View Full Version : Help getting started with clans

07-25-2020, 11:12 AM
The clans feature they added to the game has been around for quite a few months now but I still haven’t gotten around to getting involved with clans. I guess you could say I procrastinated about it. Anyway, I’m looking to get involved now. But I think I need a little help getting started because I don’t know anything about what clans entail. So if it’s possible for somebody to just kinda show me the ropes, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.

07-25-2020, 11:35 AM
The clans feature they added to the game has been around for quite a few months now but I still haven’t gotten around to getting involved with clans. I guess you could say I procrastinated about it. Anyway, I’m looking to get involved now. But I think I need a little help getting started because I don’t know anything about what clans entail. So if it’s possible for somebody to just kinda show me the ropes, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.

Hey bud plenty of clans are looking for members just ask around just check first make sure u get a good one

07-25-2020, 11:37 AM
https://discord.gg/uXm72dB these guys are looking for a new member

07-25-2020, 03:28 PM
In general. a clan is a group of people that work together to accomplish goals. They are a little more advanced than just a trooper. because there is a limited chat feature where you can post messages and communicate. There are ongoing series of challenges such a boss you all hit, and periodic game events where clan members complete certain in-game tasks to earn rewards. The clan has it's own store of items for sale as well. When choosing a clan, you want to look for several things. 1. Is the clan taking members of my level? 2. How close to full is the clan? 3. What is the level of the clan? 4. Most importantly is how active are members of the clan? You want to take all these things into consideration when joining a clan. One that completes in-game achievements but has 3 slots open for members and is level 17 might be better to join than say, a level 20 with a lot of inactive members. One final thing is, assess how active you believe that you can be in Clancy activities such as hitting the clan boss daily, and working to complete challenges during events. Pick one that matches your level of participation for best enjoyment.

07-26-2020, 01:17 AM
The clan Childs Play is looking for a few members. No stress, just participate and do your best

08-05-2020, 07:54 AM
Thanks you guys I really appreciate it. I wanted to inquire about it rather than jumping right in to something because I know it requires activity and participation, and I am active everyday but I felt too intimidated, like if I joined something and didnt know what I was doing.

08-06-2020, 09:25 PM
What’s your game-ID?

CL is also recruiting again.