View Full Version : Raid Boss Update Discussion

03-05-2020, 06:46 PM
This is the main post to discuss general changes from the recent update.

You can see the details of the update that has just gone live in the Game Updates forum post (https://forum.ironmaidenlegacy.com/showthread.php?13227-Game-Update-March-5-2020).

03-05-2020, 07:01 PM
That’s a nice little surprise right there

03-05-2020, 07:14 PM
I just tried, Odin looks really awesome and his animations are amazing! I still have to read again your post with the info, I didn´t know it was kinda gauntlet chars management, I just launched myself to fight xD

On the other side, timing? two events same week wasn't enough? xD anayway the first impression looks terrific! nice!

03-05-2020, 07:16 PM
Odin I went down with my three tries and some clanmates...apparently, because he still has health and Odin II Sentinel opened up.

Also, by the Gods, the sands of blood are expensive as it gets, regenerate SLOWLY, and it's a fiesta of Freezing. BTW, why not have the ability to use clanmate's toons or just have a team of just eddies from the clan for this? It's a raid boss, but it feels like it's you chipping away trying to not freeze to death with the same toons you have used for gauntlet. It doesn't feel like a team effort when it's just a bar that goes down when someone cares to do this instead of the other events running at the same time.

03-05-2020, 07:18 PM
btw really important info:

When Football Eddie hits... he hits straight to the Odin balls (?)

/end of really important info, thanks I know it was fundamental data :D

03-05-2020, 07:40 PM
I'm not a fan of not being able to use characters more than once for the entirety of that boss. I don't mind having that restriction for each level keeps things fresh and forces you to think but this might be a serious hinderance for some players and there is already enough fear of getting kicked out for not contributing enough to your clan.

Sands refresh is rough. If it were faster might be more okay with the toons being one and done for each boss.

03-05-2020, 07:51 PM
ironwarriors just beat 2nd odin but will have to figure out a good combo for that monster 3rd one and like others didnt realize it was a gauntlet style fight either.7934

was wondering what fight the monster clans r on or if they're waiting for the weekend?

03-05-2020, 08:28 PM
My question is, do you get rewards for ultimately killing each Odin, or just beat on him enough to clear it and move onto the next? Is there a perk for taking his health to 0? Or am I just logging on after someone has already killed him to open the next one?

03-05-2020, 08:42 PM
Looks like gauntlet style.
Dupes work fine if you have them.
Watch out for the different rules - some talisman are disabled but I will let you all find out which if you have not already found out!
Rewards are dished out at Tuesday reset - so we have five days
1 million raid points is top target!!! That will be eh pretty hard I think.
The animations are pretty cool - the boss is a beast!!
Each new level is an upgraded boss and different version (sent/mag/Gunner/Assassin etc)

03-05-2020, 08:43 PM
My question is, do you get rewards for ultimately killing each Odin, or just beat on him enough to clear it and move onto the next? Is there a perk for taking his health to 0? Or am I just logging on after someone has already killed him to open the next one?

I didn't get anything for landing the killing blow on the level 1 Odin.

03-05-2020, 08:46 PM
Rewards are dished out at the Tuesday reset.

03-05-2020, 08:51 PM
See full details on how to participate in the Raid Boss feature in our in-game guide!

Ermm.. WHERE?????

And SOB are WAY too expensive.

03-05-2020, 09:00 PM
Ermm.. WHERE?????

And SOB are WAY too expensive.

Hi Yup!

If you scroll down in the in-game newsfeed, you will be able to find the guide. You can also get details here: https://support.noddingfrog.co.uk/hc/en-us/sections/360007128191-Clans

03-05-2020, 09:06 PM
Thank you Leviathan.. I looked and looked and looked. :)

03-05-2020, 09:16 PM
Hi Yup!

If you scroll down in the in-game newsfeed, you will be able to find the guide. You can also get details here: https://support.noddingfrog.co.uk/hc/en-us/sections/360007128191-Clans

You should probably specify that you mean the overall clans guide and not a new guide for Raids. Wasted my time trying to find a raid guide.

Is there any chance we can get an update to remove that annoying notification when nothing has changed since I last entered the raids screen? That notifcation right now is completely pointless as it always shows.

03-05-2020, 09:29 PM
My question is, do you get rewards for ultimately killing each Odin, or just beat on him enough to clear it and move onto the next? Is there a perk for taking his health to 0? Or am I just logging on after someone has already killed him to open the next one?

i think the per fight rewards r based off of points u deal against him, the 1st fight my points were near 4.5mil but 2nd was around 1.8mil and got less rewards for 2nd than i did 1st

03-05-2020, 10:08 PM
Where can we see a Raid Points total???

03-05-2020, 10:21 PM
Where can we see a Raid Points total???

On „Raid Boss Rewards“.

03-05-2020, 10:29 PM
Ahh.. missed it at the top was looking for it in the rows. Thanks!

03-05-2020, 10:41 PM
I didn't get anything for landing the killing blow on the level 1 Odin.

Ah perfect thank you

03-05-2020, 10:43 PM
And SOB are WAY too expensive.

;) SOB good unit of measure since he’s a real S.O.B. to kill!

03-05-2020, 11:12 PM
I did 100% of the damage to the first Odin (around 6M damage) with my first team and I didn't get any rewards, according to the instructions he cannot be beaten with a single team but I did, but what annoys me is that I didn't get any rewards for that

03-06-2020, 03:08 AM
I welcome the new clan challenge. Looks great!

BUT, not looking forward to another talisman swap fest. We already have gauntlet become a chore due to that. Can the devs please move up "better talisman management" in their priority list?

03-06-2020, 03:17 AM
I'm looking forward to earning some Odin fragments 😁

03-06-2020, 03:25 AM
I welcome the new clan challenge. Looks great!

BUT, not looking forward to another talisman swap fest. We already have gauntlet become a chore due to that. Can the devs please move up "better talisman management" in their priority list?

I agree, I have been wanting more talisman storage, because 400 isn't enough. I had to sell maxed out talismans and others that I had been working on. It would be nice to have more room.

03-06-2020, 03:33 AM
I did 100% of the damage to the first Odin (around 6M damage) with my first team and I didn't get any rewards, according to the instructions he cannot be beaten with a single team but I did, but what annoys me is that I didn't get any rewards for that

Impressive and yet bittersweet... Out of my runs, I had two yes do over a million each, the best was 1.55m. I got $25,000 gold, 2 tribute, 3 clan and 100 raid on a level 65 raid boss. Hope for a 2m or better tomorrow. I think there's a bug on the avenger cosmic talisman. Doesn't seem to work, probably got suckered in on a broken talisman :(

03-06-2020, 07:52 AM
Why don't you fix bugs before releasing new stuff???????

Every new toon/talisman is bugged and NF ignores all posts in the bug-forum.

03-06-2020, 12:36 PM
Why don't you fix bugs before releasing new stuff???????

Every new toon/talisman is bugged and NF ignores all posts in the bug-forum.

SImple. Fixing bugs doesn't generate revenue. New content does. They are business and the whales buy regardless of bugs. If you don't buy constantly you don't matter to them.

03-06-2020, 08:36 PM
Yah, DEVS! Why aren't we getting any rewards when we beat Odin in one shot with one team. I have beaten him 4 times straight Lvl10 and I just see the chest drops down and then the no connection message :mad:
After a few seconds I just get directed back to the raid rooms.
Any explanation, please!

03-06-2020, 09:57 PM
Yah, DEVS! Why aren't we getting any rewards when we beat Odin in one shot with one team. I have beaten him 4 times straight Lvl10 and I just see the chest drops down and then the no connection message :mad:
After a few seconds I just get directed back to the raid rooms.
Any explanation, please!

Are we sure that we arent getting rewards? I was wondering if maybe its just we arent seeing the screen? Will load up later today and do a test.

Also I would like to know how we are supposed to get to 1M? Our clan has taken down level 10 a heap of times and we are still only at 25k.

03-06-2020, 10:36 PM
Are we sure that we arent getting rewards? I was wondering if maybe its just we arent seeing the screen? Will load up later today and do a test.

Also I would like to know how we are supposed to get to 1M? Our clan has taken down level 10 a heap of times and we are still only at 25k.

The only thing we get is some raid points but no rewards for beating the shit out of Odin for 30 some minutes, that's all we get.

03-06-2020, 10:43 PM
The only thing we get is some raid points but no rewards for beating the shit out of Odin for 30 some minutes, that's all we get.

Did you check your souls, frags and resources? We have the same issue but rewards are often there, only pop up is missing.

03-07-2020, 04:45 AM
Also I would like to know how we are supposed to get to 1M? Our clan has taken down level 10 a heap of times and we are still only at 25k.

Still way too early to tell, but I suspect each Odin level has multiple reward tiers. Probably determined by the damage we deal, but may also be influenced by things like time taken or how long we survive for. Maybe I should come up with a spreadsheet people can use to track how much damage they dealt and what rewards they got... shouldn't be too difficult to come up with.

The 1M target appears way out of reach currently, and the dev's have said they expect it to take weeks for anyone to get close. Imagine it'll get a little easier as we learn more about how it all works... but also wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being something that only the most hardcore clans are able to manage.

03-07-2020, 06:03 AM
For winning Odin X we get 1000 points. Win 1000 times? We need to wait until the closed locations open. Only then will we understand what is real

03-07-2020, 07:43 AM
There is list of REWARDS but so far all I have seen is gold, Tribute, clan XP, and Raid points.


The debut Raid period is not even a full week, so the 1 million may not be reached this first time.

And I agree with Phoenix about the talisman changing needing an improvement ASAP, especially since this Raid is very similar to gauntlet and I myself find gauntlet a drudgery due to the tedious changing method, even if it is just for a couple of levels. Just one "10 battle" level, if you change out talis for each toon is a total of 240 changes.

(4 toons x 6 slots = 24 x 10 battles = 240)


Here's an idea: tap each talisman or have a "load set" option, then tap character and "load or swap all."

Another option, select a character and have an option to load his talis to another toon.

Also, when opening new cosmic souls, it's not always showing which is the new addition in the talis inventory.

Solving these ancient problems would make this game a million times better.


03-07-2020, 07:51 AM
I did see yellow/red cosmic frags once.

I THINK (and I'm completely guessing) rewards may depend upon the amount of damage you do.

And over a year ago....

This is still really needed as well.

Also, when opening new cosmic souls, it's not always showing which is the new addition in the talis inventory.

Depending upon HOW you got the talisman soul, you can sometimes touch-hold on the reward screen after dropping the soul into the BOS to see the augment. This only works PART of the time.. I'm still trying to suss out what causes it to work.. but I THINK if you get a talisman soul from frags the touch-hold works. If you get a full talisman soul from someplace the touch-hold does NOT work.. (or vice versa).

03-07-2020, 08:10 AM
[QUOTE=Bakura;121217]There is list of REWARDS but so far all I have seen is gold, Tribute, clan XP, and Raid points.

Odin VIII. Talis: epic, mythical. Soul: Tribute7950

03-07-2020, 08:58 AM
Well that's messed up. I've not seen anything even close to that.

How much damage are you doing on average Scimitar?

03-07-2020, 09:56 AM
@ Yup
Yes, I think it's the vice versa.
I remember you posting about touch & hold, so I've been trying it. It never works on collected frag souls, but it did work recently, I think it was a soul from an achievement.

Btw, nice idea for the talis on the info screen.

@scimitar .... wow, I haven't had that.
Either you're dealing insane damage or have done it many times for the slot machine to pay out.


03-07-2020, 09:59 AM
Odin VIII, Odin X7951

P.S. When you receive a talis in BoS, while holding it, it can show, maybe not. Today it works

03-07-2020, 01:38 PM
Just started Odin IX on 45% and delivered close to 6M to him, when AI decided it was enough and cancelled my entire, fully buffed team in one strike- lol?

What is troubling me is that his HP went down (didn't pay attention after 30%) and then back up to 100%! I thought it got reset for killing him and we started a new round... but Odin X is still locked and IX back on cca 45%.

Did he get a perf. heal shield that I've missed and healed him with it in 1 strike? (the possibility of it makes me giggle for him having limited percentage of damage he can receive, but can heal in 1 strike)

@devs help?

03-07-2020, 03:01 PM
No luck in the second go too:

Down from 30% to 7% game continually slowed down (even effects appeared after 30s+) and came to a stop- it froze up on me!

So, now I and my clan are losing our chances bc of this game freeze.

He would be dead swiftly, so someone will now need to waste another team and SoB to get him...

Can we expect some swift reaction/compwnsation on this matter?

Will create a ticket now: Ticket #52850

At the moment of freeze:

After force-close it doesn't show any progress:

03-07-2020, 04:21 PM
It is not just the freezes, but also the lack of rewards for some battles. Sometimes you get rewards sometimes you dont. It sometimes bypasses the rewards screen. I've recieved rewards with no screen and I also received nothing. It's a roll of the RNG dice if you receive rewards.

03-07-2020, 05:29 PM
It is not just the freezes, but also the lack of rewards for some battles. Sometimes you get rewards sometimes you dont. It sometimes bypasses the rewards screen. I've recieved rewards with no screen and I also received nothing. It's a roll of the RNG dice if you receive rewards.

Yes... I heard from a clanmate that he received the same reward for quote: "chicken scratches" as I did for 6M damage...

Obviously it is still strongly in BETA stage.

I'm just concerned that some clans will get ahead for being able to clear the floor and others get left behind because of game crashes; each game freeze is doing triple harm:

No progress recorded (have to do it all over again)
Wasted 4 characters (minimal, like a last ditch effort)
Wasted SoB(s)

Would be really nice if they reset our roster to give it another go (as per ticket)

03-07-2020, 07:04 PM
Errors on both sides7955

03-08-2020, 03:24 AM
I didn't get anything for landing the killing blow on the level 1 Odin.

Just started Odin IX on 45% and delivered close to 6M to him, when AI decided it was enough and cancelled my entire, fully buffed team in one strike- lol?

What is troubling me is that his HP went down (didn't pay attention after 30%) and then back up to 100%! I thought it got reset for killing him and we started a new round... but Odin X is still locked and IX back on cca 45%.

Did he get a perf. heal shield that I've missed and healed him with it in 1 strike? (the possibility of it makes me giggle for him having limited percentage of damage he can receive, but can heal in 1 strike)

@devs help?

have had same thing happen, i think he gets unseen buffs once his health reaches certain points. i started odin x with his health at 89% yet once i got him to 52% he wiped my entire team in 1 turn: maxcyborg: serenity/sacred/t3, t7moonchild: lab/ascemsion, musashi: lab/t3, w.mino: ascemsion/limbo/fate cosmic

03-08-2020, 03:32 AM
I noticed the same thing. I would be knocking his health pool down with ease, my team buffed to the hilt, full HP on everyone, and then it’s like the game decides enough is enough. Whole team instantly one shot. No rhyme or reason. All BS anyhow. AI has never played by the same rules as the players.

03-08-2020, 03:54 AM
I noticed the same thing, Odin X did not have any extra turn, revenge or echo effect on him and still hit me several times after I had done 4,864,415 damage to him. It should not have had the extra attacks.

03-08-2020, 07:05 AM
I noticed the same thing. I would be knocking his health pool down with ease, my team buffed to the hilt, full HP on everyone, and then it’s like the game decides enough is enough. Whole team instantly one shot. No rhyme or reason. All BS anyhow. AI has never played by the same rules as the players.
Exactly what he said 👆!

I fully agree.

03-08-2020, 11:13 AM
Last 5 tries in raid boss froze the game, 5 sands lost, toons are locked, tickets sent...

03-09-2020, 02:24 AM
bugs aside....

My personal opinions of the raid is as follows:

Once again, and as always, there needs to be a much clearer description of the mechanics of the game. No one really knows what we are supposed to be doing, how it works, how what we do effects other clansman, how it effects the outcome for the clan goals... none of it.

That said, this is likely the greatest addition to this game that I have seen. The whole thing is fantastic. It forces you to find new and interesting interactions with older characters, there is a TON of camaraderie among the clansmen to figure out the puzzle. The whole thing has been extremely enjoyable. I wish it would run smoother, I wish there was better communication from the devs on how it is supposed to work, and I wish we knew if/when we actually received rewards. But Bravo!

03-09-2020, 07:09 AM
I think it's pretty straightforward, the info for what's going on is provided in this link:

I think the true mystery is regarding REWARDS. Without some sort of "real" compensation, what is the incentive to continue such repetition.

Sure, at the end of the week, clans can see how they did competing against other clans score wise, "if" there is to be a leaderboard, but besides that, the average Tribute (which is meager compared to what we get checking in w/a bonus,) gold, Clan XP and points, seems very lacking.

I just spent 15-20 minutes (give or take) knocking down the level 6 Cosmic Odin from 85% Hp to almost nothing ..... and what was my reward ..... nothing. Didn't get a reward screen and didn't notice any Thor frags, cosmic frags, etc.
Don't forget prep time involved changing talis and strategically picking a team.
At least in gauntlet I can get gold, heroic souls and progress towards Mercenary frags.

I'm not convinced proper in house product testing was done before release.

Update: I went back in and finished Odin lvl 6 off with just 2 hits from Doomsday Ed. Still received the basic rewards of gold, xp, points,tribute.

I'm currently at 55 contributions and only once so far did I get anything more than the standard tribute, gold, Xp, points.
I got 45 cosmic & epic frags.

03-09-2020, 09:03 AM
It was the first time after a long time that I found some joy in the game. This, devs, is really a cool feature. Thanks for this.

To the issues now...Odin X is a serious extra turn AI abuse. Trooper talis on him is a huge mistake imo. He is impervious to everything negative, I am ok with that, you have to make it somehow challenging and "impossible", since he is the last boss. But a loop of basic attack, echo effect, fury building like crazy and then extra turn again, well you know...kinda not right? This is especially not right, like other players noted, when the boss all of a sudden decides
to one shot all characters..
Also there is a big communication gap on how rewards are provided. Rewards in every battle are calculated how exactly? If you lose but you do an x amount of bigger damage, rewards are bigger or not? Is there a scaling in rewards, if I do lets say 1000000 damage instead of 499999 or even 999999?

Do we get better rewards if more people from the clan raid at the same time, even if there is no victory?

Could you please clear it out?


03-09-2020, 11:44 AM
It was the first time after a long time that I found some joy in the game. This, devs, is really a cool feature. Thanks for this.

To the issues now...Odin X is a serious extra turn AI abuse. Trooper talis on him is a huge mistake imo. He is impervious to everything negative, I am ok with that, you have to make it somehow challenging and "impossible", since he is the last boss. But a loop of basic attack, echo effect, fury building like crazy and then extra turn again, well you know...kinda not right? This is especially not right, like other players noted, when the boss all of a sudden decides
to one shot all characters..
Also there is a big communication gap on how rewards are provided. Rewards in every battle are calculated how exactly? If you lose but you do an x amount of bigger damage, rewards are bigger or not? Is there a scaling in rewards, if I do lets say 1000000 damage instead of 499999 or even 999999?

Do we get better rewards if more people from the clan raid at the same time, even if there is no victory?

Could you please clear it out?


Excellent set of questions, seconded by me too!

03-09-2020, 04:15 PM
Well the drops seem to be random. I did 2M damage yesterday and got nothing special. But today did 600k damage and got these.7960

03-09-2020, 07:06 PM
Odin also hits through invincibility.

03-09-2020, 08:51 PM
Here's my major annoyance beat odin with 9m damage then connection error, no recognition it was completed, no rewards and no clan points, pissed off doesn't even come close to how im feeling atm


03-09-2020, 08:54 PM
Odin also hits through invincibility.

And Invisibility/Vanish and any damage blocker ... and well. ANY buff or protection when he decides it's time. :)

03-09-2020, 09:23 PM
He does seem to build up some rage does he not?

03-09-2020, 09:26 PM
He does seem to build up some rage does he not?

well he couldn't take out my gunner banshee, annoying as hell the bloody connection error came up after i done him for just over 9mil damage alone

03-09-2020, 10:20 PM
So.. the last 2 hours of a Raid is a lockout for "stat tallying"?

Why have the countdown timer then?
Or at least have it countdown to the lockout, maybe?

03-10-2020, 02:52 PM
One more thing for the team to take note; Reviving in all levels is broken. Especially, when using brave talismans the character raises and dies instantly. Revivers do not revive, there is something broken here. No permadeath, doom, or silver ghost effects were present.

03-10-2020, 03:36 PM
Biggest damage number to date for me7971

03-11-2020, 01:37 AM
Wow @edsel!

03-11-2020, 11:00 AM

infinite dreamer
03-12-2020, 03:48 PM
The past 3 times I've tried to enter Odin X, the game has froze after I press 'battle.' 2 this morning, 1 last night. Characters used up, but no battle. Anyone else experiencing freezing issues? Maybe I'll try a different level to test it when the sob replenishes.

03-12-2020, 05:52 PM
I just got the same thing an hour ago. Not cool :/

03-12-2020, 07:27 PM
@infinite dreamer
had same probs 2 days ago and today too. Don't try. I tried the last 12 Hours on 3 accounts on different devices and all ended that way.


03-12-2020, 07:34 PM
game crasehd twice for me just as i pressed the play button lost the team and the sob ofc. happens to some clanmates as well, this is pure bullshit.

03-12-2020, 11:41 PM
Ok, I've posted on this forum about the "hardly worth it" rewards for this Raid play, but now Odin X just freezes up.... had to just close the app with no rewards, loss of SoB, loss of moments in my life, and yet another bugged part of this game.

-Am I mad about being ripped off of rewards.... NO.
-Am I mad about wasting my time all for nothing.... NO.
-Am I mad about losing SoB.... NO.

-What I am upset about is wasting a good "beer buzz" on futile gameplay and then having to report it on this forum.

All these complaints but no feedback from the mods on any of these Raid issues.

03-13-2020, 01:16 AM
on my current tracking i have lost 7 SoB and the teams that go with them this isnt what annoys me the annoying part is my clan loses the points and i lose the chance to get extra rare clan soul frags will there be a compensation pack for us players who are losing out

03-13-2020, 09:05 AM
on my current tracking i have lost 7 SoB and the teams that go with them this isnt what annoys me the annoying part is my clan loses the points and i lose the chance to get extra rare clan soul frags will there be a compensation pack for us players who are losing out

They are aware of this issue: https://forum.ironmaidenlegacy.com/showthread.php?13258-Updates-from-the-News-Frontier-March-12th-2020 but no fix in sight, otherwise they've would've announced it.

Here are the main player reported issues.

1- Hang and Sands of Blood loss when trying to start a Battle

This is happening on the Raid Boss select screen. The hang occurs and forces the player to reboot the game. When the player returns, the team and Sands of Blood have been consumed.

2- Combat freezes during Odin Battle.

Occurring most often in battles that are longer and drawn out. Players will continue to fight Odin until neither team can take any more actions. Players can still manually exit the battle using the in-game options menu.

3-Delayed Rewards on the Players device.

Players have been reporting that they are not receiving their rewards for participating in Raid Boss. We have been able to confirm that the rewards are being deposited in the correct accounts, however they are not visible until a cache refresh has been completed.

For now, leave it to the team to research these issues and make the necessary changes. We do have an Official Forum Thread for reporting issues that will be linked later on in this post.

I for one couldn't play a single Odin this week... lost every team I've tried, together with SoB.

03-13-2020, 11:15 AM
"For now, leave it to the team to research these issues and make the necessary changes" beeing aware of that massive disadvantages for limited players why don't stop all rewards as long as the dungeon works for all players? The Players not having these problem would still have the advantage of gaining experience and training in the dungeon. Since Odin started I was able to play it 1 day (5 attempts).

03-15-2020, 04:02 PM
The hang on start of battle is caused by a recent android system update. Anyone having this issue please respond if you are on an apple device. I had no issues even though many of my clansman had. Yesterday I installed the system update and since then I have not been able to start a single battle.

03-15-2020, 04:33 PM
The hang on start of battle is caused by a recent android system update. Anyone having this issue please respond if you are on an apple device. I had no issues even though many of my clansman had. Yesterday I installed the system update and since then I have not been able to start a single battle.

I'm on Android and I've had this issue without that update.

03-17-2020, 09:29 PM
So.. now that clan raids are a thing are we ALWAYS going to have the red badge "1" on the clans icon????

Same with clan achievements. It would be nice if the red badge went away if achievements have been met.

03-18-2020, 01:47 AM
So.. now that clan raids are a thing are we ALWAYS going to have the red badge "1" on the clans icon????

Same with clan achievements. It would be nice if the red badge went away if achievements have been met.

This! Definitely, this.

03-18-2020, 02:07 AM
12Million damage.. Took Odin X from 100% to 0% and killed him.....

NO REWARDS unless you count a repeated "connection error" a reward.

03-26-2020, 04:55 AM
I started a battle but had to leave my tablet for a couple of minutes. I had just done a previous battle on manual. come back to my tablet to find the battle over??! Is there a timer I don't know about? I can leave the game for a couple of minutes if its arena, gauntlet, the cosmos or time rift but not a Raid battle? WHY?

03-28-2020, 08:16 PM
More problem, diconnect in raid + arena, freeze in LoL XV, x3 blood sand consummed and no reward.
this game downgrade severly

03-28-2020, 10:13 PM
I haven't been able to get into raids for a few days now. Still takes my SOB and marks the characters as used but I don't get anything out of it. IMO raids are shit and shouldn't have been pushed out yet.

03-28-2020, 11:08 PM
IMO raids are shit

I do them only because I feel obligated as a clan leader to do them. Not remotely anything about it that entices me in any way, shape, or form to play it.

03-28-2020, 11:18 PM
The frags are well worth the time to play.

03-29-2020, 12:09 AM
I do them only because I feel obligated as a clan leader to do them. Not remotely anything about it that entices me in any way, shape, or form to play it.

I feel obligated to them too. To bad I can't because they pushed out a system that can't handle players and don't have the support team capable of fixing it and don't care because it's "beta".

Literally CS told me just to not play it. How about we don't push things live that aren't able to handle the pressures of being live?

03-29-2020, 12:22 AM
LotB = Legacy of the Broken

This seems to be the rewards screen lately.


03-29-2020, 12:34 AM
Even if it goes to that screen I recieve rewards. Odin battles are the one thing that is working for me.

03-29-2020, 01:19 AM
The frags are well worth the time to play.

I just find it overly cumbersome and tedious changing all those talismans around and the small handful of characters that are actually worth a crap against Odin. That and the unreal and the obviously programmed way Odin can just wipe a team out at will, regardless of buffs. There’s a character or two he can’t, but for the most, it’s a pure crap shoot.

03-29-2020, 05:43 AM
Great content. Although already boring. Not everyone can play - it is annoying and requires a solution in the first place.
3 fights per day. It’s not so difficult for you and the clan to get something

03-29-2020, 05:21 PM
Even if you run a losing team you still earn points and rewards. A few free battles a day doesn't take that much time.

03-29-2020, 06:37 PM
Would love to even get those basic rewards but until we actually get a fix that allows the rest of us to actually play the raid everything else is a moot point. Hopefully I'll finally hear back from CS on Monday but something tells me I'll just get the pointless advice of "we know there's an issue but just avoid raids for right now."

That's a BS response and CS should know that

03-31-2020, 05:55 AM
Rewards missing again :D

03-31-2020, 07:17 AM
After the battle with Odin, clan rewards were added to BoS. Still waiting for ironite