View Full Version : How to get Icarus....?

02-05-2019, 06:30 PM
Is it possible to get Icarus anywhere right now? or is the only way the luck of the soul?

02-05-2019, 06:39 PM
Hey Natasmai,

is possible to get the Icarus through rare souls, and all other related, such as legendary souls and mythical souls, and also the sentinel types of these souls, alike.
But, i confess, that he seems very difficult to appear out there, I'm looking for him so far. haha ha

02-05-2019, 06:39 PM
Unless featured no toon can be obtained without rng mechanics involved. Icarus can be obtained from rare souls and any sentinel type soul. The only exception is the FC store.

Yeah I forgot, ofc legendary and mythical souls as well.

02-05-2019, 06:54 PM
thanks, thats what I thought. Just wanted to make sure I wasnt missing him somewhere in one of the stores available to us... Their store system is somewhat of a disaster in my opinion. Maybe I will hit him in the sac event.... I have a ton of souls saved up.