View Full Version : Fast Airstrip dungeon team

02-01-2020, 11:06 PM
Anyone have a fast team. Best I can get is about 40 runs per key. Been trying a few different combinations but can't seem to break that barrier.
Or is that about as many runs as you can get?
Right now I have

Gangland Ed - labs/freeze cos
Allied bomb boy - limbo/predator/freeze cos
Gunner dog - siege/blind cos/rando
Possessed rockets - primordials

02-01-2020, 11:23 PM
The 3 star limit makes it tough to get much faster in many instances. And if that third wave dog casts endure over the enemies it takes even longer.

But I've been using....
Eagles Dare (Angel/Strike)
Allied Bomber Boy (Celestial/Cosmic Void)
Convict (Radiant/Warp - Or primordials - or Zone/Ruin.. doesn't really make a difference)
Prison Cook (Strike/Ruin/Cosmic Immunity)

Averaging 1 minute runs...so around the same at a slightly more than 40 runs per key.

The Strike (counter) sets help end battles faster.

I've tried various talisman combos and various cosmics.. nothing seems to get the runs much faster than 50sec-1.5min per. Mostly due to the Perfect Health/Perfect Immunity combo plus Invisibility on the left side bomber on enemies in the boss battle, which doesn't seem to be removable and must be waited out. (even the Void shield isn't clearing those) I thought a Cosmic Purge talisman somewhere, or the Radiant on the Convict might help with that, but they don't appear to.

I'd be all up for some combo anyone has that runs faster.

02-01-2020, 11:55 PM
Osiris idea:
primordials, ragnarok, starfire7601

02-02-2020, 12:09 AM
primordials, ragnarok, starfire7601

Starfire, I thought of those before but never applied them. That would help them kill themselves. Nice call going to try them next run.

With this event I just thought why not try to get the fastest run on airstrip, just for shits and giggles. Fastest I got 49 secs so far don't even remember what team it was, I wanna beat it.😎👍

02-02-2020, 12:25 AM
Good call. Would need to remove Celestials to use Starfires (otherwise there's no damage first turn). I tried it with starfires on AUR and swapped the celestials on GBB, still a delay in the last battle even with Starfires and MUCH closer to losing, although I didn't. Will have to power up a set of Ragnaroks I have and try again.

02-02-2020, 01:25 AM
Same here on dropping celestial and adding a toon with Starfire. Best time 29 and average about 35, but with all the delays on loading screens and such I can't get more than about 40 runs. Think I timed 75 second from Victory screen to Victory screen.
If I decide to run this a bunch I'll tweak the lineup some more.

02-02-2020, 04:15 AM
Well changed allied boy to axis boy with starfires, best time 32 secs, average 40. Better but still tinkering.

02-02-2020, 08:16 AM
Mostly due to the Perfect Health/Perfect Immunity combo plus Invisibility on the left side bomber on enemies in the boss battle, which doesn't seem to be removable and must be waited out.

My team isn't fast (1:20ish) as I'm still doing the full achievement character runs, but Valhalla talismans remove the Feldmarschall's Perfect Immunity.

Most team suggestions include Celestials, but I've been using Alchemy instead of Celestials to deal with various debuffs. What's the benefit of Celestials here? I've been using Forges, but have never come close enough to dying for them to trigger.

This is what I've been using. 1:10-1:20 average. Are there any obvious improvements I could make?

Soldier Eddie - Valhalla/Cosmic (Doesn't deal much damage, other than his Fury)
G Bomber Boy - Alchemy (Good damage, removes debuffs)
Possessed Rockets - Persecution/Warlord/Cosmic (Mostly for the stat boost, these talismans don't do much)
G Undead Soldier - Forge/Cosmic (Decent single target damage.)

02-02-2020, 02:33 PM
I think Celestial are a holdover from when this was a harder dungeon for most people.
I'm using For Eagles Dare with Ragnarok
Gunner dog basic talismans with a high Atk and Special cosmic
Assassin Golden sun with Starfire
G Undead soldier with forge.
Got 52 runs last night on a key. Best time still 29.
Starfire makes the boss kill himself and I don't even have to attack.

02-02-2020, 03:33 PM
All rounds finished in first turn: 0:30-0:40 per run

Soldier Ed - Valhalla/Future cosmic (valhalla will remove invincibility and perfect immunity, and future boost special stat and fury, only attack that can one-shot all enemies)
G Demon Spawn - Ragnarok/Cosmic with high defense boost
Possesed rockets - primordial
A undead axis gunner - starfire (round 3/5 will end quickly)
I think that starfire/ragnarok/valhalla are a must for fast runs.

02-02-2020, 07:30 PM
Well found my fastest team.
I didn't want to move my Valhalla and Forge tallis from elsewhere, but agree that Starfire and Ragnarok are must haves for speed, waves 3 and 5 kill themselves. I get a pretty consistent 35 secs per run, fastest was 28 secs.

Ended up with 56 runs, 2 keys in a row.

WED Ed - ragnarok/ecco cos
Gun Dog - siege/freeze cos/rondo gold
Poss Rockets - banner/blind cos/rando
Axis Bomb boy - Starfires

Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I mainly wanted to break the 50 run barrier.

And Azagthor, you're not going to get much faster than that. When you're trying to finish the achievements you can't use the right tallis to speed it up.

02-02-2020, 11:53 PM
New best time *with all achievement characters* ... 0:38 (upper range is ~1:15)

Soldier Ed - Valhalla/Boost
G. Possessed Rockets - Primordial
A. Axis Bomber - Starfire
G. Undead Allied Soldier - Mark/Blight/Redemption

Would be quicker if last wave was wrecking itself on Starfires, but cosmic Redemption does not de-buff Golden effects (the Perfect Heal Shield).

02-03-2020, 07:41 PM
Post-achievement team. Guaranteed 0:32 to 0:42

Where Eagles Dare Eddie – Ragnarok/Dominance
Axis Bomber Boy – Starfire
Gunner Demon Spawn – Viper/Future
Assassin Demon Spawn – Life/Blight/Inspiration

Not everything about this is intuitive. The Demon Spawns are single-target attackers, but passively inflict Crave and Silence. Future doesn't slow things down because G. Spawn's power move is a damage all attack, A. Spawn has Blight, and the others never use their non-offensive moves. Life talismans trigger additional Ragnarok effects.

I tried putting Ragnarok on G. Spawn and using Soldier Eddie with Valhalla, but this was much slower due to the AI, and had no additional benefits. I tried Redemption in place of Dominance, but there was no additional benefit and it was slower. The AI is weird about move order-- Fortune/Blight made A. Spawn go first (?)

02-03-2020, 11:06 PM
Post-achievement team. Guaranteed 0:32 to 0:42

Where Eagles Dare Eddie – Ragnarok/Dominance
Axis Bomber Boy – Starfire
Gunner Demon Spawn – Viper/Future
Assassin Demon Spawn – Life/Blight/Inspiration

Not everything about this is intuitive. The Demon Spawns are single-target attackers, but passively inflict Crave and Silence. Future doesn't slow things down because G. Spawn's power move is a damage all attack, A. Spawn has Blight, and the others never use their non-offensive moves. Life talismans trigger additional Ragnarok effects.

I tried putting Ragnarok on G. Spawn and using Soldier Eddie with Valhalla, but this was much slower due to the AI, and had no additional benefits. I tried Redemption in place of Dominance, but there was no additional benefit and it was slower. The AI is weird about move order-- Fortune/Blight made A. Spawn go first (?)

Thx for sharing this team, it really is imaginative and helpful!

I got a best time of 29 seconds with almost the exact setup- just replaced the Dominance with Echo.

My range varies from 0:29 to 0:52, with most of them grouping around 40 +/- 3 seconds mark. Which is quite nice, and gives 50+ runs per key.

02-03-2020, 11:18 PM
Cheers, ritchbe. I started using the Demon Spawns a long time ago, because of their passive de-buffs, and I stuck with them here until I found a good setup. Don't assume that you can't farm with single-target attackers!

02-03-2020, 11:54 PM
Anyone else notice that Dominance don't really work in this dungeon???

02-04-2020, 12:16 AM
Anyone else notice that Dominance don't really work in this dungeon???

I'm not sure if they're doing anything, but they don't slow me down.

I've wondered if the Redemption cosmic actually does anything.

02-04-2020, 12:32 AM
yeah they don't HARM the run in any way.. but they don't necessarily benefit any character either beyond the base stats of the talisman(s). I mean.. I never see any buffs granted.

02-04-2020, 02:34 AM
Wondering if they will be giving out more airstrip keys for other achievements? Burnt through the one I had and don't feel like buying more anytime soon.

02-04-2020, 03:49 AM
I just started running this dungeon tonight for the Operation Midnight event.

Best Time: 0:26
Avg. 0:33
My Stretch Goal Team:

>Eagles Dare Ed- Ragnarok/Cosmic (Death Mark Skill)
>A. Axis Bomber Boy- Starfire

You just need 2 characters.
W.E.D. Ed becomes a multi hitter w/ Death Mark Skill, plus Ragnarok inflicts true damage w/ every action.
The Starfires do the rest. Enemies attacking on Waves 3 & 5 pretty much kill themselves.

Mistakes would be using echo cosmic on single hitter Ed, and using Celestial or Alchemy (w/ invincibility) along with Starfires, cuz no damage prevents the enemy from triggering Starfires. These things would prolong the battle, and considering you get Explosive frags according to the number of battles, Time & Quantity of runs is the name of the game. I'm sure alot of you know this, but I state the obvious for some of the newer players.


"Airstrip Challenge"
_Achievement Team_

Best Time: 0:39 on Auto
Avg. 0:50

>Soldier Eddie- Angel/Strength/Cosmic Echo
>Possessed Rockets- Angel/Strike
>Undead Allied Soldier- Mark/Penance/Cosmic Death Mark Skill
>Demon Spawn- Ragnarok/Cosmic Death Mark Skill

(the order shown works best)

Good Luck Troopers!

02-04-2020, 10:35 PM
Anybody had a run faster than 0:24 seconds?

Where Eagles Dare Eddie – Ragnarok/Death Mark
Axis Bomber Boy – Starfire
Gunner Demon Spawn – Viper/Future
Assassin Demon Spawn – Life/Blight/Inspiration

02-05-2020, 12:34 AM
Best Time: 0:24
Avg. 0:31

>Eagles Dare Ed- Ragnarok/ Cosmic Death Mark Skill
>(2x) Axis Bomber Boy- Starfire


02-05-2020, 05:21 PM
21 secs. Also posted in the other thread. Used just bakuras suggestion. 🤘🏻

02-09-2020, 12:51 AM
Friday morning gogosox40 got 18 seconds.... you read right, 18!

Congrats fellow JomsViking!7726

02-09-2020, 01:47 AM
oh what the fuck

gogosox u nerd

02-09-2020, 11:12 AM
18 secs, that's definitely our winner. I'm still sitting at 23 secs as my fastest.

02-26-2020, 03:02 AM
Finally got Eagles Ed and tried this team out. It's a shame I didn't have this for the entire event. This dungeon is now a breeze that I only have to babysit due to server disconnects.