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View Full Version : No iron coin bonus

10-05-2018, 01:55 PM
I just opened 10 rare souls I got from farming and got no bonus iron coins. Is this not guaranteed or Is there just a % chance to get the iron coins?

10-05-2018, 03:17 PM
Sorry mate! They are guaranteed, I got 260 for 10 rare souls. Did you force quit and clear cache before the event started? And where did you farm 10 rare souls?? This would take like 1000 runs in LoL...
Regular Souls don't give anything...

10-05-2018, 03:39 PM
I farmed them from Warrior LOL runs. I did many runs over a few weeks and was going to save them for the next soul trade but since there were guaranteed iron coins I figured I'd do it. They did not give ANY iron coins. They gave iron Eddie frags but I don't need them.

10-05-2018, 03:50 PM
Hmm strange! Seems like you need to contact the support, sorry!

10-05-2018, 07:31 PM
I opened a support ticket and the response was that my transaction history showed that I had sacrificed 10 rare souls since the event began and got 10 iron Eddie fragments (shouldn’t it be 100 since the guarantee is 10 frags per soul?) and 270 iron coins (I absolutely did not receive iron coins).

What can I say? I certainly didn’t make it up. I mean it’s their event. If it never happened I would be fine with no iron coins, but since they have an event I figured I’d sacrifice rare souls that I’d have saved for the next soul trade or some other event. I don’t need more characters.

I’m not sure why there would be a problem just fixing the issue. Even a “hey yea sorry you didn’t get the iron coins but at this time there is no way to give them to you directly” would have been better than (and this is paraphrased) “you DID get the correct rewards, go F*#% yourself”.

Anyway I can get iron coins in the arena. Not worried about it. It’s the denial from NF and the insinuation that I’m either making it up or delusional that is disconcerting.

10-05-2018, 08:24 PM
I opened a support ticket and the response was that my transaction history showed that I had sacrificed 10 rare souls since the event began and got 10 iron Eddie fragments (shouldn’t it be 100 since the guarantee is 10 frags per soul?) and 270 iron coins (I absolutely did not receive iron coins).

What can I say? I certainly didn’t make it up. I mean it’s their event. If it never happened I would be fine with no iron coins, but since they have an event I figured I’d sacrifice rare souls that I’d have saved for the next soul trade or some other event. I don’t need more characters.

I’m not sure why there would be a problem just fixing the issue. Even a “hey yea sorry you didn’t get the iron coins but at this time there is no way to give them to you directly” would have been better than (and this is paraphrased) “you DID get the correct rewards, go F*#% yourself”.

Anyway I can get iron coins in the arena. Not worried about it. It’s the denial from NF and the insinuation that I’m either making it up or delusional that is disconcerting.

Hello Watchful Prism.

I've just spoken with our support team, and they recently sent you a response to your most recently reply with some clarifications. Please check your inbox when you get a chance for their most recent message.


10-06-2018, 01:59 AM
Update: Support explained in detail every transaction I had leading up to my opening a ticket. Support even apologized for mistakenly telling me I’d received only 10 Iron Eddie fragments when it was actually 100. I converted them anyway and was just mentioning it to be contrary—I didn’t care about those fragments at all. Support was patient with me as I complained ad nauseam about not getting Iron Coins. Turns out I was wrong (shocker!) so I’d like to apologize.

I was told that the iron coins did go into my total but since I didn’t see a notification I firmly believed I did not get any and started to argue about it. I didn’t even know how many I had before I summoned the souls so I would have no way to even confirm my suspicion, yet I assumed I didn’t get any iron coins and wasn’t exactly pleasant with support about it. And we all know what happens when we assume...

I’ll keep better track of things and not be so quick to complain in the future. I think we all get frustrated and sometimes vent about this or that, but next time I open a support ticket I’ll do my research before jumping to conclusions.

Best Regards,

10-06-2018, 02:28 AM
A smaller man would not have had to guts to admit he was wrong. Good on you.

10-06-2018, 02:01 PM
A smaller man would not have had to guts to admit he was wrong. Good on you.

Agree with you 100% Storm.