View Full Version : Trooper souls

12-15-2019, 11:37 AM
The last five Trooper souls I've opened have ALL been Lady Azov, including the "High chance of Trooper Eddie" 20,000 badge soul.
I now find myself stuck on the Trooper dungeon challenges as I refuse to pay 900 FC to unlock Toons that can be achieved by other means.
Does the RNG dislike me or are NF just taking the biscuit? That is the question

12-20-2019, 09:55 AM
i've had same thing happen with both warlord and lady A, last time is saved about 10 of them to get 1 trooper ed, 1 bastion, 3 warlord, and 5 lady a's, as far as random goes i dont believe it, cause there's a few other souls that i drop a bunch of and over 80% of the 5* i get are ones i already have multiple of