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View Full Version : Game Update - July 7th, 2019

07-07-2019, 10:06 PM
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this week's release has been launched 2 days early! As a thank you for your patience during our unscheduled maintenance period, please accept this gift of 150 Ironite after you have updated your game**: https://tinyurl.com/y6etblx8

Update Details

A monthly update to help continue to refine and improve the Legacy of the Beast experience.

Arena Updates

A complete visual revamp of the Arena homescreen.

New Early Game Experience

New extended mission tutorial system. All players will be able to take advantage of this system and earn the rewards on offer. Additional Missions to be added at a later date.

Tuning Changes
Follow this link to see all the Tuning Changes in this release!

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Improved Rank Up screens
Fix for 1* T1 Purple Cosmic Talismans using the art for T2 Purple Cosmic Talismans
Fix for Anubis Assassin's 'Perpetual Cycle' ability not reviving a random ally
Fix for character names being hidden by fragment dock in Book of Souls
Corrected Magus Crimean Soldier's Power Skill description to state that this ability actually applies Perfect Silence, instead of regular Silence
Fix for Marks being consumed by Perfect Heal

Book of Souls Changes
New characters added to the Book of Souls character pool:

Savage Reaper (4* Sentinel)

Important Note!
Anyone that was getting the ‘Login Failed’ message prior to this release will be able to login with no issue.

If you uninstalled and reinstalled to try and fix the ‘Login Failed’ problem, they will have to do so once again in order to load the game correctly.

Known Issues

If you have not played the Arena since the last reset, you will need to play at least one match before your Arena stats display correctly.
Players will see double the Daily Challenges until today's 5pm reset. After the reset, Daily Challenges will go back to normal (only 1 set!).
Daily Dungeon Challenge Keys are being awarded immediately upon completion (there will be no presentation), rather than being stored in a Soul. We will have a hotfix to address this issue later this week.
Tapping GO for the Speed of Light 1 Mission will result in players receiving a "This World is not yet unlocked" modal
Talisman Key Soul (Rare) Art has the wrong material texture, making it look very similar to the Gold Key Soul (Common)

Regarding the Ironite Gift: **Please note: You must have most recent version of Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast downloaded on your device for this gift to work.

Some Android OS's may be unable to receive this gift using the link, use this code instead:


Enter the code into the 'Redeem Code' section of your Settings menu to receive your Ironite!