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View Full Version : Save Trooper badges for next update?

09-24-2016, 10:30 AM
Hey does anyone think i should save thoughts? After i heard that u would be able to buy eddies with trooper badges i thought of saving up but i forgot about that yesterday when i bought a useless assassin/gunner soul...

If grim reaper, wierd assassin eddie from title screen or wierd nordic looking eddie were available for trooper badges i would spend the next year saving badges for them...

09-24-2016, 12:05 PM
i think skillshards is the only way to spend badges wisely, regardless of the eddies, which may come

i wrote a short thread about badges yesterday


The Educated fool
10-01-2016, 11:41 PM
It really depends how much you want a new Eddie, I suppose. :cool: As for myself, I haven't spent a single trooper point since I heard that there would be an Eddie available for them. If Trooper Eddie fails to impress, I can always spend what I've saved on skill shards anyway.

10-01-2016, 11:50 PM
It really depends how much you want a new Eddie, I suppose. :cool: As for myself, I haven't spent a single trooper point since I heard that there would be an Eddie available for them. If Trooper Eddie fails to impress, I can always spend what I've saved on skill shards anyway.

Is there a trooper badge limit?

The Educated fool
10-01-2016, 11:51 PM
I don't know... if I hit one though, you can bet I'll start spending them! :cool:

10-01-2016, 11:59 PM
I'll only stop spending when I finish maxing the cyborg. Whatever comes next, let it come.
I'm closing to 3 weeks and still haven't managed to level 4 freaking strength talismans....so if they say 50000 for a Trooper eddie i'll wait.

What we're doing with the talismans is mad, so I'm used to waiting now :o

The Educated fool
10-02-2016, 12:21 AM
You are not wrong, my friend...

10-02-2016, 04:27 AM
I'm to scared to buy skill shards until at least a month from now. Be my luck I'll max out another toon and it will get nerfed then bamb a wast of more skill shards. I am going to wait till they are tired of swinging that nerf bat around. When they release pvp if I loose battles oh well. I'm going to become a hoarder until things settle down.

10-02-2016, 08:25 AM
I'm to scared to buy skill shards until at least a month from now. Be my luck I'll max out another toon and it will get nerfed then bamb a wast of more skill shards. I am going to wait till they are tired of swinging that nerf bat around. When they release pvp if I loose battles oh well. I'm going to become a hoarder until things settle down.

well they have announced which changes will appear, that's why i think it's okay to buy skillshards and use them on some characters. i will upgrade my soldier eddie since the skillshard black hole acrid smoke will be removed. although there are good arguments to wait, if you think some new eddies will be available in the tropper store and you want to buy them. maybe the price for skillshards will be reduced also or something totally new will be installed. so waiting is also reasonable. but i doubt that big changes will arise in the next tuning update.

anyway i wouldn't buy new eddies because it's likely that you can get them with the regular rare souls too.

10-02-2016, 11:03 AM
It would be nice,either reduce the price or add bulk offer for skill shards as it offers for other items, 10K for 3 skill shards or something like that.

10-02-2016, 11:48 AM
i will upgrade my soldier eddie since the skillshard black hole acrid smoke will be removed.

I must have missed this :eek: I have Acrid Smoke at 4 (obviously not by choice) so what happens to the skill shards wasted on it?

10-02-2016, 12:13 PM
I must have missed this :eek: I have Acrid Smoke at 4 (obviously not by choice) so what happens to the skill shards wasted on it?

they will change acrid smoke so that it deals random damage instead of magic damage. so it's not so useless as before...

10-02-2016, 07:16 PM
Hi Saulki,

They have been really good about talking about the changes comming and since I still don't have a general I'm not to worried. I just thinking the saving method will be best for me. I have 180 rare souls saved incase of new eddies or better rng. I am also hoping they might lowere the cost of skill shards I only have 34400 trooper points saved. The only problem I really see is that I will have to wait until they release sacrifice before I can do anything. Cause they said it would be a while before they increased the number of characters we can have. I am stuck until then.

10-02-2016, 07:19 PM
Hi Saulki,

They have been really good about talking about the changes comming and since I still don't have a general I'm not to worried. I just thinking the saving method will be best for me. I have 180 rare souls saved incase of new eddies or better rng. I am also hoping they might lowere the cost of skill shards I only have 34400 trooper points saved. The only problem I really see is that I will have to wait until they release sacrifice before I can do anything. Cause they said it would be a while before they increased the number of characters we can have. I am stuck until then.

You ONLY have 34400 trooper points... Seems legit...

Also damn 180 rare souls, i bet u aint getting any 5* chars :cool:

10-02-2016, 07:31 PM
Started saving right before the update talk started. And almost all of my 4 & 5* toons I made in prep for sacrifice. I play allot.

10-02-2016, 07:33 PM
Started saving right before the update talk started. And almost all of my 4 & 5* toons I made in prep for sacrifice. I play allot.

U bet u do... But who knows you might get to a couple thousand rare souls... Update might never come!

10-02-2016, 07:39 PM
It will they said hopefully the end of next week. I have so many rare souls because in August I started a project to see what happens would get from a full stack of rare souls but it got postponed because of the update talk and because I didn't have the room for any more toons.

10-02-2016, 07:47 PM
It will they said hopefully the end of next week. I have so many rare souls because in August I started a project to see what happens would get from a full stack of rare souls but it got postponed because of the update talk and because I didn't have the room for any more toons.

i got similar problems my character list is full and i don't want to sell any 3* because of sacrifice. so i have approx. 400 normal souls and 30 rare souls and i have no clue what to do with them. sacrifice won't happend so fast. as far as i know it won't be a feature ofthe next update, and i'm not sure if it's smart to wait for another 3 months till they release it. i will see what the next update will bring and decide afterwards...

damn, maybe i should have saved my trooperpoints also, i will go and kill myself if they really lower the prices for skillshards ;-)

10-02-2016, 07:52 PM
I dont think they will lower the prices, i think 5k for a skill shard is reasonable (but what do i know)

10-02-2016, 07:52 PM
Yea they didn't plan for hardcore players. I don't really think they will lower the skillshard cost I just don't have a toon I want to put skillshards on right now. I'm waiting to see the changes.

10-02-2016, 07:56 PM
Ive seen ur collection... Hardcore

Also I dunno if i want to continue putting my shards into soldier, remembered last time that i actually had a nomad and used it on him, his dmg is quite nice!

10-03-2016, 02:11 PM
The only problem with trooper points / skill shards : they will probably bring back the limit of 1 skill shard /week. So For the moment I continue to buy skill shards.

10-03-2016, 02:14 PM
The only problem with trooper points / skill shards : they will probably bring back the limit of 1 skill shard /week. So For the moment I continue to buy skill shards.

Oh yea i forgot about that...

10-03-2016, 08:37 PM
The only problem with trooper points / skill shards : they will probably bring back the limit of 1 skill shard /week. So For the moment I continue to buy skill shards.

i hope, that they won't do that. how should it be possible to max out the characters with one skillshard per week? this would be silly, but who knows what they will do ;-)

10-03-2016, 09:45 PM
Setting the skillshards to one a week would be the worst thing they could do. For anyone that has been saving. Hopefully the will give us some notice if they decide to go that route.

10-04-2016, 07:49 AM
Hey, it's just a supposition but as they said they remove the week limit temporarly, well... we have to wait and see :)

The Educated fool
10-04-2016, 11:13 PM
Setting the skillshards to one a week would be the worst thing they could do. For anyone that has been saving. Hopefully the will give us some notice if they decide to go that route.

I would tend to agree. I could see myself... really not enjoying it if they were to go this route.

10-04-2016, 11:41 PM
I've only been spending them on skill shards ever since I got my AG. Two more until his skills are maxed. I don't know who I want to spend them on next. Soldier Eddie, Rocket Dog, or PSS most likely. I only use the PSS in the dungeons though, and he badly needs some talisman upgrades. I've spent 3 on soldier Eddie so far, 1 went into Acrid Smoke, two into bullet spray.