View Full Version : Ancient Mariner Builds

03-19-2019, 08:11 AM
So having gotten him on the last week, does anyone have any advice on talisman selection?

It would seem he could be a good alchemist replacement, but his green slots means angel is out of the question. Is it worth going immunity talismans, maybe with a magic cosmos + 3 greens or 2 greens and random blue? Or is it a case of going blues + green 2 setters and rely on someone else removing his stun?

Also is he worth skill sharding asap? Seems his power move without shards is pretty low damage?

03-19-2019, 09:57 AM
So having gotten him on the last week, does anyone have any advice on talisman selection?

It would seem he could be a good alchemist replacement, but his green slots means angel is out of the question. Is it worth going immunity talismans, maybe with a magic cosmos + 3 greens or 2 greens and random blue? Or is it a case of going blues + green 2 setters and rely on someone else removing his stun?

Also is he worth skill sharding asap? Seems his power move without shards is pretty low damage?
I have had fully sharded Mariner for quite a long time. I have tried many different build, none really works. It's basic move "Life in death" should transfer all negative effects from all allies. It doesn't. Or does it so seldom, you will never see it. Ancient Mariner is big fat disappointment. There is really no point to bring it to any high level battle. I have tried it many time in gauntlet and lost all times.

03-19-2019, 10:42 AM
I have had fully sharded Mariner for quite a long time. I have tried many different build, none really works. It's basic move "Life in death" should transfer all negative effects from all allies. It doesn't. Or does it so seldom, you will never see it. Ancient Mariner is big fat disappointment. There is really no point to bring it to any high level battle. I have tried it many time in gauntlet and lost all times.

Well thats disappointing! Thanks though.

03-19-2019, 01:29 PM
He's no Charlotte, that's for sure. He could be a lot better if they tweaked him a bit, maybe up the percentage for his basic skill on the negative effects transferring. The punishment status is still pretty useful, although that attack itself doesn't do much damage. Right now I have him built like a tank, with Sustaining and Enduring talismans. I may try something else in the future. If I had another set of Eternals I might have used that.

03-19-2019, 03:51 PM
Mine is sharded and I've never found a talismam set that helps him. He's weak, and his hits remind me of the Sentinel Corrupt Warden it Wolf Cultist. Anyone find something to wake him up, please post it. As of now I wouldn't waste shards on him.

03-19-2019, 05:18 PM
i use him in gauntlet with ward eternals and i havent had reason to complain. he hits reasonably well and his punishment is nice. mine is fully sharded. I dont know how often we will have a magus only gauntlet requirement anymore, but he was nice to have for that over the past few tours.

03-19-2019, 05:22 PM
Yeah sadly he isn't the killing machine I had hoped. The only build I have for him at the moment is energy/angel since his damage is mediocre anyway. I can confirm that the basic attack which transfers the negative effects from allies to the enemy works 50/50. It's not reliable at all. Oh well

03-19-2019, 06:01 PM
I think he was a bit better with Future on him in the empty slots as he triggered a bit more but really not a great character - his skills need buffed a lot to be useful - he looks cool though!

I have had eternals on him as well as energy and tower but in gauntlet I used energy and future as his power move is decent and greater chance of basic triggering - it can be very useful for sure but you really need it to trigger!

03-19-2019, 09:13 PM
Thanks, yeah I dont have any ward eternals, so I guess energy/future looks the best option. Might save my SS then for another char!

03-19-2019, 09:43 PM
Thankfully over several sac events I got loads of SS so very glad to have them as they do not seem to drop as much! I am going to try to SS all of my characters over the next week or so as I have close to 1k of them at the moment! Mariner is actually OK for gauntlet but I would not be surpirside if they buff him in the future. Also try to pair him with a magic charge dealing Eddie or character as that also helps to up his hitting power.

03-19-2019, 11:02 PM
I gave him Tower and Future talismans

03-23-2019, 12:31 AM
tower avenger

03-23-2019, 12:59 AM
As a gauntlet-build, I've used future, sustaining, and a +15% magic cosmic. He did impressive damage with it on.

03-23-2019, 05:22 AM
Umm this thread is confusing lol. Hes great for PVE in general. You seem to be forgetting about his passive, which stops destiny talis, removes beneficial effects, and makes him really hard to kill all at once. His basic might be bugged but it does work occasionally, and does some pretty good damage if you equip blue talis. His power move is scary if you have max power, use it twice and still get a basic off. Not only does it do good damage but punishment is a surprisingly potent debuff.

Eternal talis are good on him, I run snow shield for the magic plus immune to stun, and whatever for the green (titan atm). Definitely 2nd tier (solid) in the guantlet

03-23-2019, 12:34 PM
Umm this thread is confusing lol. Hes great for PVE in general. You seem to be forgetting about his passive, which stops destiny talis, removes beneficial effects, and makes him really hard to kill all at once. His basic might be bugged but it does work occasionally, and does some pretty good damage if you equip blue talis. His power move is scary if you have max power, use it twice and still get a basic off. Not only does it do good damage but punishment is a surprisingly potent debuff.

Eternal talis are good on him, I run snow shield for the magic plus immune to stun, and whatever for the green (titan atm). Definitely 2nd tier (solid) in the guantlet
In PVE it's good but not great. In gauntlet, it is useless against AAA, SS and SSS top teams. I'd expect a bit more from gauntlet exclusive character.

03-24-2019, 05:07 AM
Yeah I expect his basic to be buffed honestly. Itd make it much more worthwhile