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View Full Version : Common souls piling up - any suggestions ?

06-16-2019, 07:44 AM
At the time of writing, I have... 1988 common souls piled up.

I really am not keen on the tediousness of redeeming & selling/sacrificing them.

I vaguely remember an event waay back where you could convert common souls to other soul types? Any word on there being a similar event in future ?

06-16-2019, 07:49 AM
At the time of writing, I have... 1988 common souls piled up.

I really am not keen on the tediousness of redeeming & selling/sacrificing them.

I vaguely remember an event waay back where you could convert common souls to other soul types? Any word on there being a similar event in future ?

So I used to sac them in sac events. Now I cbf, but I only just found the joy of selling them all! Soooooo much faster and 25k per stack if you keep the 3* for sacing. If you have 100 spare char slots, then you can dump 2 sets in at a time and if youre willing to sell the 3*, you can smash it out pretty quick...

06-16-2019, 08:04 AM
Yeah.. Im not a fan of lower level sacrificing rewarding you with MORE common souls. You actually HAVE to sell them to get rid of them because throwing 10 1 or 2 stars in the grinder is still going to get you back 3 to 6 souls. I guess some may like that. I find it jsut tedious.

There should be way to jsut sell souls without dropping them in the BOS.. or like you posted. convert 99 common souls to 1 rare.. or whatever. With frags now.. 99 common for 25 rare frags (half a rare soul) would even be better.

06-16-2019, 05:10 PM
At the time of writing, I have... 1988 common souls piled up.

I really am not keen on the tediousness of redeeming & selling/sacrificing them.

I vaguely remember an event waay back where you could convert common souls to other soul types? Any word on there being a similar event in future ?

They did have an event where commons were used as an in game currency, but it was right after a sac event...suspect it wasn't popular enough to bring back.

06-18-2019, 03:45 PM
Bring it back please, will take hours to summon and sac 10 at a time all the stacks of shit. And why are the next 2 heroic offerings denoting the 5 star Icarus and Killer Beast down to 4 stars leaving a lone 5 star Eddie? Always had 2 selections of 5 stars per heroic rotation in past?5663

06-18-2019, 04:46 PM
I am not complaing about Icarus being 4 star here as that means my mythical wil get mu missing NotB.

06-18-2019, 05:26 PM
Bring it back please, will take hours to summon and sac 10 at a time all the stacks of shit. And why are the next 2 heroic offerings denoting the 5 star Icarus and Killer Beast down to 4 stars leaving a lone 5 star Eddie? Always had 2 selections of 5 stars per heroic rotation in past?5663

Hi Edsel,

Thank you for these screenshots. This was just an oversight, and has now been corrected. Both Icarus and The Killer Beast are still 5*, and not 4* like is shown in the images above.

06-18-2019, 05:33 PM
Leviathan, why is it that the characters available with NotB eddie keep showing up as the Gemini twins briefly before switching to Icarus and Blue Anubis? It happened on reset the last 2 times in a row (a week ago and also 3 weeks ago)

I was really looking forward to getting a shot at the Gemini's

06-18-2019, 05:56 PM
Leviathan, why is it that the characters available with NotB eddie keep showing up as the Gemini twins briefly before switching to Icarus and Blue Anubis? It happened on reset the last 2 times in a row (a week ago and also 3 weeks ago)

I was really looking forward to getting a shot at the Gemini's

This was due to a transcribing error, but I can let you know that you'll have a shot at the Gemini's in an upcoming rotation!

06-18-2019, 07:05 PM
This was due to a transcribing error, but I can let you know that you'll have a shot at the Gemini's in an upcoming rotation!

Cool! Thanks for the info. Looking forward to it.

06-26-2019, 04:44 PM
6200 common souls taking up space in my book and I don’t have the time to spend redeeming them for useless rewards. Please add a way to use as currency or at a minimum sell or redeem in groups of 100.

06-26-2019, 06:13 PM
Make soul store permanent addition. Sell 99 stacks of common for ironite or something useful

06-29-2019, 11:56 PM
I use them while sacrifice-events to receive sow and sot

07-09-2019, 11:14 AM
I saw something in the store today - was a limited, 3times only, 1 skill shard for 350 souls.

07-09-2019, 12:58 PM
I would rather sacrifice them to get the SOW and SOT as SinGularity said.
It takes a long time but you typically have 7 days during the event.

07-09-2019, 02:00 PM
It depens where you are in the game. I have >999 skill shards in the inventory, so I won't convert the souls. Newer players however can greatly profit from this new thing. I guess they added this as people started complaining about that many souls (as the lol grind events were changed several months ago) and they want to test if players use this conversion option. I would love to see more options to convert, especially for rare G/A souls!

07-13-2019, 04:31 PM
I spent what felt like most of yesterday just sacrificing the 99 stacks of common souls. Got a decent amount of stuff from it though, but it sure was tedious.

Finally got rid of them all, so for the first time in ages, there was literally nothing left in the book of souls.

didn't last long though. first skull quest I did, blammo, 10 souls in a few seconds.

08-10-2019, 12:31 PM
I feel that once you reach a certain level in the game certain characters should be omitted from your drop chances in the rate souls. I can't remember the last time I really kept anything that I pulled from rare and class rare souls. Even the epic souls only seem to drop Valkyrie Hunters it e golems etc. It just makes it a waste of time and energy to only pull things you're only going to discard.

08-10-2019, 01:00 PM
Common souls may be a pain in the butt, but each stack give 3-4k essence. I use them throughout the time between sac events to increase the vortex and try and gain SoT, ironite and SoW, that was before SoW drops like flies in the dungeons. If you run alot of LoL since the new reward system you can easily get half or more of a vortex worth of common souls.

08-10-2019, 02:37 PM
The common souls are still fine, but I think the rare souls should be limited to the last 50 - 100 characters to be released. Like what was said in another place "The pool is too diluted to have much of a chance to get a decent character from a rare, epic or heroic soul drop. This last heroic rotation I was trying for the Magus pope and out of 30 heroic souls only got 3* crap. Now I have to wait until the next rotation, because the chance of pulling him from a Magus rare soul is almost nil.

08-10-2019, 03:07 PM
I dont have a problem with the current system. I am missing some toons that are available through souls, but I havent used all my souls or frags. If you cut out some of the older toons then they should also cut back on the amount of souls earned to compensate. Then they should also raise prices for the new crop of stronger toons that would be available.

08-14-2019, 08:14 PM
There's a bunch of offers in the store, for common souls.

Cosmic evo runes, skill shards, iron coins, for various amounts of souls.

08-14-2019, 10:01 PM
Yeah. I used the store to get rid of them as they are just a time drain - so better off getting rid of them as far as I am concerned.

10-25-2019, 06:47 PM
Common Souls for Ultimate Sac Hearts was the best new addition to the game.

10-25-2019, 11:09 PM
Common Souls for Ultimate Sac Hearts was the best new addition to the game.

Love how those count as earning 5* characters for the achievements!