View Full Version : ODIN dungon cheat sheet

03-09-2020, 09:56 PM
ok since this dungon isnt based on clans fighting each other it would be great to see some unity from everyone by dropping solid odin X teams below

03-09-2020, 10:34 PM
So, you also got the impression that the forum has become a cemetery since
clan events and raids have been uploaded, right?
Good, so I’m not the only one. Looks like nobody wants to tell ideas and good teams anymore just because the coming up clan thing which indeed is kinda sad. The community around used to be a great and helpful part of this game. That’s kinda sad.

03-09-2020, 10:41 PM
I've noticed older Eddie's and toons don't really inflict enough damage to be truly useful.

03-09-2020, 10:50 PM
You would think that if you started a thread for Odin teams, you would be the first to document a successful team.

03-09-2020, 10:56 PM
Here’s a good Odin team
Mummy Eddie
Ass floating eye
Green skelebones

03-09-2020, 10:57 PM
I will happily help with teams for any regular or frontier dungeon... The clan raid, you are on your own.

03-09-2020, 11:18 PM
samuari ed 5 set + advantage cosmuc
sent shinobi any talis
this team will 1 run kill odin without an issue because shinobi gives class advantage and samauri ed gains extra turns for having class advantage (present basic)

W.E.D ed echo+ rags/viper/trooper
harpy sent echo plus energy + 2 set of choice
warrior undead axis gunner (i cant say it enough stock up on these guys they are explosive against odin)

run to the hills ed echo + rags/viper/trooper
green banshee cosmic + yags
warrior valk echo + talis of choice
warrior voidling (no joke) echo + choice of talis

samuari empror ed
angel of fear
green shinobi
undead maurder

toons who will do high damage

mummy dog
wicker golem
A mayan priest
A hell hound
All shinobis if you have the cosmic
execution ed
raven witch
soldier ed (past basic)
gunner anubis
doomsday ed
doomsday ed (appoca)
S haunted pumpkin
Angel of strife
please note quite a few of these toons do more damage the lower his health is and some do it based on his max health either way run lots of echo cosmics and toons who do extra turns there is lots more of them but someone else can add them

03-09-2020, 11:20 PM
You would think that if you started a thread for Odin teams, you would be the first to document a successful team.

i was adding more than just a few teams sorry about the delay in it going up

03-09-2020, 11:28 PM
This whole game has become less of a helping community. Just take a look at arena teams during arena events. Gone are the days everyone helped each other.

And I hate to say it but a certain clan seems to be leading the charge in making sure no one is as good as them.

03-09-2020, 11:31 PM
true that but thats still more pvp this is PvE which should stay friendly regardless of your clan

03-09-2020, 11:33 PM
This whole game has become less of a helping community. Just take a look at arena teams during arena events. Gone are the days everyone helped each other.

And I hate to say it but a certain clan seems to be leading the charge in making sure no one is as good as them.

which clan is that always useful to know who to keep an eye on

03-09-2020, 11:33 PM
true that but thats still more pvp this is PvE which should stay friendly regardless of your clan

You would think but even here in this thread there are sentiments of "why should I help those who aren't in my clan".

03-09-2020, 11:36 PM
i seen that but theres a general hope that enough people from different clans pitch in then those who dont look like unreasonable tossers and end up with either a bad rep as a clan or contrubiting to save facev

03-09-2020, 11:37 PM
I think it's all too new and there's no telling what is or is not good for your clan... so until it's clear that sharing some information doesn't alter clan rankings.. some may be more tight lipped. I mean, it's only natural to not share info if that sharing could cause your clan to lose ranking. Don't blame clans, blame the devs for pitting players against players.

03-09-2020, 11:46 PM
I think it's all too new and there's no telling what is or is not good for your clan... so until it's clear that sharing some information doesn't alter clan rankings.. some may be more tight lipped. I mean, it's only natural to not share info if that sharing could cause your clan to lose ranking. Don't blame clans, blame the devs for pitting players against players.

they pitted players against players when they came up with the concept of arena

03-09-2020, 11:46 PM
I think it's all too new and there's no telling what is or is not good for your clan... so until it's clear that sharing some information doesn't alter clan rankings.. some may be more tight lipped. I mean, it's only natural to not share info if that sharing could cause your clan to lose ranking. Don't blame clans, blame the devs for pitting players against players.

Yes the devs shouldn't have created such an environment that would encourage this sort of animosity, but there is still some blame on the players as well. We could just as easily say "Nope, we're still helping each other out and bonding over a common love of Maiden". Instead we are letting them pit us against ourselves.

They may have made the gun but that doesn't mean we need to shoot it.

03-09-2020, 11:53 PM
Uhm.. I think y'all may be conflating things. Helping others with PvE or some specific dungeon still takes place. But it's not like people share working PvP teams on the forums. Players have ALWAYS been tight-lipped when it comes to furthering their own game and only share when it's inconsequential. And none of us know how clan raids factor into that at the moment. The only real difference now is rather than 1 player not sharing working PvP teams.. you may have 30 players not sharing working Raid teams. But after the "tally" that could very well change.

03-09-2020, 11:59 PM
I'll just say that ragnarok with a multi hitter, as in 5 hits of physical damage, works very well

03-10-2020, 12:03 AM
Uhm.. I think y'all may be conflating things. Helping others with PvE or some specific dungeon still takes place. But it's not like people share working PvP teams on the forums. Players have ALWAYS been tight-lipped when it comes to furthering their own game and only share when it's inconsequential. And none of us know how clan raids factor into that at the moment. The only real difference now is rather than 1 player not sharing working PvP teams.. you may have 30 players not sharing working Raid teams.

As I mentioned in another thread as you are in a clan filled with players who seem to have all of the bells and whistles it is very easy for you to say "this isn't such a big deal". In my clan it's only a few of us and we have to carry the clan so we won't be able to get as much done as fast and all of those tips are great as it cuts time out of experimenting.

Don't worry you and your clan will still outpace us but if this past event is any indication the smaller/less experienced clans can easily become irrelevant and not have a chance.

This is not a complaint against you or your clan though. This is a complaint against the devs who have long since moved away from having all content as permanent long term goals. Now large chunks of new content is time or money limited when it's first introduced and by the time it reaches a permanent method of attainment, it is long since relevant. I honestly don't know how this game and keep new players who don't drop a couple hundred when starting.

03-10-2020, 12:21 AM

carry on...

03-10-2020, 12:26 AM
hey.. is that a 10 year old boy sitting next to you???

03-10-2020, 01:45 AM
The biggest flaw is the very stingy SOB drop rate. It makes it aggravating.

03-10-2020, 01:54 AM
I think it's all too new and there's no telling what is or is not good for your clan... so until it's clear that sharing some information doesn't alter clan rankings.. some may be more tight lipped. I mean, it's only natural to not share info if that sharing could cause your clan to lose ranking. Don't blame clans, blame the devs for pitting players against players.
I'm right there with you on that, it's always good to help out others along the way. My biggest thing is me getting the hang of what talismans work best for certain toons to get the most out of them. I'm not an aficionado with there placing. Also congrats on area, I think my best was in the high 60's back in September, when I was big into grinding arena.

03-10-2020, 02:55 AM
I have noticed that any toon with ragnarok and a t3 yellow cosmic does great damage. A character that can remove damage block with basic (eg - Musashi, assassin WW) or with passive ( eg - assassin corrupt rescuer, gunner ghost) are useful.

03-10-2020, 04:45 AM
the largest hitters are toons who scale based on oppenents max hp but even in this case undead axis gunner warrior and run to the hills ed hold a unqiue advantage of the reset ability which can cause huge amounts of damage if you run something like trooper + echo / rag + echo

03-10-2020, 05:12 AM
true that but thats still more pvp this is PvE which should stay friendly regardless of your clan

The very same clan that wants people to think they’re the best so they have one of the most beloved players say they got to Odin X. Meanwhile there are 20 other clans just as good that also got to Odin X within hours. It’s not like it’s rare occurrence to have 30 active players who are into a game. Yes there are lots of skeleton crew clans. But there are also a lot of strong clans that just keep silent because they don’t want to become a target during clan wars for being full of brag, abuse & bad jokes.

03-10-2020, 11:16 AM
Gunner banshee is excellent against Odin if you have her cosmic takes no damage what so ever I done Odin yesterday for over 9m damage with just her left took bloody ages mind cus he loves to block damage but I got there before the servers decided it was going to throw the usual connection error message and waste my bloody time and effort

03-10-2020, 05:26 PM
As op said, RTTH Eddie and axis gunners are great against Odin

03-10-2020, 06:12 PM
Where is stated that raid rewards are a clan competition? I mean, looks pretty clear that your clan need to reach "X" points to go up in Grades, but the screen says nothing about do more points than other clans or reach it first... as far as we know we can reach 1kkk all together at the same time xD and we would all get the same rewards...

I do understand the "tightened thing" about not to share something that can be harmful to you but also I can´t help thinking in that case even sharing dungeon teams or something that could potentially help another player get a talisman set it could be also potentially harmful to you... but we do share that info... well mostly and maybe even less an less xD

03-10-2020, 07:57 PM
That Samurai Ed + S Shinobi combo doesn't seem to make sense. Even with advantage talismans, you only get a 50% chance of getting an extra turn. Since you need to hit Odin like 100 times, I don't see how it is possible to do it in a single turn as suggested. Correct me if I'm wrong.

03-10-2020, 09:16 PM
think you might have misread it bud its a 45% chance to get class advantage then if he has that he gets an extra turn easy mistake to make tbh also if you read the shinobi cosmic every perfect hit does damage = to 15% max hp which gets reduced due to passive but still cuts down the health fast combined with samuari doing huge damage via the max health damage scaling

03-10-2020, 09:20 PM
also running someone who can gain extra turns and give them out i use woman in uniform personally also helps

03-10-2020, 09:35 PM
Just a notice, this morning while burning time at work, the Magnus child of the damned seemed to out last my other lower level/weaker toons on a lvl 55 Odin. I'm basically taking notes a d maybe with better talismans and skill shared could possibly be a decent addition to a team. If I kept my other 4 instead of sacrifices, could have toyed around a bit. If you have one available, give it a shot and confirm that it has promise

03-10-2020, 10:47 PM
I’ll second the Woman in Uniform. Getting 18 energy turn 1 is pretty great.

Yellow Spirit Dog preformed well beyond my expectations. He does two things really well: 1) He stops Odin hitting nearly as hard (if you can keep passive up) and 2) boosts your damage (penetration) without applying debuffs. I wish I had about 20 G. Spirit Dogs.

And the elephant in the room is a max. awakened Cyborg. This isn’t really a surprise, as he is the best toon everywhere, but those in top arena know Cyborg + a lot of toons can pretty easily max out your extra turns, while removing golden buffs... and he’s resilient.

IMO, posting teams for Frontier Dungeons, etc. is some players’ idea of bragging. The same players might hesitate to post here because they don’t know what a proper brag is yet, and might feel like they’ve been caught with their pants down if the damage #s they’re hitting turn out not to be that impressive. (Or they’re just d-bags.)

The Alchemist is another solid toon for Odin, preforming as well or a little better in this dungeon as he does elsewhere. The great thing is you don’t need him max awakened. Mine still wears Snow talis to avoid stun. I’ll probably have myself a couple more after sac event and awaken once.

As far as Talis... some of the usual suspects are good, others aren’t. Yggs are disabled by Odin’s fury, but Artifacts are great (so many hits!) especially on a unit (i.e. Shinobi) who can also get damage reduction (Shinobi cosmic). I’m torn on whether the alchemy sets I’ve been using are a good idea. Forge holds water, Sacred is its usual powerhouse, and you probably want some Warlord on at least one unit to boost your damage.

Some of these points are over-explained for our newer readers.

03-10-2020, 10:55 PM
Ghost of Christmas giving in theory seems great, because he can trigger your Warlords while removing those 2-turn damage blocks. In practice he needs more support than I would have hoped.

03-10-2020, 11:43 PM
Just a notice, this morning while burning time at work, the Magnus child of the damned seemed to out last my other lower level/weaker toons on a lvl 55 Odin. I'm basically taking notes a d maybe with better talismans and skill shared could possibly be a decent addition to a team. If I kept my other 4 instead of sacrifices, could have toyed around a bit. If you have one available, give it a shot and confirm that it has promise

It was the fortune tals I was using and they were only lvl 30, should have swapped out for maxed may have done better, but that char seems to be a.good one for the lower odins

03-11-2020, 01:09 AM
lmao love the thing on real brags

03-11-2020, 01:26 AM
Frontier talismans are good on long battles as it slowly increases damage output.
Ragnaroks are a must on any char for their extra damage
Anyone tried Kari etc? Should do decent damage too....

And cheers everyone who gives tips! You are all legends!

03-13-2020, 09:32 PM
So I’m thinking at least 4 Eds can KO Odin from any life total. This is probably the God Tier of Odin Eds.

1) Max Awakened Cyborg with.... anything (maybe not maxed..? ... but maxed you get the extra turns and removal of golden buffs, and et cetera, and et cetera)

2) Samuri Ed/Ragnarock

3) Samuri Emperor Ed/Ragnarock

4) Alex Ed./Ragnarock

2-4 all scale with max hp, after which Ragnarock gives you bonuses. Pack a unit to remove Golden buffs and these guys can take you home.

Bonus: Samuri is one of the new Eds available for trooper badges. Cyborg too, but you’ll have to put in the work.

03-15-2020, 08:48 AM
Тhank you, Puntwothree!

03-15-2020, 10:11 AM
I agree about helping each other. It's sad this forum has become a ghost town because of the clan's individual chat rooms.

At the moment, there are no leader boards regarding clan Raids. It's pretty much each clan battles Odin for weekly rewards. We all could get highest SSS ranked rewards and no one would even know if no one didn't say anything. So I don't see why we can't help each other conquer the AI.

I think as hard as the Odins can be, some teams may not want to divulge information, not because of other players, but because of fear that the devs may nerf any sure fire way of winning, ... just a thought.

As far as players not sharing teams to complete clan achievements, I want to add that the first clan event, I did post a Magus team to complete challenges in arena, on this very forum in the event thread. So, as part of The Exorcists clan, I will continue to contributes to the community here.

It seems a good Raid team always has:
>a high damager
>a cleanser of reg. & silver debuffs
>a toon able to remove or reduce duration of Odin's buffs
>and a healer

Odin doesn't seem to take any negs.
A toon who can steal fury or points may work. Although I did not notice any fury being reduced.

The new Nifleheim talis work well, especially on Scrooge.

Example team besides the obvious OP characters:
-Benjamin Breeg-Artifact/cosmic
-S. Ghost-Alchemy/cosmic
-G. Minotaur- Serenity/Sustain/cosmic
-(anytoon)-Ragnarok(or Vipers)/cosmic or Midguard

Breeg's fury and Minotaur steeling buffs helps stay alive/revive.

Also, toons that give the whole team an extra turn can help keep that cycle going.

That's my donation.
If I divulge anymore info, I may have my Area 51 clearance revoked and my family and I will have to join the witness protection program.

03-15-2020, 04:26 PM
This definitely helps a lot. It's a shame I can't use it as Odin and my team both tend to just stand there with no way for me to attack after 2-3 turns.

03-16-2020, 04:33 AM
ds claire with nifilheims could be strong

04-12-2020, 01:19 AM
bump bump bump

04-12-2020, 11:32 AM
Just a notice, this morning while burning time at work, the Magnus child of the damned seemed to out last my other lower level/weaker toons on a lvl 55 Odin. I'm basically taking notes a d maybe with better talismans and skill shared could possibly be a decent addition to a team. If I kept my other 4 instead of sacrifices, could have toyed around a bit. If you have one available, give it a shot and confirm that it has promise

So Immunity is a valuable skill for keeping you debuff-free and alive, and Magus CoTD applies it. That’s probably the best reason to run it v. Odin. I don’t know about unusual vitality...

04-12-2020, 03:01 PM
I believed that a raven witch with a clover should get an endless move. One X has immunity to damage. The chance to get an additional move (for removing the immunity) of the basic attack is 85%.
But something is going wrong. ???

11-10-2020, 10:42 PM
This is my Team:
(S) Final frontier Eddie (Thorn Shield, Sacred, FF Ed Cosmic)
(G) Gunnr, Valhalla Maiden (Yin/Yang)
(M) Mongol Archer (Dragonscale and Archer)
(S) Necropolis (Trooper and Cosmic fate)