View Full Version : Official Gauntlet Discussion Post

10-15-2018, 12:07 AM
This is the main post to discuss the Gauntlet.

You can see the details for Gauntlet Season 1 in the Announcements forum post (https://forum.ironmaidenlegacy.com/showthread.php?10874-Gauntlet-Season-One-Win-Battles-in-the-Gauntlet-to-earn-Charlotte-Fragments!).

10-15-2018, 04:56 AM
First off, mazel tov on the Gauntlet coming out of beta and season one starting!

Real quick, here's a visual bug that has been hanging out since the my team option was made for the Gauntlet character roster.
When you're looking at your character selection screen before starting a fight in Gauntlet, you'll normally see the Sands of War that you have available. But when you click on My Team, you see your Sands of Time, and when you return to the Character selection, you won't see your Sands of War and instead you'll see Sands of Time.

It's a bit of a shame because I wasn't paying much attention and ended up accidentally buying a SoT mega pack when I meant to buy a SoW mega pack.

10-15-2018, 10:35 AM
Ok, once again, Gauntlet bugged... I've lost four battles ( level SS, #4) because , when my chars have inmunity or invencibility, they get shocked or damaged. WTF!!??... devs, i want my SoW back and my chars available to fight again.

10-15-2018, 02:58 PM
I was wondering whether, moving forwards, the Gauntlet will be sticking to the same rotation of Warrior/Magus, Magus/Sentinel, Sentinel/Gunner, Gunner/Assassin, Assassin/Warrior or whether they may be mixed around for each rotation e.g. Magus/Assassin or Warrior/Sentinel to give even more variety of possible team builds.

10-16-2018, 12:42 PM
What would cause Magus Chopper power move to only partially work?
No immunity or perfect immunity was in play.
Targeted Sekhmet. Perfect touch only stole one golden effect. Did not steal the others.
It did not transfer the negative effects.
Anyone have a clue why it only partially worked?

10-16-2018, 02:43 PM
What would cause Magus Chopper power move to only partially work?
No immunity or perfect immunity was in play.
Targeted Sekhmet. Perfect touch only stole one golden effect. Did not steal the others.
It did not transfer the negative effects.
Anyone have a clue why it only partially worked?

That's sad to hear! I stopped using him some months ago but until then he was really good for stealing ALL buffs and hence essential for many PvP matches before the Gods were introduced. Did you try again Tim? Maybe outside Gauntlet, so that we see if it is connected to Gauntlet somehow (unrealistic but who knows...) or a general problem.

10-17-2018, 01:23 PM
Tried him again in a second gauntlet battle and he stole a single gold buff the second time and none of the rest of his ability worked. I put in a ticket.
Have not tried outside of gauntlet.

10-17-2018, 01:29 PM
Tried him again in a second gauntlet battle and he stole a single gold buff the second time and none of the rest of his ability worked. I put in a ticket.
Have not tried outside of gauntlet.

That's disappointing! Thanks for testing and taking care of the ticket. Hopefully the chopper will find his way back to his old strength :)

10-21-2018, 05:54 PM
Are Horus and Prisoner in every team in SS level Gauntlet?


10-22-2018, 06:30 PM
I should undefeated this week. :mad:

My only lost this week was because of the bug I posted about here:

10-22-2018, 06:52 PM
Any suggestions on how to beat the SSS team of Hallowed Eddie, Magus Lilth, Alchemist, and Sekhmet?
I think I am out of relevant characters so I'm prolly going to have to quit here. I've tried what I thought were 4 pretty sure fire teams but I lost the coin toss 3 times and got wiped quickly and the last 2 tries I didn't have strong enough characters left to shut it down. I'm curious what would have worked? It wasn't for lack of effort, this one just stumped me.

Grats T-Man. That's pretty impressive!

10-22-2018, 07:10 PM
Any suggestions on how to beat the SSS team of Hallowed Eddie, Magus Lilth, Alchemist, and Sekhmet?
I think I am out of relevant characters so I'm prolly going to have to quit here. I've tried what I thought were 4 pretty sure fire teams but I lost the coin toss 3 times and got wiped quickly and the last 2 tries I didn't have strong enough characters left to shut it down. I'm curious what would have worked? It wasn't for lack of effort, this one just stumped me.

Grats T-Man. That's pretty impressive!

Thanks Tim! That’s one of the hardest teams to go against. What Eddies do you have left? Allies left?

10-22-2018, 08:27 PM
I have a surprising number of Eddies left. My support personnel is running a bit low. I've used DDE, PoM, Phantom, Hallowed, FotD, Cyborg, IE, GRE, VH, Navigator, Alex, SS, and Visions to this point.
I have teams that can beat this, but they got used already. I will prolly try one or two more times before I give up completely. At this point I'm not losing anything but SoW. I think my next attempt will focus on using Curse and hoping Lilith doesn't get invincibility off too quickly.

10-22-2018, 09:04 PM
Destiny on the M Lilith seems to give invincibility with every turn now. A real pain in the ass. Look for support that removes buffs, and make good use of your talisman as well.

10-23-2018, 06:40 PM
Crusader Eddie finally broke this team for me. I'm 2 Battles beyond it now and hope to get a couple more before I run out of characters.

10-23-2018, 08:12 PM
This used to be a post about strategy in Gauntlet but the devs are not playing fair.

It worked with season 1 of Gauntlet but since we went back to unrealistic talisman setups of the enemy (wrong colors) - Gauntlet - especially in higher levels - has become a lottery. It's no fun at all because you can't plan fights against something you cannot predict.

Another feature with potential that got destroyed by those morons in charge.

10-23-2018, 11:28 PM
I have to admit the sacrifice event was great and cleared out a lot of my inventory - but I got a lot of useful stuff as well. Greatest event ever - by far! But now I need to wait for sentinel LOL to get 1* green evo shards because I can't upgrade my last blocker - a sentinel Dog of War who btw can wear Eternal talismans.

Despite the bugs I really like Gauntlet as it forces you to think outside the box. Arena is mostly a brainless bashing with a good portion of luck involved.

Gauntlet is great and the costs are OK since we have 2 weeks time plus you get enough SoW sacrificing common souls.

Of course you need a deep roster and the rare talismans plus Relics help - but if you do the fun begins. I think I enjoy the building of a counter team with allies I normally never use more than the actual fight.

I want to share a few things to help others:

1. Check every single char what talismans she / he could wear - that includes 1* and 2*. A gunner worm can carry Primordeals! So does the gunner Golem I already used both. The Gunner Undead Hunter can carry Eternal talismans!
2. Those harpys (green, red, blue) are incredible useful against stunner teams. So is the With Doctor or some Hellraisers.
3. If you have valor talismans the 1* Pharao Sun Spirit is great help with his healing abilities plus he strips away golden buffs!
4. Check again for blockers - there are more in the game than you think. Yellow pumpkin is the latest blocker.
5. Try not to go all in. It's OK to bring a weaker ally if she / he can help with a set of the good talismans - I mainly go for Power, Eternal, Valor, Oracle. I haven't used the red heart yet but even that could wear Valor talismans to strip off some of those pesky golden buffs. If you have one real hitter the other three can be support. Wolf Cultist can wear Valor, Cultist Cleric can carry Eternal ... have a good look.
6. While planning the counter team already make up a strategy how to tear the enemy apart. Don't rush into fights - think about them. Plan for the worst case scenario not the best case. Always plan you go 2nd and how to turn the table. Some cleaners with Angel talismans are incredible useful. The sequence on taking the enemy down really is important.
7. There is no need to shard every ally fully. Sometimes all you need is that "Effect Chance +25%" and that will be support enough.
8. Got a Warlord (Trooper souls)? He can decide a battle really quick. You need a Power generator and his power move will put Ghost on an enemy. Now find somebody who can remove yellow buffs (remove not steal!) or maybe you have valor talismans that will do nice. That is an instant kill and the enemy is down to 3 maybe just lost the most valuable character. Works awesome against Blue Lilith with Destiny.

Any criticism? Yes - swapping talismans is an absolute pain in the butt. And you need to swap them all the time because in fact it is the talismans that win Gauntlet fights on the long run and not so much the allies. To give newer players a fair chance as well I really hope the devs make those very "must have" talismans available in a manner that also dediated players without deep pockets can participate,

And T-Man - I watched that run of you to 78/79 - highly impressive. Everyone else over 70 wins (I am on 68 right now) - also highly impressive because there is some real thinking and strategy behind (and possibly sometimes a bit of luck that everyone needs once in a while). Not sure if I can stay in the top 10 as I am running out of 5* allies and there are some really good players lurking ...

Screw PVP - long live Gauntlet! :) (and there was a Night City promised or at least a continuing story after the tour is finished ... well ...)

Thanks to the devs to make the fights hard but not unfair or impossible (unrealistic talisman setups ... because you cannot plan for a Beast Eddie with Primordeals ...)

Yep, great advise trooper. Talisman management is a must, and yes it is a huge pita! (pain in the ass). If the devs could add talisman management when holding down on a toon or something, it would help. I leveled up and sharded numerous toons since the gauntlet started. Even pumpkins!

I appreciate the nice comments! My only loss was bug related just after this gauntlet session started. It was during one of the rookie tiers. Like I would loose there. :p
Anyway, I calculated every battle once I got to SS. Spent way too much time doing this (won't do it to this extent very often), but if there is a time to do it, it is this session.

I also enjoy gauntlet more than the arena as well. Especially with the latest tweaks. I really have a hard time being motivated to play the arena at all right now. Really bugged, battles take way too long, etc.

10-23-2018, 11:44 PM
Crusader Eddie finally broke this team for me. I'm 2 Battles beyond it now and hope to get a couple more before I run out of characters.

Glad you broke through Tim. Good luck on getting a few more wins.

10-24-2018, 02:13 AM
Thanks T-Man. I completed that entire level now. Definitely the furthest I've been in gauntlet!

I totally agree about Talismans being so important.
Great post hold.

10-24-2018, 03:44 AM
Really good advice hold I agree entirely, it really is a pain in the ass swapping around talisman but I love the take my time stuff.
Preparation and those magic talisman are the key to gauntlet...
I still have a few characters left too, think I'll try and put something else together for another win or three...

10-24-2018, 05:32 AM
Unfortunatly all three attempts I made failed, I don't have a toonthat can hold Valor left, or Primordials, I used the purple six set in a few different toons along with some destinys in others, but to no avail, Fully sharded Mystic and Soldier failed as well as an unsharded DDE...
Looking forward to reset and getting the rest of the ho on a bike frags at the end of two and half weeks time...

10-24-2018, 04:19 PM
Talisman swapping in Gauntlet could be fast if there was a feature to lock groups once installed on a character and then removed/placed between characters with the required color talisman slots available. Like grouping components in CAD and moving them around. Is this a problem to make?

Keep a 6 set locked and move in 1 action, have 4+2 sets like Shadow and Advantage move at once, lock 3 talisman sets to move as a group, etc.

10-24-2018, 04:46 PM
Remove All Talismans
Transfer Talismans To

Two buttons that would very, very useful.

10-26-2018, 10:06 AM
I think I just went into a SS grade battle against Alexander, Sekhmet, W. Lilith and Prisoner having chosen the wrong Beelzebub (ie unsharded, no talismans equipped dupe). I had eternals on him, so I thought but they weren't there. He was wiped out pretty quickly but somehow I managed to get through with a win by the skin of my teeth. I'm still trying to figure out how I made that mistake as it could have or should have cost me.

I am wondering since dupes aren't allowed on S and SS, is there much point in having duplicates as I haven't needed them up to this point. Are they useful if you manage to get past SS?

I also wish there was a faster way to find the character you want and to swap talisman sets, as the original design didn't have so many characters and talismans in mind. Something has to be done in the near future surely...

10-26-2018, 07:43 PM
Dupes are very useful for clearing AAA with single class available. 5 battles using Prisoner with Primordials for each one for the Gunner run, or having 5 of any other deal-breaker like Magus Lilith or Warrior Undead Rescuer...

10-27-2018, 05:22 AM
Dupes are very useful for clearing AAA with single class available. 5 battles using Prisoner with Primordials for each one for the Gunner run, or having 5 of any other deal-breaker like Magus Lilith or Warrior Undead Rescuer...

Well yeah some dupes are useful for AAA but since Gauntlet came out I've been saving a dupe of pretty much all 4/5* star Eddies and all 5* star allies and even a lot of the 4*. I'm not about to burn them all at the next sac event but saving most 4* ally dupes at this stage is possibly pointless, barring the odd one that has a really good passive or skill set.

10-27-2018, 12:02 PM
I've got to sss level. I didn't realise what no refresh meant until I could'nt use my previous teams! Ha ha lesson learned. I'm struggling now, I'm just wasting sow so i'm leaving it there. Until next time :D

10-27-2018, 06:41 PM
I think the Ranked Reward tiers should be adjusted so that attaining SSS guarantees a better reward than SS. The first SSS specific reward requires rank 50 or better. So, if you're in the top 100, there is no difference between finishing SSS vs. SS come reset. That seems wrong to me.

10-28-2018, 08:27 AM
It didn't look like I would make it but I managed to get to SSS. Without valor or primordials too, I didnt think that would be possible. I feel pretty confident in getting Charlotte now :)

Speaking of rewards, I can't see myself moving up into the top 50, currently at 93. So I don't see much point in doing any more battles, especially with little good allies I have left to use. I could only fall down I think. Since I am only just inside the top 100, I don't like the idea that I could potentially fall to the lower tiered reward of the top 250 grade SS even though I made it to SSS also. But it is what it is I suppose...I mean win rate has to mean something too.

10-28-2018, 10:09 AM
There is something wrong with Enrico at rank 25. He has 1 loss more than me and another 2 guys and is still above us. it doesn’t change anything since the rewards are the same, but maybe a thing to look into in case it happens next time around positions 49&50...

10-29-2018, 08:48 AM
Did anyone else get the wrong rewards at the end of the first Gauntlet? I got 100 warrior mythical frags instead of Charlotte and Eddie frags at Champion I (AAA +rank 2500). Ticket sent so hope to get the correct frags without any issue...

10-29-2018, 08:49 PM
Did anyone else get the wrong rewards at the end of the first Gauntlet? I got 100 warrior mythical frags instead of Charlotte and Eddie frags at Champion I (AAA +rank 2500). Ticket sent so hope to get the correct frags without any issue...

i have 175 charlotte ( with pvp event) and 100 final frontier for rank SS it seems to be fine for me

10-30-2018, 08:54 AM
Cheers - I guess it must only be a few accounts hitting this glitch otherwise there would be more posts about it on here. I'm not planning to push past AAA at all so going to need those 100 Charlotte frags back unless they keep dropping 25 or so here and there on smaller events throughout the next couple of months...

10-30-2018, 02:56 PM
AA well be my pinnacle for this ring of gauntlet. My sentinel and warrior are not up to the task. Still need to build my roster. I need about 2 more warrior Eddie's (shaman, Wickerman)

10-31-2018, 02:08 PM
The Gauntlet bug discussion is closed so I'll post this here.
In Gauntlet SS level battle against Rainmaker, blue Lilith, Clair, and Nomad, the Nomad has Shroud permanently. I killed all allies other than Nomad (intentionally left him last). Nomad was completely invulnerable to all damage types from all of my team. Everything was being displayed as blocked. Magic, physical, and true were all blocked 100% and doing no damage. The only way I could do damage was to place a mark on the Nomad then perfect hit. The attack damage was blocked, but the mark damage would actually get applied. I had to kill the Nomad 1 mark at a time. Also during the battle I let the game run on auto for several minutes and watched the Nomad not take any damage at all from any attack with only shroud. I viewed the buffs/debuffs on the Nomad and no other effect was listed than shroud.
I had Vampire Hunter, magus Lilith, Kari, and Lady Azov. There was no reason for Nomad to be impervious to all types of damage that I could see. I emailed it to support. Was I missing something? I thought he should have been taking reduced damage from all of my attacks.4977 If I hadn't had the ability to place a mark I would not have been able to kill the Nomad at all.

11-09-2018, 07:39 AM
There is something wrong with Enrico at rank 25. He has 1 loss more than me and another 2 guys and is still above us. it doesn’t change anything since the rewards are the same, but maybe a thing to look into in case it happens next time around positions 49&50...

Exactly that is MY case this fortnight! i’m at rank 56 with 52/56, same as players up to rank 41. but for example napsi at rank 46 has 52/60...

How come that people with the same amount of victories but more losses are above me?! isn’t it just simple common sense math? what am i missing?

I know that i could just win one more battle to jump up 15 spots, but my first SSS opponent is HE,Mlilith,Alchemist and Sekhmet...so it’s not that easy with just rubish characters left on my side :/

11-09-2018, 10:56 AM
The Gauntlet bug discussion is closed so I'll post this here.
In Gauntlet SS level battle against Rainmaker, blue Lilith, Clair, and Nomad, the Nomad has Shroud permanently. I killed all allies other than Nomad (intentionally left him last). Nomad was completely invulnerable to all damage types from all of my team. Everything was being displayed as blocked. Magic, physical, and true were all blocked 100% and doing no damage. The only way I could do damage was to place a mark on the Nomad then perfect hit. The attack damage was blocked, but the mark damage would actually get applied. I had to kill the Nomad 1 mark at a time. Also during the battle I let the game run on auto for several minutes and watched the Nomad not take any damage at all from any attack with only shroud. I viewed the buffs/debuffs on the Nomad and no other effect was listed than shroud.
I had Vampire Hunter, magus Lilith, Kari, and Lady Azov. There was no reason for Nomad to be impervious to all types of damage that I could see. I emailed it to support. Was I missing something? I thought he should have been taking reduced damage from all of my attacks.4977 If I hadn't had the ability to place a mark I would not have been able to kill the Nomad at all.

Same here...
Only I dont have any way to kill the nomad.

Ancient Mariner
11-09-2018, 07:12 PM
Exactly that is MY case this fortnight! i’m at rank 56 with 52/56, same as players up to rank 41. but for example napsi at rank 46 has 52/60...

How come that people with the same amount of victories but more losses are above me?! isn’t it just simple common sense math? what am i missing?

I know that i could just win one more battle to jump up 15 spots, but my first SSS opponent is HE,Mlilith,Alchemist and Sekhmet...so it’s not that easy with just rubish characters left on my side :/

yeah, i came here to write the same thing but i see you guys already stated this problem...
It's the first time i reach the SSS level but I'm risking not to get the rewards for this level, cause of this problem about people with more losses being above me, but that's not all..

I also don't get how they came up wih such conditions for the ranked rewards:
at the moment i'm in the Grand Master III level, which has the condition "SS & Rakn 100#", while i'm in SSS! This is simple logic...
but the problem is that the rank above says "SSS & Rank 50#".. and given that i'm not in the first 50 (which i should be btw), i'm in this "limbo" between the 2 ranked rewards.

But i don't get why I'm included in the previous one, as i'm not even in SS level anymore :mad:
They should let us reach the Grand Master II level as you reach SSS. Otherwise i'm getting the same reward that some in SS will get.

I want those 200 Charlotte fragments -.-

11-09-2018, 07:56 PM
Regarding the rankings, below is an explanation from in-game Help:


11-10-2018, 01:55 AM
Hmm so it makes sense to play gauntlet earlier in the fortnight rather than later in the fortnight like I have been doing. Not sure I like that (why should it matter WHEN you reach a certain amount of wins?) but ultimately as long as I get some F/C, good amount of Final Frontier and Charlotte fragments I'm happy.

11-11-2018, 06:31 AM
It’s still not working properly when guys with same many wins but more losses are above me. the time should only apply in the case of a tie...

11-12-2018, 12:05 AM
Such fun compared to Arena for me which has become a monotonous chore. Congrats on 79 undefeated run, a new record. It surely takes more than a few hundred sharded characters to accomplish such. Much strategizing, talisman swaps and not having a few moments like I did this run losing the coin toss and having to watch my team get spanked HARD and not being able to prevail. Hey Slauki, I see your posts today, are you gonna do Night City, maybe try Gauntlet?5014

11-12-2018, 12:09 AM
it shows ghost talismans again as reward?

11-12-2018, 12:32 AM
it shows ghost talismans again as reward?

Same here. And got wrong rewards for last season. Arena shop tab name also bugged. Something happened here?

11-12-2018, 12:41 AM
Agree Edsel. Awesome run by Gangland!
I had an undefeated run of 79 last session. The game bugged out and gave me the 1 loss on rookie level. Devs could have set the record straight, but well they couldn’t give a crap. Server crash gave me a loss this session after a win as well. Turns out it wouldn’t have matter with Gangland running the table.

11-12-2018, 12:47 AM
Same here. And got wrong rewards for last season. Arena shop tab name also bugged. Something happened here?

Same here. Why Ghost again? I have a couple of extra sets that I haven’t felt the need to level up.

11-12-2018, 01:44 AM
Good call Tman, Ghost and Necropolis too, no more of these required how about some new talisman in Gauntlet Devs?

11-12-2018, 01:57 AM
Maybe another bug, as usual, but it is what I see


11-12-2018, 02:46 AM
Congratulations, guys! You are epic! I only managed to get to AAA as usual.
By the way - how many dupes do you use for these one-class-only grades? Or maybe you don't use any at all?

11-12-2018, 03:02 AM
Congratulations, guys! You are epic! I only managed to get to AAA as usual.
By the way - how many dupes do you use for these one-class-only grades? Or maybe you don't use any at all?

IMO if you have most of the good the toons, you don’t need dupes. I sacrificed most of my dupes. I may hold on to the best 5* ones.

11-12-2018, 06:56 AM
I was #42 and then went to sleep and then i was #57 on morning. Usual event-ends-3-AM trouble.

11-12-2018, 09:13 AM
And for the second time I get 100 warrior mythical fragments instead of Charlotte and Frontier Eddie fragments for finishing AAA - this time I also got another set of necropolis talismans instead of ghost! Must be a bug on my account somewhere - ticket sent. Not that I mind having lots of necropolis talismans but I would really like to be able to save towards Charlotte and Frontier Eddie :P Got the rewards swapped fine last time but hope I don't have to do this every fortnight.

11-12-2018, 10:45 AM
Congratulations, guys! You are epic! I only managed to get to AAA as usual.
By the way - how many dupes do you use for these one-class-only grades? Or maybe you don't use any at all?

I seem to have the most trouble on AAA, so I have stockpiled many dupes of key characters to make clearing this easier. The cost of 30 ironite for 5 slots is nice to keep them. I have sharded many dupes and use them often, and retain dupes of all powerful Eddies but only shard one of them for now. In a pinch I sometimes need a skill one of them has for clearing a battle and am grateful to have them available. Getting into SSS top 50 gives excellent rewards and doing whatever it takes to get this every run is my goal. Icarus, Prisoner and Desert Marauder, warrior Undead Rescuer, Magus Lilith, Astra and assassin Pyro Soldier are all good dupes. Sacrfice value is tempting but not worth it to me for a few more shards in my mountain after the Halloween event or more souls to open and see a bunch of characters I already have.

11-12-2018, 11:16 AM
I did not recieve rewards. Ticket send. Anyone else have this problem?

11-12-2018, 12:24 PM
I'm in the same boat. I didn't get the talismans I needed to complete my set (ghost), and I didn't get my Charlotte and FFE fragments. I sent a special email.

11-12-2018, 03:04 PM
Something did not go well this time with the rewards. I got some, but for the wrong ranking. Only a slight difference, as I was Master 2 and got rewards for Master 3, but still this is not ok! But for sure not that severe as you guys with wrong fragments and no rewards at all!
P.S. I logged out from the game and back in but this did not help this time. But it did help some months ago where I had the problem not receiving any rewards for Arena! So for those of you without any rewards: try to log out and back in! Make sure you have your mail and password ready...

But what to do with the others that got the wrong rewards? Any advice form the devs about that? Thanks!

11-12-2018, 03:29 PM
The email I sent face an automated reply about the holiday and being short staffed, not sure when it'll be addressed.

11-12-2018, 03:40 PM
I logged out and back in and it didn't change anything

11-12-2018, 03:45 PM
I logged out and back in and it didn't change anything

Sorry man! I had my fingers crossed and high hopes as it worked for me for Arena rewards several weeks in a row. Hope there will soon be a solution!

11-12-2018, 04:59 PM
I've hit an impasse on the current gauntlet. I've reached AA and ordered battle. The first team I face is Vlad with BBE, Assassin Lilith, Magus Lilith and I of course lose the coin toss for 3 battles, and Assassin Lilith kills my entire teams in one blow. It's crazy not to even get a shot in. I don't think I'll have enough left to finish this level, that is if I can get past the first battle. Crazy....

11-12-2018, 06:53 PM
Vlad? That sounds like another randomly assembled team from Vlad in arena's ranks?
Is that how there doing it really? I had not paid much attention to the names on the teams... has anyone come up against me? Or is this purely by chance...

11-12-2018, 07:31 PM
Huckfinn, what teams did you try? Who else are you thinking of using in your next team?

11-12-2018, 07:47 PM
@Muzzleloader my first round was AE, Osiris, Gunner Shinobi and warrior child of damned. Second round was HE, Regina, warrior golden son and Gunner Lilith. Round 3 went to DDE, warrior trickster, Wickerman and prisoner. All Eddie's were fully maxed (shards and talismans) and many of my toons as well.

11-12-2018, 07:50 PM
@ rags-6094 I've never faced you in the arena or gauntlet.

11-12-2018, 07:56 PM
Funny thing is, I've faced closer to this combo before and not done this bad. I've beaten them and been beaten. Just not in 2 blows. I didn't see any real mean talismans to allow this to happen. The Lilith had what seemed to be shroud and immortality. Nothing to give great strength like she has. BBE did almost no damage with his one blow. It's all the Lilith.

11-12-2018, 08:09 PM
My biggest problem in Gauntlet is me.
I use up a few strong ally's on past battles then get lazy, don't switch talisman or forget about some of the likely attributes of the team I'm battling, I've been beaten twice now at SS level by Clansman, Horus, Osiris and G Lillith. Both times I failed to swap some talisman and put in some cleanse or the like to overcome Horus's stun effect the result- whole team wiped out in two goes to the defence whole team stunned and not a thing I could do about it...

11-12-2018, 08:11 PM
I haven't switched a talisman yet :) But then I don't care about upper tiers.. I get to where I get and that's good enough for me. Usually end up n AAA somewhere because I refuse to collect duplicates and waste resources powering them up for this single feature.

11-12-2018, 08:17 PM
Dupes are NOT requiered for AAA. I have non and always pass without problems. Think about the team composition and select the right talismans for your strategy and it is fine without any dupes.

11-12-2018, 08:21 PM
Didn't say they were required.... only that I wasn't collecting them. With no dupes.. AAA means you can't fight each battle with 4 allies, that's all.

And I may have meant AA.. Warrior only. that's the one you can't complete all 6 battles with 4 allied without dupes.

11-12-2018, 08:23 PM
Got to AA for the first time. Thought I was doing pretty well, had a bit of difficulty on battle 2 with ETG, Eda, M COTD and S Priestess.
3rd battle, I was up against BBE, Assassin and Magus Liliths and Ichiyou... Had my best characters up and got completely obliterated in 3 turns. All but my Samurai Ed were dead within two attacks in the first turn.
Oh well, at least I did better than last time lol.

11-12-2018, 08:28 PM
OK this is absolutely ridiculous. I have my team set to fight a battle in Gauntlet. Hit the battle button, spinning thing comes up and I get error that there is no connection to the server try again. My team is still on the screen ready to go. I figure I'm ok. I check my characters and I back out. Play a few Cosmos battles to make sure my connection is working. Log off and back in to update my SoW count and when I go back I have a loss and those characters are not available. The game never took me past the Match Up screen. There is no way that can count as a loss. Ticket is in for what its worth... I understand how you felt T-Man. This is ridiculous. I should at least have to load into the damn battle screen before a game bug causes me to lose a battle I should easily win.

11-12-2018, 08:33 PM
My predicament is I have Eddie's that are still strong enough, but I'm getting into my weaker toons (not fully maxed). I'll try them later...

infinite dreamer
11-12-2018, 09:05 PM
OK this is absolutely ridiculous. I have my team set to fight a battle in Gauntlet. Hit the battle button, spinning thing comes up and I get error that there is no connection to the server try again. My team is still on the screen ready to go. I figure I'm ok. I check my characters and I back out. Play a few Cosmos battles to make sure my connection is working. Log off and back in to update my SoW count and when I go back I have a loss and those characters are not available. The game never took me past the Match Up screen. There is no way that can count as a loss. Ticket is in for what its worth... I understand how you felt T-Man. This is ridiculous. I should at least have to load into the damn battle screen before a game bug causes me to lose a battle I should easily win.

I know how you guys feel. Just wiped a team out with no problem, the game freezes just as the skull pops up for the win and server error appears. I don't care about the lost characters on such an early stage, but I got credited with a loss. Not good!

11-12-2018, 09:09 PM
Huckfinn, did you try sentinal desert warrior, his normal move can disable m lilith passive defense. Also if you have eternal he can have 6 green talisman. If you dont you can try energy and power to gain power when hit and attacking. Warrior death dog can help with power move of permadeath, his passive revive works well with serenity taisman.

What is your name and Id so someone can look at your roster and may be of help.

11-12-2018, 09:29 PM
@Muzzleloader my team name is kite1268-1219, you are one of my troopers. I couldn't use him as it's Gunner and warrior only. I got past it and luck would have it I got into the next team only to find Vlad again. No talisman list to see and yes time it is BBE, warrior and Gunner Mayan priestesses and Magus undead rescuer. Eddie should be my only real threat, but am wiped out by the priestesses. This is just not my week. I guess I'm only going to get this level, as I'm out of good toons.

11-12-2018, 09:47 PM
Got through the service battle and reached the 3rd. Guess who is the 3rd opponent? Vlad again lol. This is to much. I'm not sure I can conquer another Vlad...

11-12-2018, 10:22 PM
Huckfinn,do you put the life talisman on your gunner lilith to use her passive immunity?

11-12-2018, 11:07 PM
So what is this?? I‘m on Level C atm where it said „only warrior and sentinel“. Did 3/4 battles, now restarted the game and it changed to „only warrior and gunner“ on the last battle??? Just wanted to write how incredibly boring it is, every week same challenges, but now this is interesting hahaaaa. What a bugged game!

11-12-2018, 11:34 PM
@Muzzleloader Yes. I added them to her. Plus, she's fully sharded.

11-13-2018, 06:07 AM
Awesome SS completed now I'll walk a way licking my wounds and consider wtf I'll do in SSS...
Still a fist full of fully sharded Eddies, but all of them a little on the soft side you know PhantomEddie, Eternity Ed, Pharoah Ed, I still have Clansman from the latest Ed pack to hit LOTB and heaps of fully sharded oldies but not so confident on to many rounds in this round without some serious talisman swapping....

11-13-2018, 11:25 AM
OK this is absolutely ridiculous. I have my team set to fight a battle in Gauntlet. Hit the battle button, spinning thing comes up and I get error that there is no connection to the server try again. My team is still on the screen ready to go. I figure I'm ok. I check my characters and I back out. Play a few Cosmos battles to make sure my connection is working. Log off and back in to update my SoW count and when I go back I have a loss and those characters are not available. The game never took me past the Match Up screen. There is no way that can count as a loss. Ticket is in for what its worth... I understand how you felt T-Man. This is ridiculous. I should at least have to load into the damn battle screen before a game bug causes me to lose a battle I should easily win.

Have opened two tickets the last two weeks for the same situation, didn't even got a reply besides the automated one...

11-15-2018, 12:31 PM
This week seems to be much harder than the last one for me. I have usually had a few hard (HE, Prisoner, Magus lilith, those kind of chars) fights at the start and end of SS and a few at the start of every SSS grade. This week i had a new combination i've never seen before consisting of Beast Ed, Set, Osiris, Sentinel CR. But after that the rest of SS had Prioner, Magus lilith, Hallowed Eddie and a 4th character being their one of the new, a god, or a lilith.

Anyone else had a much harder setup to beat this reset than last?

11-15-2018, 01:02 PM
This one seemed easier for me but that's because I hardly have any talismans on sentinel but quite a few on gunner - seemed to make a difference.

11-15-2018, 01:17 PM
This week seems to be much harder than the last one for me. I have usually had a few hard (HE, Prisoner, Magus lilith, those kind of chars) fights at the start and end of SS and a few at the start of every SSS grade. This week i had a new combination i've never seen before consisting of Beast Ed, Set, Osiris, Sentinel CR. But after that the rest of SS had Prioner, Magus lilith, Hallowed Eddie and a 4th character being their one of the new, a god, or a lilith.

Anyone else had a much harder setup to beat this reset than last?

This is the third SSS, on the second one I faced pretty much HE-alchemist teams compositions...5016

11-15-2018, 01:30 PM
Same as always, I'm stuck on AAA ... I can't beat Clansman & 3 Liliths combinaison with my weak warriors left ...

11-15-2018, 01:41 PM
This is the third SSS, on the second one I faced pretty much HE-alchemist teams compositions...5016

So guess who decided to show up again. I won't miss this team once they get a well deserved NERF5017

11-15-2018, 01:43 PM
So guess who decided to show up again. I won't miss this team once they get a well deserved NERF5017

Same feeling here, I hate that team hope soon they ll get a laze around their necks!

11-15-2018, 07:02 PM
I've found this week much harder. I had hoped they were going to start implementing a bit of variety in the opposing teams. It feels like SS has been the same characters over and over again. I am tired of hitting a run of 4-5 variations of the same characters in a row. 3 blue Liliths, 3 Osiris, 2 Ra, 2 Doomsday, 2 Hallowed, 2 prisoner.... mix in the other gods for filler and its been an ugly run. If I wanted to beat the same team repeatedly I would play in the arena. I'm expected to go deep into my roster but they are pulling from the same list of 20 characters for way too many battles. I felt like there was more variation last gauntlet. The hard teams where there, just not so many right in a row.

11-15-2018, 07:58 PM
I've found this week much harder. I had hoped they were going to start implementing a bit of variety in the opposing teams. It feels like SS has been the same characters over and over again. I am tired of hitting a run of 4-5 variations of the same characters in a row. 3 blue Liliths, 3 Osiris, 2 Ra, 2 Doomsday, 2 Hallowed, 2 prisoner.... mix in the other gods for filler and its been an ugly run. If I wanted to beat the same team repeatedly I would play in the arena. I'm expected to go deep into my roster but they are pulling from the same list of 20 characters for way too many battles. I felt like there was more variation last gauntlet. The hard teams where there, just not so many right in a row.

Guess who popped in for another visit, maybe these stooges got lost again on their way to the arena.5018

11-15-2018, 08:57 PM
After hitting the battle,button screen went black,and,I lost before getting to fight. This happens often and many of us lose because of,whatever bug makes,the game decide,to,restart without any reason. Please,investigate.

11-16-2018, 03:59 AM
I have to admit I came up against a similar HE/Alchemist team in SS but after clearing SS the SSS battles all but the first were relatively easy battles with totally way out there combo's that were all doable with my un skill sharded levelled up 3* characters, just required putting in some of the super talisman sets! Don't lose hope just yet I managed to clear the first full round at SSS level... not sure if I'll be bothered going a second round though...

11-16-2018, 09:35 AM
Have opened two tickets the last two weeks for the same situation, didn't even got a reply besides the automated one...

Same here, no fragments for Charlotte and Final Frontier Eddie (and Necro instead of ghost talis, but I don't care).
Wrote them twice, but no response so far. This is very disappointing!
Anyone else still missing the fragments for last week's Gauntlet?

11-16-2018, 10:04 AM
Same here, no fragments for Charlotte and Final Frontier Eddie (and Necro instead of ghost talis, but I don't care).
Wrote them twice, but no response so far. This is very disappointing!
Anyone else still missing the fragments for last week's Gauntlet?

Exactly same here - no response on my second ticket. Also got wrong fragments from the previous gauntlet but got that rectified within 2 days - up to 4 days so far this time. Seems like a bug on certain accounts that are perhaps defaulting to beta test rewards...?

11-16-2018, 10:39 AM
I have to admit I came up against a similar HE/Alchemist team in SS but after clearing SS the SSS battles all but the first were relatively easy battles with totally way out there combo's that were all doable with my un skill sharded levelled up 3* characters, just required putting in some of the super talisman sets! Don't lose hope just yet I managed to clear the first full round at SSS level... not sure if I'll be bothered going a second round though...
I met this one in S level. Strike, Angel and Destiny talismans. I had use my one "certain win" team for this one.

11-16-2018, 10:44 AM
I usually end up SS or SSS and happy enough with that. Decent coins and loot as well as going for Charlotte which I get at next reset....I still like it and once I get my azy ass changing tallies I will get further just to lazy to swap them around most of the time - I do it once or twice but I just need more time than I have to fanny about with stuff.

11-16-2018, 01:27 PM
First batlle in SS. Hallowed Ed, Magus Lil, Green Rescuer and Osiris.

Only Hallowed is left and I had Green Lil, 7th Son, and Desert Guardian left. Not the best team but should be able to defeat him. Nope. Hallowed and his millions of extra turns and fury every other round thought other wise.

Guess SS is gonna be a long slog for me if this battle is anything to go by.

11-16-2018, 01:41 PM
Clear it. Next battle, Hallowed and Magus Lilith again. This time with Prisoner and Horus.

Seriously Devs, where’s the fun in this? Way to kill ones enjoyment of a game.

3rd battle now. Hallowed Eddie and Magus Lilith again. Are you shitting me? FFS.

11-17-2018, 05:22 PM
I'm still reading on page 6, but what i read is that Gauntlet doesn't work how it should.., what a surprise. :D

For me it's crystal clear.., Gauntlet is still in Beta..,
They only removed the Beta "banner" because they started an Event in Gauntlet.., but removing the title doesn't remove all the bugs..,

Yeah, it improved a lot, pricing and rewards are more than fair now, in my opinion..,
But the balancing of the "class xxx only" and the opposite teams and some other bugs..,

That's the reason because i can't be that excited for night city.., because we all know Legacy of the Bugs...
But we will see.., ^^

11-17-2018, 06:36 PM
I dont know how the top players can make it through the SS teams without using their best troops. It shows they know how to use toon combos that a few us have not mastered. It shows what knowledge of the game they have aquired.

11-17-2018, 08:01 PM
Muzzleloader: They are good no doubt. But having all the latest exclusive 5 star characters that some of us have to pray for in heroic souls really do help a long way.

11-17-2018, 11:26 PM
Guess who popped in for another visit, maybe these stooges got lost again on their way to the arena.5018

Stuck against that team at level S. Got down to just Alchemist left, but doomsday couldn't outlast him. Working on combos, but lost a lot of toons while trying.

11-17-2018, 11:36 PM
Stuck against that team at level S. Got down to just Alchemist left, but doomsday couldn't outlast him. Working on combos, but lost a lot of toons while trying.

I try practice battles using PvP test defense feature, and once you have battled once in Gauntlet and know which talismans are being used you can set up a carbon copy of the team you are up against. This way I fine tune what characters I have left to fight against the tough team without wasting huge Gauntlet entry fee, ranking drop, and retiring characters to hall of shame after losing over and over to the fucking Alchemist.

11-18-2018, 06:54 PM
Stop this HE/ML insaness. Really, im at SS Grade and cant pass the 4t battle cause of Hallowed Eddie and Magus Lilith plus Horus/ Prisoner again. My Roster lasts long for 2 Teams like that, but not a 4t or 5t battle with this ridicilous Comp. Im not complaining much, but im getting pissed when i have to Face those Teams in a row. They have to be nerfed or you rotate with more other toons.

11-18-2018, 07:20 PM
I just reached SS level, this first battle has the blue shinobi girl. That was a quick insertion, since she has only been available since last night. At least it wasn't HE/ b lilith to start.

11-19-2018, 05:07 AM
Just tried my first go around with the new samari emperor, red shinobi, blu shinobi and musashi. 2 had valor, and the red has counter. Hard to kill with all the golden buffs. Definetly need permadeath or disable passive on red shinobi.

Anyone come up against this team. If so any suggestions on how to kill them.

11-19-2018, 08:08 AM
Exactly same here - no response on my second ticket. Also got wrong fragments from the previous gauntlet but got that rectified within 2 days - up to 4 days so far this time. Seems like a bug on certain accounts that are perhaps defaulting to beta test rewards...?

OK, fixed for me, support came back on my second ticket. Got the frags for Charlotte and Frontier Eddie and had the choice to keep the Necro Talismans or swap for Ghosts.
All in all no complaints!

11-19-2018, 08:47 AM
Ok... Gautlet is over for me until next reset. 11 battles in SSS, 63 victories and no more chances to win because of the amount of chars I've been using testing new combinations and talis equipped.

Muzzleloader: They are good no doubt. But having all the latest exclusive 5 star characters that some of us have to pray for in heroic souls really do help a long way.

Maybe you are right... but I must say that I don't have Daedalus, The Beast, The Count, Yellow Shinobi, and others... and I finished in TOP-50 (including TOP-10) since Gauntlet was on (even during Beta time). This week I don't need a good position in the rank (I'm only 25 frags left to Charlotte) so I decided to test new things... it's cost to me several battles lost but what I'm sure now is that TALISMANS equipped are more important than top-characters. Whenever is possible, put on your team Eternal, Oracle and/or Primordial, the most of those you have... and if not, try to equip Redention. Inmunity and Angel are also very useful.

I'm not meaning that chars aren't important, they are, but as I said, several battles won (included against "HE Teams") using "normal chars" but well equipped have shown me that TALISMAN are the key... and you can swap them every battle...

11-19-2018, 10:22 AM

I'm at one battle to finish AAA grade.

question: yesterday I had to face Mystic Eddie, gunner shinobi, Icarus and magus soulless demon (immunity at the start of the battle, steal fury with yellow shinobi...)

This morning, I have to face the same team but gunner shinobi has been replaced by gunner corrupt rescuer. Does this happened to someone before (change of character)?

I have left: trooper eddie, run to the hills eddie, iron eddie or phantom eddie
characters: golden son, axis bomber boys, troll, death dog, hellhound
Not fully shared.

Any idea to beat this team ?

It is my last try...

Edit: I passed AAA for the first time with Trooper Eddie, Axis bomber boys, death dog and hellhound. I will normally can have Alexander at the next reset of the game. Now I have to try S grade.

11-19-2018, 02:05 PM
OK, fixed for me, support came back on my second ticket. Got the frags for Charlotte and Frontier Eddie and had the choice to keep the Necro Talismans or swap for Ghosts.
All in all no complaints!

All fixed here too - I just hope that I don't have to submit another ticket next Monday... not a big hardship, but don't want to have to do it every Gauntlet reset :P

11-21-2018, 11:18 AM
Sometimes life is a bitch...etc. It seems end for me for this round.


11-21-2018, 12:55 PM
Sometimes life is a bitch...etc. It seems end for me for this round.


I got mirror teams facing me, battle 1 like every team at top rank in arena and battle2 was very challenging took me 3 times to win. Musashi has Primordials and losing coin toss twice in a row only to watch my dwindling roster get slaughtered!5027

And Dickinsonman you are so right about talismans, I have just completed powering up my undead hunter and gunner Sandworm for an upcoming hail Mary fight bbecause they can wear 6set talismans.

11-21-2018, 02:01 PM
Sometimes life is a bitch...etc. It seems end for me for this round.


I am stuck at the exact same team. And i had some quite hard ones in SS as well so without all those new nice 5* i simply ran out of usefull tools as well

11-21-2018, 02:10 PM
Ok... Gautlet is over for me until next reset. 11 battles in SSS, 63 victories and no more chances to win because of the amount of chars I've been using testing new combinations and talis equipped.

Maybe you are right... but I must say that I don't have Daedalus, The Beast, The Count, Yellow Shinobi, and others... and I finished in TOP-50 (including TOP-10) since Gauntlet was on (even during Beta time). This week I don't need a good position in the rank (I'm only 25 frags left to Charlotte) so I decided to test new things... it's cost to me several battles lost but what I'm sure now is that TALISMANS equipped are more important than top-characters. Whenever is possible, put on your team Eternal, Oracle and/or Primordial, the most of those you have... and if not, try to equip Redention. Inmunity and Angel are also very useful.

I'm not meaning that chars aren't important, they are, but as I said, several battles won (included against "HE Teams") using "normal chars" but well equipped have shown me that TALISMAN are the key... and you can swap them every battle...

I do agree with you on the talismans being the most important. I have myself finished in top 5 a single time but otherwise always in top 50 (maybe not this week though). My record is 72 wins and i must say that when you get to that point the characters do become important. At some point you are out of primordial/eternal/valor - talisman characters. And are left to use the power of a given character alone.

So for the most part talismans are the big deal in Gauntlet. But when you really get to push for the top end positions having to do 75+ fights to compete. Always having the latest 5* characters is essential

11-21-2018, 07:19 PM
OHH C’MON For Fs Sake!!!
3/5 battles on SS feature HE/Alch/ML/and some random mad OP like Osiris,Sekhmet, or just a “whateverishereyoudieanyway”!!!

This needs to be balanced NF!

11-21-2018, 08:15 PM
I guess we are all getting the same teams in SS. Who else went against emperor samuri and 3 shinobi girls. It can get worse, I lost 2 battles due to game freezes.

11-21-2018, 08:29 PM
Seems like they plant tough wss teams to force you burning the best characters and then ease up. SSS first 2 were killers then not nearly as bad. 50295030AAA and SS had some gatekeeper teams for me also, 2 of my 6 losses were game restarts as I began a battle, erasing valuable characters and SOW in the process.

11-21-2018, 09:06 PM
They get easier and easier in SSS the second time round too Edsel, my last battle was Viking and some 3*'s all 5* levelled but easily knocked down...

11-23-2018, 11:11 PM
i reach AAA and not motivate to go S :p

11-25-2018, 01:33 AM
I am pretty sure this question has been asked but what happens if you're like in rank A but have not completed any battles in that rank. Would you get those rewards?

11-25-2018, 06:33 PM
I am pretty sure this question has been asked but what happens if you're like in rank A but have not completed any battles in that rank. Would you get those rewards?

Yes you would.

Ancient Mariner
11-29-2018, 10:46 PM
Again this damn AAA level :/

Lost the first battle against the strongest team (the alchemist which is my worst enemy lately, prisoner, Horus and Hallowed Eddie).
It seems too OP for this level to me, since we can only use warrior chars, and now that i lost i don't have the best chars i could use so it's already over for me, will just aim at the first 2 wins to get the level rewards and stop.

I don't know why this level has always to be the hardest one in spite being just the 4th level in order...indeed when i manage to get through it, i easily reach SS and sometimes even SSS, it's ironic.

It's boring because by reaching it in a little time, i'll have to wait for more than a week now to play Gautlet again..this only-single-class permitted in AAA really annoys me, at least the difficulty should be decreased a bit.

Well at least i'll get Charlotte after the next restart anyway

11-29-2018, 11:31 PM
Losing a set of powerful characters at AAA hurts most, especially for those of us without 300+ maxed characters. I find this to be the gatekeeper level and requiring much strategic thought to pass. At the SSS level when I'm out of regular characters and using Santa, Sandworm, Undead Hunter and other junk it is like a carp shoot hail Mary attempt. But at 5 fights AAA is just a critical barrier to pass in order to get the good rewards that are easy to get to at SSS.

12-07-2018, 09:34 AM
I’ve just discovered a major flaw in the Gauntlet system! The lack of draw...

I fought against a team with a Clairvoyant and when there was just her left, my WLilith stunned her with invincibility on.

I had my team slapping her for an hour, but WLilith always stunned her and none of the burn effects/my skills could remove the invincibility...

So i had to take a defeat. i don’t know what could be done about it, but something should be to prevent such a rare situation from happening.

I demand victory for this battle!!!

12-07-2018, 09:42 AM
I’ve just discovered a major flaw in the Gauntlet system! The lack of draw...

I fought against a team with a Clairvoyant and when there was just her left, my WLilith stunned her with invincibility on.

I had my team slapping her for an hour, but WLilith always stunned her and none of the burn effects/my skills could remove the invincibility...

So i had to take a defeat. i don’t know what could be done about it, but something should be to prevent such a rare situation from happening.

I demand victory for this battle!!!

Maybe I misunderstand the situation but couldn't you have used WLiliths power move to avoid her getting stunned? And is there an never ending invincibility buff? I thought they were always turn based?

12-07-2018, 10:09 AM
Maybe I misunderstand the situation but couldn't you have used WLiliths power move to avoid her getting stunned? And is there an never ending invincibility buff? I thought they were always turn based?

She was kinda stunned for 2 turns and i could use wliliths Pmove only once and had to stun her again the next round :/

And the invincibility had permanent 2 rounds on. It only ticks off when the character takes an action...

I swear i’ve left it on auto for 1h and couldn’t finish her off.

12-07-2018, 04:33 PM
She was kinda stunned for 2 turns and i could use wliliths Pmove only once and had to stun her again the next round :/

And the invincibility had permanent 2 rounds on. It only ticks off when the character takes an action...

I swear i’ve left it on auto for 1h and couldn’t finish her off.

That sounds weird and like some kind of major bug. I mean it should also count down if the character doesn't take any action. And shouldn't you also recieve power every turn no matter whether the other team takes action. The game is turn based not action based. At least that was my impression so far.

12-07-2018, 09:42 PM
That sounds weird and like some kind of major bug. I mean it should also count down if the character doesn't take any action. And shouldn't you also recieve power every turn no matter whether the other team takes action. The game is turn based not action based. At least that was my impression so far.

Well...sadly not all the buffs count down every turn (like invincibility,counter,revenge,shields). That would be the only solution to this problem. make every buff lose 1 count at the end of the turn. but that’s too much to ask from these developers. we’ve seen what happens every time they fiddle around with skills (DDEs fury as the most recent example).

and i did get 3 power every round, but wliliths skill costs 7, so you only get enough every second-third round. so by the time Claire unstuned i had to use the basic attack again and stun her.

These are no bugs, just simple flaws in the core game mechanics :(

12-09-2018, 06:30 PM
I think that the X3 in talisman rewards should be a bit lower so newer players are able to get the sets easier, I always get stuck on AA and not because of defeats but because I run out of eddies to use so I get stuck on 2/3 of the sets all the time and I cant be the only new player that thinks this is kind of sad since not only am I not able to compete in pvp since I cant spend all iron coins on relics since I still need the talismans etc but I also cant get the talismans from gauntlet to be competitive.
Specially this gauntlet since angel is rather good in pvp, same with avenger from FCs I still havent collected enough FC to even buy a single god so spending more then half to get talismans doesnt feel like a good idea...

12-09-2018, 09:56 PM
So stoked to see Stormseye undefeated SSS in the top 100 Gauntlet this week. Swapping the talismans and exhausting his team members to get the good rewards! Charlotte arriving early for Xmas and bonus Angel talismans that always come in handy.5076

12-10-2018, 12:09 AM
So is there a new 5star evo shard available now?5078

12-10-2018, 12:58 AM
Did anyone else not receive gauntlet rewards this go around?

I got the wrong tier of rewards so I wrote support an email.

12-10-2018, 01:28 AM
Opened the game to get my rewards. When the rewards show up the game unexpected quits. I never got any of those rewards. Anyone having unexpected game quits from the homescreen when opening the game???

12-10-2018, 04:27 AM
I did. I got the warrior rewards and no fragments. I sent a support email. They fixed it last time to. It's not much of a problem as long as it's fixed.

12-10-2018, 02:24 PM
I think that the X3 in talisman rewards should be a bit lower so newer players are able to get the sets easier, I always get stuck on AA and not because of defeats but because I run out of eddies to use so I get stuck on 2/3 of the sets all the time and I cant be the only new player that thinks this is kind of sad since not only am I not able to compete in pvp since I cant spend all iron coins on relics since I still need the talismans etc but I also cant get the talismans from gauntlet to be competitive.
Specially this gauntlet since angel is rather good in pvp, same with avenger from FCs I still havent collected enough FC to even buy a single god so spending more then half to get talismans doesnt feel like a good idea...

Yep Im with you. Char nerfing for balance is one thing, but talismans are the real difference between the have and have-nots! I've got a team that can take on most, but as soon as they have eternals etc I just may as well give up.

Edit: That said, we should be able to complete our sets next time around the gauntlet hopefully!

12-18-2018, 04:43 PM
I finally cleared the SSS Grade, and after this... it just resetted.. cmon, now i dont have any
viable toon left.. boring

12-22-2018, 03:49 PM
Couple of bugs I’ve noticed only in Gauntlet.
The red skater-girl have gotten 5 extra turns in a row both times I’ve used her (S and SS).

The new “hardest team” with FinalFrontier Eddie, Madam, Osiris and Killer Prime. No matter what defensive immunity/revive/bonus hp talismans I equip they always go first and then FFEddie 1shots my team. At 9/9 now.
(Finished 9 last reset and now i’m stuck at this due to something that must be a bug. If not his only counter is himself)

12-24-2018, 12:32 AM
This is the week I was to get enough frags for Frontier Eddie

Finished #35 in Gauntlet. What happens?

No rewards. Classic...

Support ticket submitted

12-24-2018, 12:44 AM

I also did not receive any fragment, or frontier coins, by the Gauntlet this rotation.

12-24-2018, 12:49 AM
Me neither...seems to be a general thing. I got an in-game message for maintenance in 12 minutes! @devs: is this related to the Gauntlet reward problems or do we need to submit a ticket?

12-24-2018, 12:51 AM
Me neither...seems to be a general thing. I got an in-game message for maintenance in 12 minutes! @devs: is this related to the Gauntlet reward problems or do we need to submit a ticket?

You should submit a ticket if you did not receive your Gauntlet rewards after the rollover. The upcoming restart will fix a different rewards issue in the current rotation of the Gauntlet. I would advise everyone to hold off playing the Gauntlet until that restart happens in about 10 minutes.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


12-24-2018, 12:53 AM
Thanks for the quick answer!

12-24-2018, 12:54 AM
You should submit a ticket if you did not receive your Gauntlet rewards after the rollover. The upcoming restart will fix a different rewards issue in the current rotation of the Gauntlet. I would advise everyone to hold off playing the Gauntlet until that restart happens in about 10 minutes.

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Oof you say that now that I'm on C. I hope I don't miss anything important.

12-24-2018, 12:58 AM
Received my rewards, just no pop up.

12-24-2018, 12:59 AM
So is it just a restart or will the servers be down for an hour or two?

12-24-2018, 01:07 AM
So is it just a restart or will the servers be down for an hour or two?

Just a restart. The game should be back up now.


12-24-2018, 01:13 AM
Thank you Kaz for the quick response.

I would like to know how do I submit a ticket?
Thank you all

12-24-2018, 01:21 AM
Thank you Kaz for the quick response.

I would like to know how do I submit a ticket?
Thank you all

You can reach support at this e-mail address:

[email protected]


12-24-2018, 01:25 AM
Thank you

Keep up the great work.

12-29-2018, 03:39 PM
General gauntlet strategy question. Up against a team in SS of Hallowed Eddie, Alchemist, Sekhmet, and Magus Lilith (with Destiny). Any tips on what team to build to beat this and especially overcome Lilith? Have generally had difficulty getting past that combo (any characters block beneficial effects well?). Cheers.

12-29-2018, 06:17 PM
I'm in SS and got to the 4th battle POM, assassin Hellraiser, Gunner Lilith and possessed rockets. I'm it of strong toons to even make it worth continuing. This is my first time in this level and it's a hard learning experience for me. I have a lot of work to do, to be able to progress further in the next gauntlet.

12-29-2018, 10:53 PM
SSS is usually where I top out with current roster given the demand on support which don't refresh.
Still haven't found an optimal way to deal with the Magus Lilith with destiny talismans though.

12-30-2018, 03:03 AM
A trick I try and use against Magis Lillith with destiny talisman in the arena is to leave her alone and use whatever means you can to place negative buffs on her without touching her, for example use Alchemist's basic to cleanse the team and remove gold buffs on the other team turning them into silver buffs (don't use Alchemists basic on Magis Lillith) it won't always work but maybe worth a try.
Another thing you can do is use whatever character you can that has perfect corruption and put that on her, stuffing up the destiny firing.
What I'm currently doing is just one very quick perfect punch from FFE will kill her instantly or seriously damage her, I know not everyone has FFE and there needs to be other good characters to try late in the SS and SSS rounds of gauntlet, so try Sentinel Newborn of Light, he hits like a mule so skill shard him up if you can and fill him with green talisman.
His damage spikes off his HP, another one is Sentinel Desert Guardian, if combined with a character that deals magic burns, Magis Lillith won't have a chance to destiny block you.
The most important part is to use single attack party members in your team forget the multiple attacks characters as they will cause the destiny to trigger, this is what you want to avoid till your ready for that debilitating attack..

again none of these ideas will always work, sometimes Lillith has a perfect immunity buff on her sometimes she is granted another buff from a teammate, but for 75% of the time one of these will work, hope this helps!

12-30-2018, 03:20 AM
Another way that can work is passive block her and try to kill the other toons. This doesnt work if she has immunity. Assassin undead soldier, gunner chopper or warrior derby demon can inflict passive block. Also try and use a toon with primordials to inflict silver effects.

12-31-2018, 06:21 PM
Every time I hit the Gauntlet win on ordered battle a drum roll plays in my head..."and the contestants are..." And I always keep hope NF will be kind as my roster dwindles going through the upper end of SSS. No dice for me on this first fight of final 10. Maybe the Demon Spawns, Snowman, Undead Hunter and Storm Ed have some tricks up their sleeves to combat some of the toughest characters existing today?5105

01-01-2019, 06:51 AM
always save a character with benefit block for M lilith. she's non issue with release of nut cracker now

interesting you are on 72nd battler and ur facing the team i took on during my first through of SSS O.o

01-07-2019, 12:22 AM
Gauntlet rewards were not correct this week. I received less fragments and less talismans than I should have based on my ending grade and rank. BS big time

01-07-2019, 12:26 AM
Gauntlet rewards were not correct this week. I received less fragments and less talismans than I should have based on my ending grade and rank. BS big time

Same here! Finished Master II and got Champion I rewards.

01-07-2019, 12:27 AM
Yeah finished Master I and got Master III. Something tells me support is gonna be real busy soon

01-07-2019, 12:29 AM
and me better AAA champion I and get nothing :)

01-10-2019, 11:47 AM
Just to let you know - support fixed my problem and gave me the remaining talismans, frags etc.
So if anyone has the same problem - submit a ticket.

01-26-2019, 12:26 AM
Oof, looks like I'm stuck at AAA this time around.

Last time, I got through it pretty easily and ended up finishing in SS but this time I'm just getting stomped.

Is there any particular method to how your opponents get selected? Is it characters owned by real players or just randomly thrown together by the computer?

03-08-2019, 02:18 PM
So this time we have to reach grade ‚S‘ to get a full set of Hex talisman. So far it has always been grade ‚AAA‘ for a full set. For what reason now the increase in degree of difficulty? I mean, they are good, but there are way better...

03-08-2019, 02:29 PM
So this time we have to reach grade ‚S‘ to get a full set of Hex talisman. So far it has always been grade ‚AAA‘ for a full set. For what reason now the increase in degree of difficulty? I mean, they are good, but there are way better...

Gauntlet was a great idea but it is getting silly now. For the time being even a dedicated player can be near the top. But how this is all going now it will change. To be up there you need Eddies. But to get new Eddies you need $$$. Very soon it will only be the same guys on top with no more change. Not complaining here but I am not dishing out $$$ to compete up there.

I wait until the 18. March as I always wanted Musashi and I do have 3 Mythical Heroics. But with the newest "events" it is getting incredible boring and stupid. It wasn't a very intelligent game to begin with - more confusing recently - but bow it is getting outright silly.

If I would spend 10 quid now I would get the Pharao with the silly hat for sure. But I won't - I rather donate the money to people who deserve it - probably an animal shelter - that seems a better "investment" than throwing it after this "creative lot" that is exploiting a loyal fanbase.

03-08-2019, 03:13 PM
Notice how they put the most difficult battle as the FIRST battle of the harder levels.

03-08-2019, 04:16 PM
i have noticed that i win almost all coin tosses up to level AAA or S... then suddenly i can barely ever win.

03-09-2019, 02:15 AM
So this time we have to reach grade ‚S‘ to get a full set of Hex talisman. So far it has always been grade ‚AAA‘ for a full set. For what reason now the increase in degree of difficulty? I mean, they are good, but there are way better...

Yeah, I noticed that too. What a rip off! I seriously hope that this isnt a long term thing and only done because there were hex talismans as part of the other recent event!

Also, does anyone know if this is the last round of the season? Just wondering as there is a seasons ender pack in the stores. Hoping not as Ill be literally a small handfull of shards away from FFE! Though FFE should still be available in next season I kinda dont want to have to wait until then :)

03-11-2019, 08:52 PM
I'm stopped at the 9th battle in SS. I'm facing jail bird team of Eternity Eddie, assassin Lilth, assassin CR and warrior pyro. I don't know what they have, as the talismans are not showing anything special, but they have killed 5 fully maxed teams with one blow. I'm almost out of strong teams to swap talismans to in order to try and continue. I'm open to ideas.....

03-12-2019, 08:44 AM
I'm stopped at the 9th battle in SS. I'm facing jail bird team of Eternity Eddie, assassin Lilth, assassin CR and warrior pyro. I don't know what they have, as the talismans are not showing anything special, but they have killed 5 fully maxed teams with one blow. I'm almost out of strong teams to swap talismans to in order to try and continue. I'm open to ideas.....
Difficult without knowing their build. If it's one shot kills though, maybe someone with a heal / reflective shield? Are they starting with immunity?

03-12-2019, 10:26 AM
I'm not sure. Usually it'll show. The only thing that shows on them are the negative effects. I can't see the talismans. They don't show any positive effects. This has left me guessing and wasting teams.

03-12-2019, 11:07 AM
I'm not sure. Usually it'll show. The only thing that shows on them are the negative effects. I can't see the talismans. They don't show any positive effects. This has left me guessing and wasting teams.

Yeah super strange as usually that team can be taken down easy! I would have tried waltzing in with a mummy level team, lol.

I can only guess, but maybe something using A Liliths power move to timebomb and triggering it? Lots of remove beneficials in that team which might make things easier maybe. EE can be a bit arsey in defence getting multiple turns too.

Id consider adding prisoner with primodrials (if not in your team), or someone else who can disable passive and see if that helps survivability....

03-12-2019, 01:24 PM
And I wonder why some enemy teams, who show NO relics in their bonus list, are able to destroy your team in one turn....

03-12-2019, 01:32 PM
Whenever I run into a high damage output team, i go in with all magus toons. I make sure i have at least 1 set of Oracles, 1 set of Destiny, and then my best character will have Fortunes. Makes their damage output barely noticeable.

As far as that team, I can across a team with EE and some other assassin toons, cant recall if it was that exact team though. They almost wiped my team as well. I was a bit worried about the team so i decided to use my own EE plus Sekhmet so I guaranteed to only give them 1 turn (assuming they won the coin, which of course they did) When I play this team, I always use wrath and Beast so I have a full team of Fury to really abuse EE. The only toon that is sharded is Sekhmet, all others are completely unsharded.

I had immortality talis on both wrath and beast. They killed beast and wrath, then killed beast after the revive and left me with wrath EE and Sekhmet all at about 10% health left. It was really close to a full wipe. But then I took all the turns and crushed them.

04-19-2019, 12:59 AM
Starting Gauntlet late & got a funny team 1st up in C: Ed the great + 3x witches! WTF!? lol

04-19-2019, 02:25 PM
I got a team in AAA or AA I forget because I've been battling for an hour straight. There should be a limit to battles, just like arena. I wiped all the enemy out aside from a Redan. She has something that lets her fully heal with each attack and I can only get her down to one sliver before she hits again. Things like this make me not even want to water my time in gauntlet at all. I mean it's ridiculous to have to take this long and get no where. I've come to the conclusion I'm to stupid to just quit and start again with a harder hitting team.

04-19-2019, 03:49 PM
I got a team in AAA or AA I forget because I've been battling for an hour straight. There should be a limit to battles, just like arena. I wiped all the enemy out aside from a Redan. She has something that lets her fully heal with each attack and I can only get her down to one sliver before she hits again. Things like this make me not even want to water my time in gauntlet at all. I mean it's ridiculous to have to take this long and get no where. I've come to the conclusion I'm to stupid to just quit and start again with a harder hitting team.

Yep, its tough sometimes. But youre right, you are better to quit and start again in those stalemates.... Thats where knowing talismans before picking teams would be super helpful, could roll in with some heal block or stun (actually pretty worthwhile for redan anyway!)

04-19-2019, 05:40 PM
Strongest Redan I've ever seen. Never did much damage, but I just couldn't kill. Finally quit and went with other team. I'd love to know the setup before entering battle.

04-19-2019, 05:43 PM
She heals with her basic attack. Maybe she wore fortune ? I can see how that'd be very annoying on her

05-10-2019, 06:03 PM
What is a GTLTMS05 error? I spent the usual 15 minutes setting up a team for an advanced level gauntlet battle. Gauntlet loads, my team drops into place and GTLTMS05 error pops up and the game crashes out. I lose the team and have a loss on my gauntlet list. I am so damn tired of losing battles because something hiccuped in the game and losing the characters I had on the team. Every Gauntlet at least once or twice I've lost a battle that I never got to press a single button on because of a game crash. It really is getting frustrating...

06-17-2019, 08:10 AM
The game is starting to really p***ing me off. I have to fight in Arena and Gauntlet against the same teams all again and again and again. Gambler(banner), charlotte(viper) and KP(warlord sustaining immunity). It's not fun anymore. Quiting is very tempting right now.

07-08-2019, 09:38 AM
Would have been more interesting to change the subtype of the rewarded talismans while summer special tour's 2nd turn. Not really need 20 of the same type...

07-08-2019, 09:44 AM
Would have been more interesting to change the subtype of the rewarded talismans while summer special tour's 2nd turn. Not really need 20 of the same type...

Hm for me it says WILL subtype this time, while it was BULWARK in the last rotation!?

07-08-2019, 01:46 PM
For me it's still bulwark…


07-08-2019, 02:14 PM
Is it only in that screen (I must admit I didn't know we can click here lol), or also in the ranked rewards screen?

07-08-2019, 02:19 PM
Cache and data of app cleared… now after restart it's will for me too^^

07-08-2019, 02:22 PM
Cache and data of app cleared… now after restart it's will for me too^^

Great! I always clear cache when I close the app to avoid data hiccups like this.

07-08-2019, 02:37 PM
Would have been more interesting to change the subtype of the rewarded talismans while summer special tour's 2nd turn. Not really need 20 of the same type...

So it's another subtype ? damn ! I could only grab 4 last week

07-08-2019, 06:17 PM
So it's another subtype ? damn ! I could only grab 4 last week

you can certainly buy the remaining 2 for a measly 500 ironite in the event store!

07-09-2019, 10:52 AM
you can certainly buy the remaining 2 for a measly 500 ironite in the event store!

Thank You Natasmai, I didn't notice it was a set of 2

10-08-2019, 09:50 PM
Gauntlet just froze on the loading screen and caused me another loss. Anyone else still running into this?
This time I included a video with the support ticket showing I have a valid internet connection and it still is just frozen and won't load.
It should not count as a loss if you never get past the loading screen.

10-16-2019, 08:40 PM
I thought I had not received the talisman set from the last gauntlet reward. However I found them somehow stuck on my Warrior LOL. I did report this, but thought I would share. I know people sometimes post that rewards were not issued, maybe they just end up somewhere they shouldn't be like this. My talisman inventory was not full at the time so I don't think it was an overflow issue. 6495