View Full Version : May Events

04-30-2020, 09:56 PM

Alright, still going with Forge of Destiny so we can expect some more Nordic toons.

I already speculated about the first two events on the April Events post, so I will not be bringing them up again here.

Gauntlet Season 7: A new Magus character joins the gauntlet roster. No clue as to who it could be, as the background for the May events seems to be related to the new Eddie that is being released.
Mystic Night: Finally the Magus only Frontier Dungeon. This will likely give us shards for Mystic Flame Eddie, and perhaps some rewards for Occult characters like the Alchemist.
Unstoppable Force: An evolution event focused on Force talismans. Fun!
Outback Onslaught: A new Eddie based off the tour art for an Australian show. Probably related to a Mad Max sort of theme.
Shadow of Death: I am unsure as to what this could be, as the only time I remember lyrics like this coming from a Maiden song is from Shadow of the Valley, so perhaps more Book of Souls toons? Perhaps Awakenable Grim Reaper Eddie? Who knows!
Wings of Steel: Awakenable Icarus.
Sentinel Sojobo Tengu King: Completely out of left field, this is a character based on Japanese folklore. I have no idea why we are suddenly getting this now, but I suppose it's cool?
Immortal Era: Another dungeon event, eh? Well, I assume this has to do with the Norse themes of this mega event with immortals and such. Sounds cool.

What are you guys' predictions?

04-30-2020, 10:01 PM
The Magus character in Gauntlet is probably gonna be based on a song title, all the previous gauntlet characters were named after songs (aside from Necropolis who was a character in a song)

04-30-2020, 10:39 PM
I think the character choices may have been planned to coincide with the now delayed Maiden tour, as they were supposed to do Australia and Japan around now.

04-30-2020, 10:40 PM
i like how things are looking although try not to get everyones hopes up with an awakenable reaper ed that would be great but not sure it will happen most like mystic ed will be awakenable or claire either way im expecting cosmic lilith in the fc store this month

04-30-2020, 11:11 PM
Outback Onslaught- I’m going with Eddie riding a kangaroo. They just released Norse characters riding cats, so why not a kangaroo??

05-01-2020, 02:41 AM
i like how things are looking although try not to get everyones hopes up with an awakenable reaper ed that would be great but not sure it will happen most like mystic ed will be awakenable or claire either way im expecting cosmic lilith in the fc store this month

GR Ed was already pretty much confirmed to be next; when Viking was made awakenable a glitch occurred allowing people to awaken him and Icarus. It is likely it will be him in the Shadow of Death dungeon unless that is related to a different piece of maiden lore.

05-01-2020, 02:42 AM
Maybe Wildest Dreams Eddie / Infinite Dreams Eddie with that Mad Max-ish dungeon? And yes, I also believe that Grim Reaper is coming with that Mystic event.
As for the Magus Gauntlet character, I assume it would be The Pilgrim. Or even The Assassin (?)

05-01-2020, 03:49 AM
I think most predictions are correct or close to the mark.
No idea who could be the next character via gauntlet, there are a few songs that spring to mind but none that seem to fit for a magus class character imo. ie Prowler, Prodigal Son...
Mystic night should indeed be the magus dungeon where we can earn Mystic Flame Eddie.
Outback Onslaught does seem to be tied to the tour here in Australia but thats since been postponed. Seeing how so many events have been postponed recently I get a sense of irony that they are going ahead with it...
Shadow of Death also makes me think of Awakenable Grim Reaper.
Wings of steel, could be awakenable Icarus but 2 events back to back that revolve around awakening characters, not sure thats a good thing if indeed that turns out to be the case.
Sentinel Fragment Tengu King was likely tied to the Japan leg of the tour.
Immortal Era, no idea yet.

The graphic for the monthly event does usually point to a new Eddie, maybe Wildest Dreams Eddie even though there is no real connection to the outback but the video was Mad Max inspired which I guess is close enough? And we know with the devs thats all the connection they need for new characters, heck probably more of a connection than all the Norse based stuff we are getting now. I googled tour art for Australian tours and well the Ed in those is basically of a Crocodile Dundee/Mick Taylor bogan type....as you can see by the image below. Id die if they put something like that in the game lol

Lack of clan events is kinda concerning in the sense that Im still a long way off from getting an Odin. I am now starting to think getting more than 1 Odin from event frags is probably impossible.

And finally, with all the struggles of April and another 3 dungeons planned (the devs never learn), the only thing I know for sure for May, is that another 1-2 compensation packs will be on the way when the game turns to shit all over again....so we all have that to look forward to.

05-01-2020, 08:18 AM
I think the character choices may have been planned to coincide with the now delayed Maiden tour, as they were supposed to do Australia and Japan around now.

Thank you for reminding me about the postponed concert :(

05-01-2020, 08:53 AM
Thank you for reminding me about the postponed concert :(

Would have been seeing them tonight in a different world.

I'm all in favour of having to pretend the tour continued through some new LotB character designs :P

05-01-2020, 10:10 AM
Would have been seeing them tonight in a different world.

I'm all in favour of having to pretend the tour continued through some new LotB character designs :P

If these designs are going to be like Ragnar, I would rather not pretend that the tour has continued lol.

Ah who am I kidding, I would even pretend through him

05-01-2020, 10:49 AM
GR Ed was already pretty much confirmed to be next; when Viking was made awakenable a glitch occurred allowing people to awaken him and Icarus. It is likely it will be him in the Shadow of Death dungeon unless that is related to a different piece of maiden lore.
ohh i didnt know that thanks dude

05-05-2020, 12:11 AM
Seems it it taking a while for the events to manifest. I wonder how much overlap this means for later in May.

05-05-2020, 12:14 AM
Whatcha mean? There's an event currently running.. of course I'm sure most finished the challenges by yesterday at the latest (if not 3 hrs after it started). I think the apparent slowdown is a GOOD thing.

05-05-2020, 12:16 AM
Whatcha mean? There's an event currently running.. of course I'm sure most finished it last week. I think the apparent slowdown is a GOOD thing.

Well yes, that is true. However, that event is from April. It is only the 5th day of the month for them, however the way it is laid out it seems that the arena event and the new gauntlet season will overlap (which isn't optimal), and the fragment event will also be pushing against that. Who knows though.

05-05-2020, 12:30 AM
It wouldn't be the first time they overlapped arena and gauntlet everts.. which I agree.. sucks. And they've developed a tendency to overlap grind events too. Which also sucks. This is why, if there's a slow down and more space between event, I think ti's good. But, well, I guess only they know for sure.

05-05-2020, 03:01 AM
And they've developed a tendency to overlap grind events too. Which also sucks.
I'm a little worried we'll be getting one dungeon event each week...

05-05-2020, 08:03 AM
Maybe they will kick out some events for June/August?

05-05-2020, 04:26 PM
The April event ends on the 7th. I suspect that a May event might start today, because it is a holiday in some countries;but I am just speculating. The next logical time to start one would be the 7th. As a few people said, a lot of people have completed the challenges for the April event, so a new one wouldn't be a strain. (I just finished grinding for Fallen Icarus Eddie. and wonder if it is worth getting magma beast, Pharoah ramses, samurai emperor, or some of the other dungeon acquired characters. Perhaps you all can advise me?)

05-05-2020, 04:37 PM
Samurai is easy to do (with the right talismans)
Infernal is a bit harder than samurai so you could hold off on that one
Pharaohs is kinda long (you need a Max Horus to get some good times)

05-05-2020, 05:19 PM
Yeah, go for Samurai, easy & kinda cheap and good rewards. BTW Samurai also is good against Odin.

05-12-2020, 12:57 AM
With 3 dungeon events down the road, all yet to begin, I'm start to worry about overlapping and server's health.

Looks like we will have a busy may ahead.