View Full Version : Gauntlet is a joke

12-30-2019, 01:36 AM
I hear people constantly saying they lose battles due to pop up ads in gauntlet. Well I had just won a very hard battle (the first of the second SSS) and my second battle was a gimme: because it’s either insanely hard or super easy—-there’s no in between

As clicked “battle” to enter, the app restarted costing me the toons and the loss yet again. This has happened to so many players so many times and the devs say can do nothing to fix it? They can’t check the logs and credit you the toons and the loss because it’s too much work for them and they’re too far behind anyway. If they could only fix the underlying issues that cause this to constantly happen.

It wasn’t “my device” or “my connection” either. It’s that gauntlet is just in a terrible state with the frequent crashing and pop ups that still go on. The ranking system isn’t even setup right. If it’s not fixed along with the rest of the acute issues I may just give up on it completely. Gauntlet was one of the last things that held my attention, but when one strategizes and plans only to take losses due to this crap happening it takes all the fun out of it. With no real new promised content and constant server and code issues it may be time to hang it up for me. I mean what else is there to do when you’ve done everything twice already? So I figured I’d make this post as a farewell to the game because we all know it’s not getting fixed.

12-30-2019, 04:19 PM
The other day I went to click on the store tab and an ad for a Magus Evo pack popped up just when I touched the screen. Since there is not a purchase confirmation check, it was purchased. So I wasted ironite (450 or 475, can't remember exactly) on loot I do not need and did not intend to purchase.

They need to calm these pop-ups down.

I spend on the game, but this really goes too far. It makes me feel like my pocket was picked. :(

12-30-2019, 05:40 PM
pvp and gauntlet are two big shits,there is too many bugs and they don't want to fix them...

12-30-2019, 06:59 PM
Let's face it, as long as people are still spending money on this dumpster fire of mismanaged code, they won't devote the time or energy to fix things like this when they can just create a bunch of broken characters dungeons and talismans.

12-30-2019, 07:30 PM
The pop up ads are really unnecessary. I don't need to see the same ads I've seen a million times every time I go to the main menu.

12-31-2019, 03:16 AM
I don’t like the ads but I can accept them. It’s when they pop up that’s a problem. They should pop up when logging in or changing screens etc... not during battles. That seems like just a timing issue with either our current clients or the server I’m sure they could adjust somehow.

12-31-2019, 03:49 AM
I don't mind the ads popping up as much as the newsfeed notifications. The fullscreen pop-ups bring the app controls to the front, and I can't get them to go away without minimizing and re-maximizing the entire app. I've fished around in settings but don't see where to change this. Android, LG V30.

01-02-2020, 04:55 PM
Idk about the ads but a good thing to do is turn off your one touch purchase option. I have it set up to require me to input my pw before it buys anything.

01-02-2020, 07:00 PM
It’s not just the pop up ads. My gauntlet just froze when I was winning. I could select enemies and change the speed but there as no longer an attack button. It just disappeared. Cost me yet another loss. This is also why Gauntlet is a joke of a play mode. It never works right all the way through. Not once since I’ve played it. I may post video of it later if I feel like it.

01-02-2020, 07:04 PM
Any devs like to explain where the attack button went? I’d love to know.

01-02-2020, 07:51 PM
I just lost very important battle is SSS becouse stupid game crash on battle end....fuck this!

01-02-2020, 08:42 PM
I just lost very important battle is SSS becouse stupid game crash on battle end....fuck this!

Had encountered that problem this week, too. Was the last Battle to get into S rankings which was necessary to 1. get enough moonchild frags to summon it at the weekend (have to buy 50 frags for 2k trooper badges in the store now 😏) and 2. to fulfill the achievement of the sands event.
Now, I can’t do both of it... sucks

01-02-2020, 09:01 PM
This has been happening since Gauntlet was released. Whenever you try to see how far you can get, the farther you get the more losses you get due to pop-up ads, crashes, freezes and other disconnections. And currently there is no way for them to give you back the toons and credit the loss and the issues that cause the losses have gotten worse rather than better since beta.

01-04-2020, 06:25 AM
I've always thought losing the champions/characters in losses was kind of excessively harsh. Especially given some match-ups come down to straight luck.

01-04-2020, 03:45 PM
There's another way to defeat moonchild with labs + vampiric without gunner hierophant?

01-04-2020, 03:51 PM
Aside from hitting them a load of times, probably not (Also great opportunity to get a gunner Pope on Sunday (or Monday)

01-06-2020, 05:59 AM
There's another way to defeat moonchild with labs + vampiric without gunner hierophant?

ECE or Ferryman with quantum are pretty good against moonchild if you have the right support. The right support can depend on who moonchild has with him but I’ve seen moonie go down in 3 rounds quite a few times.

01-10-2020, 09:59 AM
Today was the first time, I lost because of a bug. I had a battle in S against the Samurai Eddie which has a passiv and with Viper, Ferryman with Forge, Gunner Minotaur with Persecution and Cosmic LoL with no passiv effect talisman. I had doom on Ferryman and G. Min, both doom went down to 0, but both them revived with full hp, and the effects from Forge.
I dont think its intended, if is, its bs. Doom should kill anything it applied to.