View Full Version : Gun for the hills dangeun has been removed

04-06-2020, 03:30 AM
Operatore has removed gun for the hills dangeun one day ahead of time and it is not possible to do its challenges. I hope he correct the issue as soon as possible and return the dangeun.*
To be sure, take a look at your calendar and attached images 8120

04-06-2020, 04:12 AM

The gun for the hills dungeon challenges are now tied to the norse dungeon, they removed it on purpose.

04-06-2020, 05:25 AM
my friend! Thank you for your guidance
But it must be said that after facing these events, we cannot be satisfied with the behavior and method of the management team of this game. Because their work is not logical at all, and the successive irregularities have made the players tired and bored.

04-06-2020, 05:30 AM
This is not their first disorder. Once, a very unforgivable thing happened by this team, which is described in my previous topic. In addition, every few minutes the connection to the server is disconnected and all the progress and efforts of the player are in vain. Our money and time are valuable and their injustice and irresponsible behavior is insulting and unforgivable.