View Full Version : Returning veteran player needs help

02-27-2020, 05:27 PM
I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was a top tier player when I left the game over a year ago. I'm looking for a higher level clan invite preferably with some of the older players from back in the day. I would also appreciate some tips and strategies to help me get back on my feet. I had all characters and had them maxed when I left but now I'm so far behind im debating whether or not it's even possible to catch up. I came back to over 300k trooper badges so a huge ty to my troopers that kept me around. I'm down to 18 troopers currently, so I'm also looking for some help in that department. Vaepik-4584. Ty in advance. 3rd and 4th posts here as reference.

02-27-2020, 05:35 PM
I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was a top tier player when I left the game over a year ago. I'm looking for a higher level clan invite preferably with some of the older players from back in the day. I would also appreciate some tips and strategies to help me get back on my feet. I had all characters and had them maxed when I left but now I'm so far behind im debating whether or not it's even possible to catch up. I came back to over 300k trooper badges so a huge ty to my troopers that kept me around. I'm down to 18 troopers currently, so I'm also looking for some help in that department. Vaepik-4584. Ty in advance. 3rd and 4th posts here as reference.

Welcome back!

Have a maxed Cyborg to help you getting back where you belong.

02-29-2020, 12:07 AM
welcome back, not sure if u still need troopers but sent a request

02-29-2020, 06:52 PM
I DO remember you Vaepik. Welcome back bro. 🤘🏻
Yes, there have been lots of things to catch up since you’ve left the game.
But I think you’ll get that straight again 🤘🏻.

Unfortunately, I don’t have open slots or inactive troopers in my list or in my clan at the moment. I’m sorry 😐. But don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions. 🤘🏻


02-29-2020, 08:14 PM
I DO remember you Vaepik. Welcome back bro. 🤘🏻
Yes, there have been lots of things to catch up since you’ve left the game.
But I think you’ll get that straight again 🤘🏻.

Unfortunately, I don’t have open slots or inactive troopers in my list or in my clan at the moment. I’m sorry 😐. But don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions. 🤘🏻


Thanks man, and TY to all of the new trooper requests. I actually have a lot of questions but I will try to reduce them to just a few. I have no way of really seeing the current meta and I've never actually been a big part of the forum outside of occasionally glancing about. There was probably a better place to post this thread (sorry, feel free to move it if that's even possible). Either way, my biggest questions are: Do you think it's even possible to climb back up given the current state of the game? Where and What should I be focused on grinding at this point? Where and How do I get ahold of the game breaking talisman sets released in the past year? I don't see many of them available in the stores. I came back to an overly excessive amount of upgrade materials, 10k ironite, 10k fc, 300k tb and maxed relics. I'm really really hesitant to spend anything until I figure out where I should start. The new achievements seem ridiculous and I'm not going to waste my time (time was my main reason for leaving) unless any of those characters are vital to success. I left right as cosmic talismans were being released to kind of put it into perspective. I'm running an old meta in the arena and I've actually lost to players who aren't even 100 yet.

02-29-2020, 09:02 PM
Hi Vaepik! We got a few spaces in "Order of the Eld" Saigrim is the leader and he's an oldie (?) and also we have a good amount of forum members there...

About the Meta and catching up, I would say just keep playing with patience and try to achieve events, the meta is changing every time with every release, now 99% of the top is Max Cyborg/Max Moonchild/Musashi/the Killer, with some powerful talisman combination yes, but one month ago Musashi wasn't a thing... and probably this month we´ll have a new shiny stuff more op than the previous one... so no panic. Also, March is starting so probably you´ll the opportunity to catch up

BTW the materials for awakening are awfully expensive and yes it requires a lot of grinding sadly.

02-29-2020, 11:50 PM
Thanks man, and TY to all of the new trooper requests. I actually have a lot of questions but I will try to reduce them to just a few. I have no way of really seeing the current meta and I've never actually been a big part of the forum outside of occasionally glancing about. There was probably a better place to post this thread (sorry, feel free to move it if that's even possible). Either way, my biggest questions are: Do you think it's even possible to climb back up given the current state of the game? Where and What should I be focused on grinding at this point? Where and How do I get ahold of the game breaking talisman sets released in the past year? I don't see many of them available in the stores. I came back to an overly excessive amount of upgrade materials, 10k ironite, 10k fc, 300k tb and maxed relics. I'm really really hesitant to spend anything until I figure out where I should start. The new achievements seem ridiculous and I'm not going to waste my time (time was my main reason for leaving) unless any of those characters are vital to success. I left right as cosmic talismans were being released to kind of put it into perspective. I'm running an old meta in the arena and I've actually lost to players who aren't even 100 yet.

It will surely not be easy to get the thing going because the contenders are very though the higher you will rank again. As maiden just said, a few metas is all you can find way up beyond king or even higher rankings. The same teams, the same toons and mostly the same talis.
And yes, metas are changing constantly. But the worst part atm besides a lot of bugs in arena for example is - if you’re asking me - the constant grinding for awakening materials in that many dungeons. It costs piles of ironite, SoT and gold running the dungeons respectively awakening the toons or even maxing them to lvl. 11 (5 red stars).
As a good start you can find an overview of dungeons, suggested teams and expected rewards by one of my clansmen crazyharry:


Also a lot of talis like reapers, blight, labs, venoms etc are dropping in these dungeons (although I have to admit that the drop rates have been nerfed), but as you already mentioned, the achievements sound ridiculous - the more dungeons you run, the more stuff you’ll earn for sure and so it’s even possible to finish 300 runs with x in that dungeon and 600 runs with y in that particular dungeon over time. Cosmic talis can be summoned if you earn enough talis frags (while running dungeons) or better in the cosmic talis dungeon or frozen wastelands. To get access to that dungeon you’ll have to purchase keys with FC or you can earn them from time time as rewards for events.
But a lot of tali sets are only available atm as rewards for gauntlet or event based time limits. Try to complete the eternal dungeons to earn passive versions of eternal Ed, Clair, wrath and beelzebub. They’re marvelous - especially as a common team (if using cosmic talis with immunity, of course - because of the many passive disablers). Time won’t be on your side pal, but most of the achievements are easily doable within autoplay of course. I’d try to catch up with LOLs (from FC-Store) to get Dark Lilith, and also buy Bounty Hunter (BHE) - the passive version of cyborg. Man, this was a hard Grind to get him regularly. So, 5k FCs for not having to grind nearly two weeks one and the same dungeon should be worth it and a fair price imo.
Also get Alex Ed, KP, beast and ferryman (all available in FC Store) if possible. That sounds pretty heavy. And yes ... it is. But they’ll help you to get up again. Most of the other toons you missed during the last year can be purchased with IC (gauntlet toons), Trooper Badges (see for yourself what you’re missing) or even in heroic souls through announced 2weekly rotations and also the normal available souls.

Well, that’s a lot information for the moment. Hope this helps you to get into the show again.
Keep on questioning, I respectively the whole community surely will give the best to help you 🤘🏻.
