View Full Version : After the uptade game unplayable!

09-23-2016, 12:29 PM
Hi folks :)

I don't know what bugs were fixed for better with the new update, yet there is one which simply makes the game unplayable!
Game loads nicely, I play everything I want - so far great, but I CAN'T go to the ''My Team'' section to evolve any characters, make upgrades, sell no needed shards, runes, souls etc... When I do - the game freezes... And there's no other option that restarting the device...


I can't send a message to support via the game itelf because I play on tablet... As goes for my all previous messages sent to support using the site - nobody really cared and even bothered to reply just with f-word...

09-23-2016, 09:16 PM
I get this sometimes after farming a level a few times in a row. What works for me the majority of the time is going to the cosmos page before going to my team page.