View Full Version : Back to the Game after long break.

10-08-2019, 09:05 PM
Hey can anyone give me a advice what to build to progress?
Tag BiggiUM-3058

10-09-2019, 04:43 AM
What do you mean by build? If you mean characters, then try Gambler Eddie, Icarus Eddie, (maybe Alexander Eddie) Charlotte, Major, some of the newly added lol toons and most characters that can be awakened

If you meant what to do, then nowadays it's mostly frontier dungeons (easiest to start with is the trooper dungeon, it will get you after a long grind, the "limited edition" trooper Eddie and the major (kinda OP) and you can unlock it by buying the key work trooper badges, it will remain open for a limited time) and getting materials for awakening (you can get them from the Lord of light frontier dungeon which isn't easy, the key for it drops for Lord of light X)

10-09-2019, 09:14 AM
Thank you for the Reply. I mean what of my old characters i can use to progress nowadays. :)

10-09-2019, 01:55 PM
I'd keep on track with what it seems your working with. The child of the damned are still very handy. I'd work on the gunner convict, as she is useful as well. You have a good set of characters to get back going. Speed of light is good with the right talismans and the same with carriage Rider. Pharaoh is still seen a lot in the arena. Work on powering up you characters and try to get the newer talisman. That's where almost any character can become competitive again.

10-09-2019, 05:45 PM
Pharaoh is a better Eddie than he gets credit for. He's a classic Min/Max build. If you equip three sets of basic "health" talismans, the only stats boosted are HP, Def, MR, and +15% HP, times three-- he ends up with 59,000 HP. And, his damage scales on Def and HP. You can stay on these three skills: a basic with a chance to inflict Permadeath and a chance to repeat, a power that revives the entire team, and a Fury that grants Invincibility to the entire team. That's all useful no matter what kind of team you pair him with.

10-09-2019, 05:56 PM
Pharaoh is a better Eddie than he gets credit for. He's a classic Min/Max build. If you equip three sets of basic "health" talismans, the only stats boosted are HP, Def, MR, and +15% HP, times three-- he ends up with 59,000 HP. And, his damage scales on Def and HP. You can stay on these three skills: a basic with a chance to inflict Permadeath and a chance to repeat, a power that revives the entire team, and a Fury that grants Invincibility to the entire team. That's all useful no matter what kind of team you pair him with.

I'm still pissed at myself for having sacrificed my Pharaoh Eddie shortly after getting him in that free "log in every day" thing - I was new to the game, and thought "build the best single team" was the way to go. And I loved my Iron Eddie - so I didn't really see the point. I realized my mistake like a week later, when I figured out that you could expand the number of character slots in your inventory... :(

Newbie mistake!

10-09-2019, 06:38 PM
I sacrificed tons of good characters, on the assumption that I was trying to build the best roster of twenty-five characters. The ability to expand inventory slots is not obvious. When your slots fill up, it forces you to the team page, and the Sacrifice button has a red notification-- it seems clear that you're supposed to sacrifice characters at that point. Horrible design flaw, if not intentional.