View Full Version : Hot Fix - July 8, 2020

07-09-2020, 12:03 AM
We have just released a hotfix via a server push. As this was a server side update, simply open up the game to receive the following changes:

A fix to correct the removal of Live After Death Eddie and Doomsday Apocalypse Eddie from the Frontier Store
A fix to swap out the Trooper Frontier Key for a Trooper Frontier Key Soul in the Trooper Store

This server push also included the following update:

A free Frontier Key will be available in the Frontier Store every week! Check the Key tab in the Frontier Store every Monday at 5pm PT to claim your free Key. Keys will rotate weekly.

Please note that these are Keys, and not Key Souls, meaning they cannot be stored and the corresponding Frontier Key Dungeon will be opened immediately upon claiming.