View Full Version : mystic nights dungeon

07-17-2020, 02:53 PM
Does anyone have any good teams to auto mystic night? I've seen a couple with Lad (I don't have), and other people have suggested gre (I have him awakened once). If you post a team, let us know what talismans you use.

07-20-2020, 08:36 AM
I use
Seventh Son Eddie with Yin Yang talismans
Cosmic Eddie Ragnarok and his cosmic
Magus Werewolf with Strike/ Advantage/ Aprils Fools Talisman

The last spot i've been using claire for the challenge, also tried, Lady Azod evolved, Domino, lots of multi hitters, but didn't manage to get a better record time than 1:11
My current average time is 1:20 on auto

the problem to me on mystic dungeon has been the crashes, more than 15 per run, of course my ticket still with no answer