View Full Version : How to mod my characters

08-01-2019, 03:01 AM
How do I mod my doomsday Eddie, piece of mind Eddie, gunner child of the damned, alliance general, and nomad? I really need help modding not very good at it at all quiet frankly.

08-01-2019, 03:22 AM
Mod? If you mean add talismans, go into the my team section, select the character you want to power up, click on talismans and place whichever talismans in the spots, noting that colored spots require talismans of a certain color.

08-01-2019, 07:56 AM
Maximus, if you add your game ID number we can look at what you have and may be able to help you out.

08-01-2019, 08:06 PM
My account number is 855835610559033344 and sorry for using wrong lingo still got Star Wars galaxy of heroes stuck in my head

08-01-2019, 08:09 PM
Not your account #. Your game I'd # mine is muzzleloader-8226. The number is your game name followed by a four digit number.

08-01-2019, 08:25 PM
Sorry about that it’s maximus-0039

08-01-2019, 08:33 PM
It's best to set your champion as a fully sharded Eddie with good talisman.

What is your question? Who are you currently using the most. PoM and DDE are your best Eddie's, you have a few good toons.

infinite dreamer
08-01-2019, 08:38 PM
ML's right. You have some good characters and you're already matched up some talismans and upgraded them. Adding extra HP to POM Eddie was a good plan because his damage scales off HP. Your Assassin Hierophant is a great ally to build up.

08-01-2019, 08:44 PM
I really want to start using DDE or POM but what would a good team look like I just can’t seem to get the most out of POM also I don’t know what toons to level up or look out for. Like should I go for prisoner or hierophant for example?

08-01-2019, 08:53 PM
What level are you currently trying to beat?

Your purple and blue hierophant and green shinobi are your best bet to level up. Prisoner is very useful in certain situations , but at the beginning he is not that useful in the normal game mode.

Be careful now in what talisman you level up, the resources are scarce at the beginning. At the point you are at talisman are more important than using skill shards.

08-01-2019, 08:58 PM
I am beginning night city going through all maps to 100% already did all of wicker man isle, kingdom of the sands, around 65% of battlefield, finished underworld but have gone through and 100% it and haven’t even attempted night city because I get bodied. My normal team is COTD, The Nomad, and AHE

infinite dreamer
08-01-2019, 08:58 PM
Either of those Eddies are pretty good. Pairing either one with Prisoner and purple hierophant would be pretty solid. Your Phantom Eddie is good too when paired with The Madam because they can put enemies to sleep and not wake them. If you've started getting trooper badges, maybe save up for a set of destiny talismans for Clairvoyant or The Madam as well.

08-01-2019, 09:03 PM
Thanks so much but one more question what should I buy or save up for with my ironite which I don’t have much right now 8 to be exact, I have 2,225 trooper, 896 arena coins, and 1230 frontier coin.

08-01-2019, 09:05 PM
Plus what should i really farm for like in brave new world and lord of light dungeon

08-01-2019, 09:05 PM
What you need to know about in what talisman to use.

There are 3 types of attack, physical, magic and true. True is a combination of both physical and magic. You need to read the description of your toon abilities to determine which damage they do. You then try and match the description of the talisman to the toons abilities.

Each color talisman has 3 sub types. Red has skilled, safeguard and fierce. Each has different skill enhancers. Skilled is overall the most useless of the three.

You has a three set of red saint talisman, these are pretty good since they will revive the first toon who dies in battle

08-01-2019, 09:13 PM
You need to decide what you want to try and earn in BNW and LoL and farm the highest level you are capable of.

Right now I wouldnt spend any gold and shards leveling toons, you can do that while farming. Try and determine which talisman you want to upgrade and work on that color.

The iron couns you can spend on either relics or talisman. I would start with some relics, global health and special is a good start. The FC start saving for the future. Start saving your ironite for when you are able to farm higher levels of BNW and LoL. I would refrain from using ironite on buying souls, you may get lucky, but overall its the worst way to spend ironite.

08-01-2019, 09:15 PM
Thank you so much for your help

08-01-2019, 09:18 PM
Look at your prisoner. See that he has a crown icon on him, that means he is your champion. You need to change that to PoM or DDE. You will get more added troopers that way. Go to either Eddie's and go to the center and right of the screen you will see the crown, tap on that to designate him as your champion

08-01-2019, 09:22 PM
Also try and do as much gauntlet and arena. Gauntlet is extremely difficult at the start do what you can. In the arena use all of your SoW. Even if you lose you earn 1 IC. The arena kinda sucks right now and will be extremely frustrating. Just suck it up and earn IC.

You can send me a PM if you want more help.