View Full Version : 3,500 FC character recommendations?

07-22-2019, 07:28 PM
Heylow fellow Troopers,

I was wondering if someone could recommend a purchase for the 3,500 FC tier. I was thinking of the Ferryman and using an ally that prevents burns to keep him virtually untouchable (outside of passive disable naturally). I feel like there are other ways other than FC to get the Killer Prime as well but im mostly torn between the two. Any advice would be much appreciated!

07-22-2019, 08:21 PM
Apart from the night city mega event a couple of months ago FC are the only way to get KP. Overall KP seems like the best choice as he can use some of the best talismans and has the health to survive even after passive disable. While ferryman can prove useful in a lot of ways, it’s hard to fight against viper talismans with him. KP’s passive removes golden effects as well so is arguably better than ferryman in that respect as well.

07-22-2019, 11:09 PM
You have to be careful with passive disable and Ferryman. He's easy to kill if his passive is disabled, unless you get first go. Then he can do some serious damage in one good blow.

07-24-2019, 10:06 PM
Thank you guys so much I was really torn and saving up the 3.5K FC is no easy task. You have a great point with the viper talismans, those could easily disrupt Ferryman. I much appreciate the input.