View Full Version : In-game account problems

08-17-2020, 04:31 AM
Hi guys, I’m not quite sure where to put this, as in my opinion it’s not a bug - it’s more like my in-game account is broken and urgently needs to be fixed.

It all started after the monthly rollover on 1st of August. As I was opening the achievements tabs it took about 2 mins to get in there. I did the daily pattens (as always for four years now) and as I was claiming the daily rewards, again the game slowed down totally. The SoT, ironite and stuff didn’t add up and the message icon did not disappear. So, I really-entered the tab again and the rewards were there - still or again idk - ready to be claimed. As I didn’t get them before, I tried again. Same procedure... so I decided to hard reset the game.
After the app started again, it was on French (should be English in the first place) and clan’s feature was locked (not available “yet”). Hmmm?
I logged out of my account and logged in again. After that the achievements were there again to be claimed. WTF? I entered the achievements tab and the game froze. After two minutes the app closes itself and restarted.

Since that, I can’t open achievements anymore. The game closes immediately. In the meanwhile it shows about 4k completed achievements ready to be claimed. I wrote to NF and we had daily correspondence but all they suggested so far was log out and in again, reinstall the game, update your device ... I did that already before these suggestions a hundred times. I tried 5 different devices with the same result. Ok, I tried to manage doing achievements and events without knowing about any of my progress. Asked clanies to send screens that show what there is to do and I did. It worked it for the first week. I hit the achievements, events, clan-events as usual ang got the rewards (luckily they open instantly and automatically when reached).

The following week I didn’t get any rewards and I didn’t claim the daily rewards for 7 days by now. I wrote lists and counted manually how many dungeon runs, awakenings etc I did. I got nothing. NF said I surely would have got my rewards - maybe the info box didn’t show up. No, I didn’t. As an example: I had 600/300 evo talis frags (left over from before) and did all the evolutions and awakenings which would lead to 300 more frags that would cumulate to 900/300 = 3 souls. Nothing at all.
So, in the meanwhile I miss 2 full weeks of daily rewards, 1 week of event-based rewards.
But it gets better. Since the sac event is on, I get several 99-stacks of common gold keys into my BoS and have to open them manually to be able to play at all cuz of the overcrowded BoS-Warnung. This takes 2 1/2 hours each day of which I’m not amused and I’m not capable of doing daily anymore. This is time I can’t spare anymore. Finally, since two days now I can’t claim the satellite15 and do sacs (funny ... there is a sac event on and my BoS is overcrowded. For the first time ever I can’t participate, I can’t support my constant SSS-clan and won’t be able to finish achievements like getting toons and talis. I have never NOT finished ANY achievement. It’s just frustrating and it’s been like that for 16 days now. I’m tired of it in the meanwhile tho I love that game but I wished I would get more help from NF than mentioned earlier.


08-17-2020, 05:39 AM
That is very sad to hear. Hopefully someone sees this and fixes your game.

08-17-2020, 12:49 PM
Sounds like a bug to me and I'm starting to get concerned. More and more players are getting locked out and can't play entire events because of bugs and unresponsive/unhelpful support team.

08-17-2020, 01:15 PM
I don’t know if it’s fair to say that the support team is “non-responsive” when Caesar had “a daily correspondence,” but I guess it makes sense that G. Werewolf basic has been ignored for a year and Maiden’s Video Bugs haven’t gotten any official attention when whole accounts are going AWOL.

I’ll cede my priority list to you, Caesar. Which is the best I can do...


08-17-2020, 01:31 PM
Caesar, what else is going on except a full BOS. I have hit that max many times and just had to clear some souls and they played on. Did you also have a full roster. I hit both of them at the same time and had to sell souls before I could play. Did you try and trade common or rare souls for whatever the store offered?

08-17-2020, 03:12 PM
I suddenly remembered that we all had problems with the achievements and missions tab when clans where added. Can it be related in some way? Can someone from the team reassure us that increasing cases like this are not left without fixing?

Ceasar mate hope it gets fixed soon and properly compensated.

08-17-2020, 03:12 PM
Never felt the need to post here {Hello all btw} I'm a member of Caesar's clan.

For Caesar to somehow manage we have to constantly send him pics of achievement tab so that he can somehow keep track. He had to sac nearly all his stacks in the Book of Souls so he can't participate in the upcoming BOS event. We got his back as a clan but he wont get individual rewards.

This really needs to be tackled. Not finding a way to fix this for 15 days is beyond me to be honest.


08-17-2020, 03:21 PM
See, guys - the problem is this - maxed roster 600/600, maxed BOS + constantly appearing stacks of keys. If I get rid of some to be able to play at least, 2 or 3 days later, they are back again. In the meanwhile there are 41 stacks of 99 gold keys in my BOS. As for opening souls, I can’t sac anymore as the game freezes immediately.

I really appreciate your participation in my problem mates, but honestly I believe that the account is somehow broken. However that is possible.

@CKR thx bro, this really means a lot to me: you broke your oath of silence in here 🤘🏻😂.

08-17-2020, 03:58 PM
Hmm. I wondering if sacrificing toons freezes your game b/c it creates souls that push you over your BOS limit. It sounds like what needs to happen is for someone to just go in an remove some of those pesky keys so you’re not surrounded by limits on every side.

An even better fix would be if NF enabled the selling of keys, since many of us have more than we want, need, or can possibly use. Could be with keys permanently gone and your BOS freed up, some of your other problems could start to be resolved.

08-17-2020, 04:34 PM
Have you tried selling some tomes to reduce your roster? You make take some essence loss but you could start playing again.

08-17-2020, 04:42 PM
I don’t know if it’s fair to say that the support team is “non-responsive” when Caesar had “a daily correspondence,”

It is very much fair to say. Caeser was one of the lucky few. I had a member of my clan who was completely blocked from playing for well over a week and it took multiple clan mates sending direct messages to support staff to even get the ticket looked at.

08-17-2020, 05:34 PM
Have you tried selling some tomes to reduce your roster? You make take some essence loss but you could start playing again.

08-17-2020, 06:11 PM
Yeah I also did that, too while o got the first wave of key-stacks. The appear each time a new event starts right after the first login. Practically my whole BoS Consists of those gold keys now.

08-17-2020, 06:23 PM
Cant you sell a bunch of your souls, so you can start a major sacathon. So to clear BoS space and toon space. If you dont use your daily keys cant you just keep dropping them without them.

The last two sac events I've had to sacrifice just to clear my bos so I dont hit an overflow.

08-17-2020, 07:12 PM
Jeez, what a nightmare. How much more proof do they need that they need to increase all the max inventory slot sizes immediately, to accommodate all the new toons, talismans, frags, etc they keep churning out so rapidly. It's such a needless pain constantly dealing with all the overflows, and constantly having to sac and sell off everything to fit within the current outdated confines. And now it looks like some people might be getting locked out entirely because of it? It's obviously causing so many issues for so many people, me included. Wonder how many of these silly problems would simply go away if they'd just increase, or remove the limits, as so many have been begging for for so long. Hope you get this all sorted out in short order.

08-17-2020, 07:40 PM
Increasing the slots by a few wont help the problem. It would only be a matter of time that you reach your limit again
I have 47 non key stacks of various souls. So that is at least 4700 souls that can be saved. Just blow a bunch of them each sac event and you wont hit the limit. When you save that many souls you dont need to worry about saving toons for a sac event. I personally dont need that many working dupes, but others have different playing preferences.

08-17-2020, 08:22 PM
By now, I’m completely out of order. I can’t sac - freeze. I can’t sell - freeze.
And the keys just show up. I opened 4 stacks of them manually without playing ofc (wasn’t possible cuz of overflow) And as I finished - dang ... here they are again. 41 stacks of 99 gold keys. Before the problem occurred I had not one single key of them.

08-17-2020, 08:31 PM
I would expect the guys on support, 2nd level support, devs make it their top priority and manually recreate his account and then replace it.

That really shouldn't take long.

The thing is that this game is losing out to bugs, while the Forum is losing to Discord servers. If this isn't addressed in a timely manner, I am certain it will stir a wave and dent NF's income (not talking about 1 player but a community).

If you are not here for players, we will not be here for you is the unspoken consensus.

I trust you're doing all you can, just give the man some feedback- give him something in return for all the good things he's been putting to the game for years.

Thanks \m/

08-17-2020, 08:54 PM
41 stacks of 99 gold keys? That would make 4059 keys. No way you got them by daily rewards. It would take more than 10 years of playing for that. The game is only 4 years old. Definitely a bug. I think all your empty space in BOS is getting replaced by them somehow.

08-17-2020, 09:10 PM
How is it not obvious to the NF support team that it should be impossible to have 41 stacks of 99 keys?
If we can only earn one key per day, it would take over 11 years to earn that many.
I have been mostly ignoring them since they started, and I only have 4 stacks (just over a year's worth) - so this definitely sounds like some kind of glitch on their end.

The fact that they all just showed up, and keep reappearing, should be a red flag to support. Imagine if you had 50,000 Ironite mysteriously appear in your game, and no matter how much you tried to spend it down, it would keep resetting to 50,000 Ironite. They would no doubt send a full strike team into your account to delete this rogue asset in a heartbeat. So it puzzles me how they are just shrugging this off like it is no big deal.

I feel your pain, and I hope that this gets sorted out quickly...

08-17-2020, 09:29 PM
Increasing the slots by a few wont help the problem. It would only be a matter of time that you reach your limit again.

They should increase the limits by a significant amount, not just a few, to give us enough room to breathe for the foreseeable future, if they're going to keep adding so many toons, etc. As others have mentioned, maybe also increase them at regular intervals, or remove the limits altogether, though I'm sure that'll open up a whole other can of worms. Right now it's just another nuisance, and causing grief to so many.

08-17-2020, 09:48 PM
I’m not an expert by any stretch of the imagination (and/but here is where I continue to voice my opinion), but didn’t we get the auto-refresh time upped from 3 to 10 seconds to decrease server load? Now, again... I’m not speaking with experience or knowledge, but maybe the limits are there for a reason other than to frustrate us. Maybe bigger, more complicated accounts would not help the bug situation.

I think at the least what Caesar needs is someone to address his magical reappearing keys. Keys are supposed to be useful things, but magical reappearing keys clearly are not.

I read somewhere on this forum that RTTH Eddie could be returned to you if you sacrificed him (although my personal ticket goes unanswered...), which sounds like it involves a professional meddler going into your account and changing stuff. This is as technical as I get, boys. But so anyway, someone should be able to go into Caesar’s account and remove a bunch of keys. Right???

08-17-2020, 10:13 PM
Hi Caesar, I have seen your ticket and it is currently being investigated. This is not something that we have seen before and seems to be an issue with duplicating daily missions (from my understanding). We have sent it across to someone to look in to and the team will respond to your ticket as soon as we have news. This is a high priority for us, don't worry. ^ Ceeg

08-17-2020, 10:15 PM
I read somewhere on this forum that RTTH Eddie could be returned to you if you sacrificed him (although my personal ticket goes unanswered...)

What's your ticket number on this one? It's an easy enough fix that I can get someone to check in on asap! ^ Ceeg

08-17-2020, 10:59 PM
Glad you're getting some action on this. Hope it's resolved quickly.

didn’t we get the auto-refresh time upped from 3 to 10 seconds to decrease server load? Now, again... I’m not speaking with experience or knowledge, but maybe the limits are there for a reason other than to frustrate us. Maybe bigger, more complicated accounts would not help

That's something that is easily determined with proper load testing of the app, but we all know that proper testing is not their strong suit. I think they probably just haven't gotten around to increasing the inventory limits accordingly, to keep pace with the rapidly growing pool of new item releases. I hope they address this issue soon, so we'll know what to expect going forward, and hopefully reduce some headaches.

08-17-2020, 11:47 PM
What's your ticket number on this one? It's an easy enough fix that I can get someone to check in on asap! ^ Ceeg

61128. Sent 7/24. Thanks!

08-18-2020, 03:23 PM
Hi Caesar, I have seen your ticket and it is currently being investigated. This is not something that we have seen before and seems to be an issue with duplicating daily missions (from my understanding). We have sent it across to someone to look in to and the team will respond to your ticket as soon as we have news. This is a high priority for us, don't worry. ^ Ceeg

Hi ceeg,

Thx man, I really appreciate that. Hope it gets fixed ASAP cuz I’m missing loot, rewards and progress since 1st of August. Will be impossible to catch up in a few days. I guess I won’t be able to get any of the toons and talis of this month ... 😢.

08-18-2020, 09:30 PM
I think they probably just haven't gotten around to increasing the inventory limits accordingly, to keep pace with the rapidly growing pool of new item releases. I hope they address this issue soon, so we'll know what to expect going forward, and hopefully reduce some headaches.

When you think about it, character limit isn't that much of an issue. There's about 450 original toons in the game which leaves room for 150 dupes at any given time - way more than you'll ever need at once. Talisman inventory is slightly more troublesome but besides 600 slots outside of toons, there are 6x600 slots on toons that you can put talismans on - again it does the job.

The problem here (a really big one) is the BoS inventory limit. With a billion different souls and keys, and so many stacks of them, there shouldn't be a limit. Besides that, we can't change it in any way, nor can we easily check exactly what the limit is. With all the current souls and keys, there were people being locked out of the game, in essence, because of that limit. Someone with a case like Caesar is bound to show up in future because of a limit which is not even explicitly stated anywhere until you hit it.

08-19-2020, 12:44 AM
Someone with a case like Caesar is bound to show up in future because of a limit which is not even explicitly stated anywhere until you hit it.

It's already happened too many times.I can think of 10 that I've heard of off the top of my head in the past 2 months.

One of the other threads I brought up the frag limit. That locked out a member of my clan for almost a week causing them to miss an entire frag event. Caeser is just lucky that it didn't take a call out on the forums and multiple clan mates DMing the support staff directly to get his ticket looked at. Every single thing in this game has a limit and while somethings were coded or designed well enough from the get go, the variety of things in the BoS and the rates that we get them are drastically higher than when the app first came around.

Often times it's not as simple as changing a line of code from MaxValueFrags = 1000 to MaxValueFrags = 100000. Often times it requires a lot of hard work, testing, and diligence to get that update live. But as we are seeing more and more players getting locked out I think it might be worth everyone's time and energy to focus on that instead of the next events.

08-19-2020, 06:26 AM
He was lucky as he had support in the beginning. But after 5 days of hearing nothing from devs, we clan members started kicking up a fuss and bombarded support to get the ball rolling again. Let's hope this time the matter is solved. And not just for Caesar.

08-19-2020, 03:12 PM
He was lucky as he had support in the beginning. But after 5 days of hearing nothing from devs, we clan members started kicking up a fuss and bombarded support to get the ball rolling again. Let's hope this time the matter is solved. And not just for Caesar.

BTW, people submitting tickets when they do not specifically have an issue, is a problem. It would be great if you could NOT do that. It will speed up the process for everyone else. ^ Ceeg

08-19-2020, 04:42 PM
BTW, people submitting tickets when they do not specifically have an issue, is a problem. It would be great if you could NOT do that. It will speed up the process for everyone else. ^ Ceeg

Noted. Only did that for this particular issue.

08-19-2020, 05:07 PM
BTW, people submitting tickets when they do not specifically have an issue, is a problem. It would be great if you could NOT do that. It will speed up the process for everyone else. ^ Ceeg

Maybe if support actually supported the player base this wouldn't have happened? No response for 5 days while a player is completely screwed out of playing is the exact opposite of ok.

Do I condone the spamming of support? No but I also don't blame them, just expecting the current ticketing system to work as is, has proven to be a fruitless expectation.

08-19-2020, 05:23 PM
Is there any progress to be expected for me? Or compensation? I still can’t play ... it’s pointless to me atm... :(

08-20-2020, 04:09 AM
Today‘s login brought me 11 new stacks.
In the meanwhile I’m at 60 stacks of 99 keys which is an overflow of 31 stacks. Impossible to get rid of. And even much more impossible to play.
Sad, frustrating, annoying and mad.

Like I said, can’t participate in anything, loosing everything that month because I’m NOT ABLE TO PLAY. ...

08-20-2020, 04:10 AM
... and still no message in any form 😭🤬

08-20-2020, 12:26 PM
Maybe if support actually supported the player base this wouldn't have happened? No response for 5 days while a player is completely screwed out of playing is the exact opposite of ok.

Do I condone the spamming of support? No but I also don't blame them, just expecting the current ticketing system to work as is, has proven to be a fruitless expectation.

Can we nominate you to join the support team for players then this wont happen again

08-20-2020, 12:46 PM
Can we nominate you to join the support team for players then this wont happen again

Nope, I like my job and would never be able to be proud of working for this app unless they make serious changes.

08-21-2020, 12:18 PM
@Caesar: I’m sorry you’ve been left in the wind, mate, but I think (/hope) help is on the way. The RTTH Ed added to my account yesterday would suggest someone really is looking into your situation...

I hope you get decently compensated, too. You deserve it.

08-21-2020, 01:40 PM
@Caesar: I’m sorry you’ve been left in the wind, mate, but I think (/hope) help is on the way. The RTTH Ed added to my account yesterday would suggest someone really is looking into your situation...

I hope you get decently compensated, too. You deserve it.

I mean adding a toon that was sacrificed is a lot easier (and something they do fairly often) than solving an issue where stuff is incorrectly adding itself every time you log in. With this support team it's about the same as seeing one kid eating a sandwhich and assuming a solution for world hunger is on the horizon.

08-21-2020, 08:06 PM
BTW, people submitting tickets when they do not specifically have an issue, is a problem. It would be great if you could NOT do that. It will speed up the process for everyone else. ^ Ceeg

Greetings Ceeg

Any chance you could review this ticket 60695 for me please, I got the automated reply on July 15 and nothing since then. I appreciate all that you do/put up with in this forum.

THANKS Edsel-3356

08-21-2020, 09:07 PM
Greetings Ceeg

Any chance you could review this ticket 60695 for me please, I got the automated reply on July 15 and nothing since then. I appreciate all that you do/put up with in this forum.

THANKS Edsel-3356

Sure thing Edsel, I will try and get it looked into today.

08-21-2020, 11:25 PM
@Caesar: I’m sorry you’ve been left in the wind, mate, but I think (/hope) help is on the way. The RTTH Ed added to my account yesterday would suggest someone really is looking into your situation...

I hope you get decently compensated, too. You deserve it.

Would have been nice. Thx for speaking on my
behalf and your kind words mate. But that didn’t happen unfortunately.
I think I should be grateful that I’m back like it seems. I wrote a mail and asked for compensation tho.