View Full Version : March Events

02-28-2022, 07:24 PM

A new month with a Number of the Beast Theme, plus that new Awakening Duel.

Saintly Stakes: The Awakening Duel, in which players will decide whether Angel or Gambler Eddie gets awakened first. Simple enough.
Skeleton Crew: This is likely a hard version of Final Journey, similar to how we got Fallen Fortress' updated difficulty a few months ago.
Fueling the Flame: Standard evo event.
Trial by Fire: The last raid boss event we had was a character, so I think this one will be a talisman set.
Assassin Mystic: Fragment event, with a bespoke and a cosmic on the side.
Heightened Agility: This doesn't seem to correlate with the hellish themes of the other events, so I'm actually not too sure what this arena and gauntlet event will have.
Golden Luck: I imagine this will be how we get the Leprecount, with Gold Idols as side rewards.
Satanic Rituals: We have The Beast and Lucifer, so maybe now we will get just straight up Satan? Seems unlikely, but still.
Hell and Back: I'm reminded of the Sabaton song, but I doubt we're getting two collabs that close together. Instead, I imagine this will just be a dungeon where we can get more demonic characters, maybe even a Storm-Rider?
Beckoned to Oblivion: Boss run events can feature anything really, so I'm still not too sure as to what this will be.
Gauntlet Season 14: A new gunner joins the fight; not sure who it will be, but since it's at the end of March I doubt it will be NotB themed.

Finally, the monthly event is titled Ultimate Apocalypse. I'm not too certain as to what to expect from this, but it's about time we got a full on NotB month.

What do you all think?

02-28-2022, 08:43 PM
I think I will like these events.

02-28-2022, 11:04 PM
My guesses for the dates based on previous months. All times are in UTC so if you're in the Americas just subtract a day.

Saintly Stakes (Awakening Duel) March 2
Skeleton Crew (Frontier) March 2
Fueling the Flame (Evo) March 5
Trial By Fire (Raid Boss) March 8
Assassin Mystic (Fragment) March 11
Gauntlet Winter Tour Pt 2(Gauntlet) March 14
Heightened Agility (Arena/Gauntlet) March 14
Golden Luck (Sands) March 17
Satanic Rituals (Book of Souls) March 20
Hell and Back (Dungeon) March 22
Beckoned to Oblivion (Boss Run) March 25
Gauntlet Season 14 (Gauntlet) March 28

03-01-2022, 10:52 PM
Satan as a potential ally is a very good guess. Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil are sometimes seen as the same thing, but other times they're wholly separate entities. Satan is "the judge of all things", reportedly an agent of God who judges sinners, in Gnosticism at least. The Christian Bible uses the three names interchangeably, if I'm not to be mistaken, but I could easily be. I ain't religious. I know Lucifer is the original fallen angel, and the Devil... the hell if I know. So, that being said, I think it's a really good guess. For Eddies this month, we've already got Muisca Priest Eddie, though I don't know if he's supposed to be in the store right now? He popped into existence out of nowhere, no announcement, nothing. He'd my bet for the Golden Luck event otherwise. As far as the month-long chase character, given that March is NOTB themed, I'm vouching for Purgatory Eddie. Half Beast, Half Eddie!