste clearly remains impeccable (Hallowed criticisms notwithstanding... lol ;-) )
How have things been with you of late, amigo? Keeping busy? :cool:
The Educated fool
06-28-2018, 06:56 PM
Velvet Revolver, for no reason!
Booyakasha! :cool:
The Educated fool
06-28-2018, 08:10 PM
I just came across... this thing, on the Youtubes (because I lead a charmed life... lol) and figured I ought to share it, in the true spirit of this thread. It... is not a sane thing. :cool: Enjoy! :p
06-28-2018, 11:15 PM
The Educated fool
06-29-2018, 08:04 PM
Post something evil! :cool:
07-04-2018, 01:54 AM
Post something evil! :cool:
My god i freaking love this song, check out the powerwolf cover!
Im doing great m8, how u doin?
Here's something a bit out of the ordinary lol, been playing this game, insanely amazing soundtrack!
07-04-2018, 01:57 AM
You know whats actually out of the ordinary? The dark souls 3 soundtrack. Srsly, this song, is drugs for me. Not only is it my fav boss fight of all time, its also my fav soundtrack.
07-04-2018, 01:31 PM
and nekro is back for two days again before leaving for 6 months agaiN? :D man it's your time to break my post record, since i stopped playing and posting. just here to say hello to you, because you are an extraordinary mofo :P
07-04-2018, 02:11 PM
Post something evil! :cool:
Great song to workout to, gets you pumped up!
Post something evil! :cool:
The Educated fool
07-06-2018, 05:48 PM
Moar evil! :cool:
07-08-2018, 12:54 AM
and nekro is back for two days again before leaving for 6 months agaiN? :D man it's your time to break my post record, since i stopped playing and posting. just here to say hello to you, because you are an extraordinary mofo :P
Damn man u quit? Definitely gonna leave quite a legacy behind, sad to hear m8, ur a legend here. Im truly honoured that u came here just to say hello lol.
Also wtf who allowed u to get to 2098 posts? U piece of shit destroyed my milestone, still when they look back to the old times, they are gonna remember me as the one who got to 1k posts, and they will remember u as lots of things but mainly as the one who got to 2k posts, aka the false prophet. Or sth like that, my "cultism" is getting old dont u think?
Ill put you in my prayers... a fine dark soul to you... *quiet resolve edgelord emote*
The Educated fool
07-08-2018, 01:21 AM
*quiet resolve edgelord emote*
I have no idea what you said here, Nekro... I only know that it was beautiful. :cool:
07-08-2018, 01:24 AM
Damn man u quit? Definitely gonna leave quite a legacy behind, sad to hear m8, ur a legend here. Im truly honoured that u came here just to say hello lol.
Also wtf who allowed u to get to 2098 posts? U piece of shit destroyed my milestone, still when they look back to the old times, they are gonna remember me as the one who got to 1k posts, and they will remember u as lots of things but mainly as the one who got to 2k posts, aka the false prophet. Or sth like that, my "cultism" is getting old dont u think?
Ill put you in my prayers... a fine dark soul to you... *quiet resolve edgelord emote*
you are one of a kind dear nekro, we have way to few of those. keep on rocking bro and best of luck \m/
btw did you have to repeat classes again? :D:D :D
The Educated fool
07-08-2018, 01:27 AM
you are one of a kind dear nekro, we have way to few of those. keep on rocking bro and best of luck \m/
btw did you have to repeat classes again?
Mofoslauki... messin' with my thread. Punctuate it with the Youtubes! lol :p :cool:
EDIT: Nearly broke my own dang rule! lol
07-08-2018, 03:15 AM
Post something evil! :cool:[/QUOTE]
Money Hungry, Power thirsty,
Penny Pinching, Fear inflicting,
Double crossing, back stabbing
Promising eternity for a price
07-16-2018, 03:45 PM
you know i never understood why u never joined any of my cul... ahem... groups, what put u off? was it the cancerous leader? cus i gotta agree, screw that guy!
07-16-2018, 09:36 PM
you know i never understood why u never joined any of my cul... ahem... groups, what put u off? was it the cancerous leader? cus i gotta agree, screw that guy!
Are you alive Nekro? :) F'n Visions Eddie is back to milking cows and corrupting innocent oxes of holland..
The Educated fool
07-28-2018, 05:56 PM
F'N is forever! :cool:
08-02-2018, 03:59 PM
Alive is weird word to use, id say semi dead, im really only checking this thread every couple of days, some shit here is epic!
ALSO WAT IS THAT NEW AVATAR FOOL, you know i like how u mixed oldschool speed of light with new speed of light and mixed it with a jester. BUT BOI THAT NEEDS TIME TO GET USED TO
The Educated fool
08-02-2018, 06:03 PM
Alive is weird word to use, id say semi dead, im really only checking this thread every couple of days, some shit here is epic!
ALSO WAT IS THAT NEW AVATAR FOOL, you know i like how u mixed oldschool speed of light with new speed of light and mixed it with a jester. BUT BOI THAT NEEDS TIME TO GET USED TO
Not with just any jester, Nekro... with Edison. :cool:
I've been toying with this idea for a good while, as I've been using Edison himself as an av elsewhere (and even here, once, for a cup of coffee. lol)
The Educated fool
08-05-2018, 05:05 AM
... because Mt. Edmore here didn't need it's own thread, but DID deserve to be posted here somewhere. (Photo cred: Metal AF - Fb) :cool:
09-04-2018, 01:01 PM
Oi that art is sick.
I actuakly cried listening to this
09-15-2018, 04:07 PM
Someone post something. Fool, don't you let this thread die.
01-08-2019, 09:03 AM
Come on fam
Shaaaare ur soooongs
The Educated fool
01-10-2019, 07:39 PM
Okay, Nekro, just for you... try this one. :cool:
More on the topic "Hurt"
The Educated fool
01-12-2019, 06:45 PM
Cool tune, hold. I dig it! :cool:
Here's something for after the hurting stops.
The Educated fool
01-12-2019, 08:28 PM
Something new, simply because it crossed my newsfeed. :cool: I like her voice.
The Educated fool
01-12-2019, 08:29 PM
Also this, because it's neato.
01-27-2019, 07:38 PM
I haven't met anyone yet that is aware of this band but they are phenomenal!
01-28-2019, 02:13 AM
I haven't met anyone yet that is aware of this band but they are phenomenal!
I’ve been a fan for few years now. Not my type of vocals, but musically so damn cool. Quite odd they are Finish.
01-28-2019, 12:44 PM
Finally! Another person that knows this band! I enjoy the vocals personally and musically they are brilliant. I too was surprised when I found out they were Finnish. I'm hoping for a new album from them soon. It's been awhile since they've updated their website and since I don't speak Finnish, finding out any reliable information is a bit hard for me.
01-28-2019, 03:08 PM
01-28-2019, 03:10 PM
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