View Full Version : Week Long Maintenance

10-27-2019, 02:43 PM
So, as we all know, this game’s been a mess recently with endless bugs, worst of all being server issues. These often make the game completely unplayable and cause lots of frustration among us. Because of that, I’d like to propose an idea: how about closing the servers down for a week so these connection issues, along with some other bugs, could be taken care of? It would mean pushing events ahead end extending some others but I think that it would greatly benefit the game in the long run.
The entire Iron Maiden: LOTB Discord (currently at over 100 members)

10-27-2019, 02:49 PM
I've not been playing for too long, only a couple of months, but I've been quite surprised how often connection problems arise. It's rather frustrating considering most of the time-limited events involve auto-farming. I'm still having a lot of fun, but hopefully you're able to sort something out for this. Or at least slow down on the events, hard enough to keep up with everything without all the various drop-outs.

10-27-2019, 03:44 PM
... hard enough to keep up with everything without all the various drop-outs.

Exactly this.