View Full Version : Can we tone it down on Van Helsing?

11-11-2019, 07:35 PM
My bad reputation precedes me, but you know what - there is a bigger, imho, problem and people are leaving.

Would it be too much to ask that Eddie Van Helsing has Team God Mode for 1 turn instead of 2. Like a built in Celestial talisman. I have Eddie Van Helsing and I'd have no quarrels with a nerfing.


11-11-2019, 07:50 PM
Who is leaving?

11-11-2019, 08:13 PM
i don´t think they will nerf Van Helsing that soon, after many players invested a lot of time and resources getting him.

11-11-2019, 08:21 PM
I guess some people just get tired of playing teams that take to long to beat.

11-11-2019, 08:35 PM
Can we pls get more Godmode-Rounds on Van Helsing? And pls with prevention from absolute ALL damage!:D

11-11-2019, 08:53 PM
OK--I agree-- But only if we get rid of Orbit and Labyrinth Talismans. :) Especially Orbit--because I feel like many of my favorite characters (like Angel Witch) are fairly useless now.

11-11-2019, 09:46 PM
Van Helsing is no more overpowered than many popular sets of Talismans. From the viewpoint of game design, I think it's a good move to have some OP characters, to balance with the ubiquitous OP Talismans. The game was becoming almost completely Talisman-driven.

11-11-2019, 11:29 PM
6818really fun!

11-11-2019, 11:59 PM
There ARE workarounds for Van Helsing's impenetrability. It's no more a problem the Celestials.. or Orbits.

11-12-2019, 12:32 AM
Ok can we talk about the fact that Starfire talismans are nearly impossible to beat. I’ll admit I make use of them on my Musashi and make use of AoD’s endure and full heals to beat certain arena combos *cough cough Warrior LoL + Gambler*, but they are even more abusable against PvE. Anybody else think they’re kinda screwed up?

11-12-2019, 01:19 AM
That's what happens with many of the OP toons or talis. At first they are overwhelming and so called unbeatable then the next shiny toy comes around and replaces it. That's the way the game is designed. The make must haves or feell left behind.

11-12-2019, 01:33 AM
Ok can we talk about the fact that Starfire talismans are nearly impossible to beat. I’ll admit I make use of them on my Musashi and make use of AoD’s endure and full heals to beat certain arena combos *cough cough Warrior LoL + Gambler*, but they are even more abusable against PvE. Anybody else think they’re kinda screwed up?

*SNORTS* how do you think I managed to beat the warrior insanity level on celestial blades thingy. It also works very well in the lucifer level in LoL. Add an Emperor Eddie with orbit the assassin werewolf with starfire the count with yin and yang and you almost don't need another character. hmm reminds me I need to look into something that generates a magic shield for a few rounds....

11-12-2019, 01:43 AM
My one and only complaint about this is they do a piss poor job of having a counter for most of the shiney new stuff. And unfortunately they will probably never get any better at it because it doesn't incentivise people to spend money. But putting out something new and more deadly or something yeah people go for that.

However when they put out a character/talisman that disables talismans then we know the game is over. Because after that whats left... Wouldn't matter if it cast 2k ironite plus 300 assassin mythical souls and a fully awakened Lord of Light etc. people would have to have it and they would have it.

11-12-2019, 06:46 AM
Ok can we talk about the fact that Starfire talismans are nearly impossible to beat. I’ll admit I make use of them on my Musashi and make use of AoD’s endure and full heals to beat certain arena combos *cough cough Warrior LoL + Gambler*, but they are even more abusable against PvE. Anybody else think they’re kinda screwed up?

Nah, they're good. Only way I've been able to beat some PvE levels without needing overpowered characters myself!

11-12-2019, 09:32 AM
My bad reputation precedes me, but you know what - there is a bigger, imho, problem and people are leaving.

Would it be too much to ask that Eddie Van Helsing has Team God Mode for 1 turn instead of 2. Like a built in Celestial talisman. I have Eddie Van Helsing and I'd have no quarrels with a nerfing.


Don't listen to this guy!

He bad mouths veteran players, buys his OP toons, eventually gets Eternal rank, and now he's whining.

Cry me a freakin river!

How about we nerf your maxed Dark Lilith and Maxed Lucifer (just yours, not anyone else's.)

I don't have either of those. Van Helsing is my super freaking hard earned toon to combat your bought and paid for OP toons.

The reason your crying[redacted], is cuz your a newbie who doesn't have the "RELICS" to hang with the big dogs.

Despite what you may think, "entitlement" is just a myth, you don't deserve anything handed to you!

Quit whining cuz life is hard. They nerf enough hard earned/ paid for stuff in this game.

I can't believe your arrogant audacity to start this thread!

I like everyone in this forum.... except you.
I think you need a good kick in the arse or to work some serious hard days labor to humble you!

Btw,[redacted].... people leave because they only want to play for free or because server connection errors frustrate them.
IMHO, you are the problem.... NOT VAN HELSING!

11-12-2019, 10:10 AM
My one and only complaint about this is they do a piss poor job of having a counter for most of the shiney new stuff. And unfortunately they will probably never get any better at it because it doesn't incentivise people to spend money. But putting out something new and more deadly or something yeah people go for that.

However when they put out a character/talisman that disables talismans then we know the game is over. Because after that whats left... Wouldn't matter if it cast 2k ironite plus 300 assassin mythical souls and a fully awakened Lord of Light etc. people would have to have it and they would have it.

Very true! I am pretty sure that we will see that ability/skill to disable talismans.
Over the last year or so, talis set effects have become extremely powerful. From my perspective even (a bit) too powerful, as many of these new sets were more crucial than the skills of the "best" characters and by this dominated the meta. We might see the peak now with sets like Sigularity, Starfire, Celestial or Orbit. Set effects that cannot really be countered. The only real counter against some of them is the fact that a team still consits of "only" 1 Ed and 3 Allies so that you cannot combine all monster sets in one team.

In a "normal" game, ultra powerful skills and set effects like those mentioned would not need to exist, but as we know that freemium needs to evolve continously, and NF decides to keep the frequency of new game and meta changing things so high to get people spending. The meta develops in circles I'd say. We had a lot of sets and effects that increased damage (e.g. by healing) extremely. That was counterd by sets that block or reduce damage. Same for passive disable, countered by Singularities like a mild cold by a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. Then the next talis took over, which means (to me) that we will see a big counter against that sometimes. I am curious too see how they implement that and how it will be available. This might be an interesting point in LotB history and might be decisive for some players to stay with the "game" or not.

11-12-2019, 10:35 AM
They should not nerf anything ever unless it breaks the game. I am with many others on here - fix it if it is broken only. if they create a killer character by design then so be it. If they create one that is broken fix it but leave the rest alone or provide a solution to defeating the OP character.

Van Helsing is a great Eddie and he is designed that was as he was a struggle to get - I got him through hard work and time. So if they nerf him I will not be pleased at all - the only reason you fix something is if it broken or not working as intended.....you sell a car quoting 500 bhp, you expect 500 bhp not 250 bhp. Sell a car with brakes that work - you expect them to work etc etc. The same as in this game. if it is sold as one thing it should be that thing, not that thing for one week or one month...unless it is broken. END OF!

I had to struggle against maxed Lucy and maxed Dark Lilith and now I have a tool to defeat them both...as designed! So keep it that way and do not change things on any character unless it is a fix or an improvement to an old character.

Just my opinion of course!

11-12-2019, 01:22 PM
They should not nerf anything ever unless it breaks the game. I am with many others on here - fix it if it is broken only. if they create a killer character by design then so be it. If they create one that is broken fix it but leave the rest alone or provide a solution to defeating the OP character.

Van Helsing is a great Eddie and he is designed that was as he was a struggle to get - I got him through hard work and time. So if they nerf him I will not be pleased at all - the only reason you fix something is if it broken or not working as intended.....you sell a car quoting 500 bhp, you expect 500 bhp not 250 bhp. Sell a car with brakes that work - you expect them to work etc etc. The same as in this game. if it is sold as one thing it should be that thing, not that thing for one week or one month...unless it is broken. END OF!

I had to struggle against maxed Lucy and maxed Dark Lilith and now I have a tool to defeat them both...as designed! So keep it that way and do not change things on any character unless it is a fix or an improvement to an old character.

Just my opinion of course!

Scott, so true. Don't nerf EVER AGAIN. Make something new to counter the power instead.
Recall the Primordials? Everyone who didn't have them complained about their power, so NF nerfed them. Those of us who did have them and invested heavily in powering up 4 sets of 6 talismans suddenly got ripped off. They are still OK but nothing at all like the ultimate talismans they once were. There should be a talisman disable ability on a character, instead of taking away the awesomeness of the talismans.

11-12-2019, 05:48 PM

EXACTLY! I have left games I've played for YEARS because the whining and crying about nerfing resulted in me losing stuff I worked a ton on getting and upgrading. Then the next shiny comes out, people get their widdle feelings hurt, and then something else gets nerfed. That kills a game for me quicker than something really, really quick. Game designers need to grasp a simple thing:

Nerf = Take away from players
Counters = Gives to the players

11-12-2019, 06:13 PM
@ Bakura...well spoken sir! :D

11-12-2019, 07:05 PM
There is counters vs Van Helsing and he is not immortal - which means he is not broken.
You want to know which ones? Then study character and talisman effects, try to be more creative. It is there.
In fact you don't even need the latest and greatest stuff to beat him.

And of course no one will be happy to see something gets nerfed - especially if that took really hard work to get.

This is very typical with every meta change. Yesterday it was Primordials, today is Van Helsing, tomorrow will be something else (maybe an Awakenable Sandworm).
One thing is sure, there is always something that needs to be nerfed ;)

11-12-2019, 07:13 PM
The game is always changing, dynamic, one key (among many others) against VHE it's just going back and handle some damage over the time team. If we have the tools to work around a challenge I don´t stand with the nerfing...

11-12-2019, 10:26 PM

11-13-2019, 01:51 AM
VnHE is way easier to manage than Alex (pre-nerf) Orbit. Freeze, Stun and Sleep all shut down VnHE builds. Also Mark damage still hits on the first round. I have not tried but I think burn damage also works but I could be wrong.

11-13-2019, 03:17 AM
*SNORTS* how do you think I managed to beat the warrior insanity level on celestial blades thingy. It also works very well in the lucifer level in LoL. Add an Emperor Eddie with orbit the assassin werewolf with starfire the count with yin and yang and you almost don't need another character. hmm reminds me I need to look into something that generates a magic shield for a few rounds....

Gate talisman gives immunity to magic. It's the same as siege talisman for physical

11-13-2019, 03:43 AM
Gate talisman gives immunity to magic. It's the same as siege talisman for physical

Corrupt Feldmarschal is immune to magic, too.

Congrats on winning Gauntlet and the only Moonchild!

11-13-2019, 05:59 AM
I think burn damage also works but I could be wrong.

You are not. Burns will damage.

11-13-2019, 12:30 PM
The hypocrisy of "whining" about Van Helsing being unfair, by the original poster, is ridiculous considering this is the same guy who used this 👇 as his Arena defense team awhile back.


I didn't hear him complaining then!

*Btw, I had a guy pm me saying that now that he has Van Helsing, he can finally grind LoL 13 & 14, cuz he didn't have orbits, Charlotte, or KP.

11-13-2019, 02:39 PM
Corrupt Feldmarschal is immune to magic, too.

Congrats on winning Gauntlet and the only Moonchild!

Thank you sir!

11-14-2019, 05:40 AM
The hypocrisy of "whining" about Van Helsing being unfair, by the original poster, is ridiculous considering this is the same guy who used this �� as his Arena defense team awhile back.


I didn't hear him complaining then!

*Btw, I had a guy pm me saying that now that he has Van Helsing, he can finally grind LoL 13 & 14, cuz he didn't have orbits, Charlotte, or KP.

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Can we say either extraordinarily awesome good luck or at least 150$ spent in getting them...

11-14-2019, 05:41 AM
Gate talisman gives immunity to magic. It's the same as siege talisman for physical

well now... *goes and looks at the gate tali specs...*

Thanks. I knew there was one but couldn't recall which one it was. Now hmm is it just on the one character or the entire team is the question..

11-14-2019, 05:49 AM
Corrupt Feldmarschal is immune to magic, too.

haven't managed to get that one yet.....

11-14-2019, 05:53 AM
Very true! I am pretty sure that we will see that ability/skill to disable talismans.
Over the last year or so, talis set effects have become extremely powerful. From my perspective even (a bit) too powerful, as many of these new sets were more crucial than the skills of the "best" characters and by this dominated the meta. We might see the peak now with sets like Sigularity, Starfire, Celestial or Orbit. Set effects that cannot really be countered. The only real counter against some of them is the fact that a team still consits of "only" 1 Ed and 3 Allies so that you cannot combine all monster sets in one team.

In a "normal" game, ultra powerful skills and set effects like those mentioned would not need to exist, but as we know that freemium needs to evolve continously, and NF decides to keep the frequency of new game and meta changing things so high to get people spending. The meta develops in circles I'd say. We had a lot of sets and effects that increased damage (e.g. by healing) extremely. That was counterd by sets that block or reduce damage. Same for passive disable, countered by Singularities like a mild cold by a powerful broad-spectrum antibiotic. Then the next talis took over, which means (to me) that we will see a big counter against that sometimes. I am curious too see how they implement that and how it will be available. This might be an interesting point in LotB history and might be decisive for some players to stay with the "game" or not.

Actually I think we are seeing the next wave in talisman now. Yin and Yang for example. Decent item but with both it's even better. They did this with the one set of characters but that is it from my understanding. Kinda makes me wonder why they didn't get into the character theme/group bonuses and such. like the trooper and eternity eddie.