View Full Version : Thanks and Farewell LotB

04-22-2021, 11:27 PM
Today marks the end of LotB for me.

I started on Day 1, and it has been a hell of a ride over the past five years. This is an amazing game, with an even more amazing community.

Thanks LotB team for all your work bringing this game to us over the past five years.

Thanks community for all the great discussions and analyses.

Thanks Mofos for bringing me into your group and making this incredible game even better.

I won't be burning my account in case I can't resist something new down the road. But I engage all or nothing, and I can't be all in on LotB with current and upcoming real life plans. The time demands are just not compatible.

Best wishes all. Up the Irons!

04-22-2021, 11:58 PM
Hey, best of luck with the real life stuff! Hope to see you around!

04-24-2021, 10:30 PM
Sorry to see u go druid, stop in and chat with us sometimes. Take care

infinite dreamer
04-25-2021, 06:08 PM
Best of luck to you in the real world Druid! Up the Irons \m/

04-25-2021, 11:08 PM
I've been there before. Easy to come back, hard to stay back. Life is like that. Good luck out there my guy

04-27-2021, 04:36 AM
At least keep in touch with your discord friends and clan, to stay up on what's going on. That will make transitioning back easier when you see something new that you just can't resist.

04-27-2021, 08:59 AM
Sad to see you go, but i fully understand your reasons, i am myself very much tempted to take the same leap

04-27-2021, 07:56 PM
All the best Druid, sorry to see a solid trooper go but I fully understand. Up the irons man \m/

05-06-2021, 03:58 AM
All the best Druid, always enjoy reading your thoughts on things. Take care.