View Full Version : Too Many Keys?

The Educated fool
04-22-2021, 09:53 PM
I haven’t seen a poll posted here in many, many moons, and I don’t have the slightest idea if anyone will vote, but I was curious, so here it is:

Who here would be in favour of going back to the old way that dungeon keys worked in the Book of Souls? Ie) being able to use 10 or 99 at a time, even if that did lead to losing some keys accidentally now and then?

(This is also accepting that this might only be a quick solution, if it were possible to implement quickly, since a long-term solution, I’m told, is in the works).

04-27-2021, 07:28 PM
Understand above in terms of using all.

Other option, the use 10 as opposed to use all. This way adds a level of security so someone doesn't dump the lot in by mistake, but also allows a quicker option of freeing up space.

I would have thought it would be fairly simple to implement, and it buys them time till it can be sorted out properly

04-28-2021, 03:51 PM
I think what they should do is create another cosmos/time rift screen specifically for frontier dungeons. This screen will show EVERY frontier dungeon available on a map (a cosmos type map, maybe? It could look like a solar system of frontier dungeons?). Each one will be locked, only accessible with the keys. Above or below each frontier dungeon will be the quantity of keys we have in our stock. Tap the dungeon and it will ask if you want to use one key to unlock it. This is where our keys should be stored. NOT THE BOOK OF SOULS! Seems it should be an easy thing to do, really. They already have the graphics for each dungeon. Put 'em all on their own cosmos/time rift type of screen, transfer our key inventory their and tie them to their respective dungeon and be done with it. The problem with our keys overflowing our BOS inventory solved.

04-28-2021, 08:37 PM
We need a way to trade our keys for other keys. This would allow us to be able to get the keys we need, and to clear out space so there is no overflow issues. It doesn't even have to be a 1 for 1 trade, although that would be great.
If there are other gamers out there like me, I have literally hundreds and hundreds of daily gold keys. I don't have time to play that dungeon. I spend all my time on events, with any extra free time grinding out a few remaining characters that I still don't have.

04-28-2021, 09:54 PM
I think what they should do is create another cosmos/time rift screen specifically for frontier dungeons. This screen will show EVERY frontier dungeon available on a map (a cosmos type map, maybe? It could look like a solar system of frontier dungeons?). Each one will be locked, only accessible with the keys. Above or below each frontier dungeon will be the quantity of keys we have in our stock. Tap the dungeon and it will ask if you want to use one key to unlock it. This is where our keys should be stored. NOT THE BOOK OF SOULS! Seems it should be an easy thing to do, really. They already have the graphics for each dungeon. Put 'em all on their own cosmos/time rift type of screen, transfer our key inventory their and tie them to their respective dungeon and be done with it. The problem with our keys overflowing our BOS inventory solved.

that is awesome!

04-29-2021, 06:29 AM
suggested exactly that in their survey!!

04-29-2021, 01:45 PM
Cool idea 💡 .
What I suggested in their survey was a BoK - a Book of Keys^^

04-29-2021, 02:00 PM
If we go back to the old way we will just replace the complaint of "I have too many keys" with "I accidentally got rid of all of my keys".

Keys need their own storage especially one where they can have art that is a giant middle finger to the colorblind players (once is a mistake and forgiveable, repeatedly making that same mistake after multiple attempts to reach out and help prevent this issue is ableism)

The Educated fool
05-05-2021, 05:45 PM
If we go back to the old way we will just replace the complaint of "I have too many keys" with "I accidentally got rid of all of my keys".

Keys need their own storage especially one where they can have art that is a giant middle finger to the colorblind players (once is a mistake and forgiveable, repeatedly making that same mistake after multiple attempts to reach out and help prevent this issue is ableism)

I'm 100% with ya that the keys should (always have had) their own storage area. As for accidentally getting rid of keys though, it would only happen with one stack, and then you'd be careful as hell the next time you used one anyway, so I think the learning experience is its own reward, here. ;)

The Educated fool
05-05-2021, 05:51 PM
I think what they should do is create another cosmos/time rift screen specifically for frontier dungeons. This screen will show EVERY frontier dungeon available on a map (a cosmos type map, maybe? It could look like a solar system of frontier dungeons?). Each one will be locked, only accessible with the keys. Above or below each frontier dungeon will be the quantity of keys we have in our stock. Tap the dungeon and it will ask if you want to use one key to unlock it. This is where our keys should be stored. NOT THE BOOK OF SOULS! Seems it should be an easy thing to do, really. They already have the graphics for each dungeon. Put 'em all on their own cosmos/time rift type of screen, transfer our key inventory their and tie them to their respective dungeon and be done with it. The problem with our keys overflowing our BOS inventory solved.

I like to hope, in moments of optimism, that the "long-term solution" that's been prophesized will be something like this. :cool:

05-05-2021, 07:59 PM
I don't hold out much hope of something that will be useful, hell they still can't manage to be able to fix bugs that's been ongoing for over a year....and still havent fixed Cosmic Cyborgs gun issue lol