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View Full Version : Kinda disappointed at the game. (droprate/things to do mainly)

07-12-2016, 06:29 PM
Playing on 2 accounts and cant get any 4 or 5 stars.

one account is lvl24 with 21 three stars, got 31 2star souls not worth opening it feels like.
account 2 is lvl31 with 24 three stars, 57 2star souls.

Is it worth opening those 2star souls? Feels like i need 4star+ to clear tougher missions. Think its strange that not one of my accounts have acquired a single 4star or above char yet.

I like the game but not much to do in it then repeat a fast mission to get xp for none lvl60.

07-12-2016, 06:37 PM
Game definitely needs more modes and things to do, but they are working on it.

In terms of getting 4-stars, your best bet is to get good troopers and earn lots of Trooper Badges and get he 5 free rare souls in the shop each week. That's where I got most of my good allies.

07-13-2016, 06:13 AM
Your 2 star souls sometimes give you 3 star characters. I would open them anyway,.

07-13-2016, 06:29 AM
I do really agree about the extreme difficulty in obtaining 4-5 star characters or talismans. The materials required to upgrade a 3 star character or talisman to 4 star appear to either not drop in any location reachable with a 3 star setup, or drop at such a hilariously low rate that after 4 days of grinding world 1 madness, world 2 hard, and world 3 I have received 0 materials required to upgrade 3 star to 4 star, with a single item as part of the upgrade process (requiring 9 near impossible to get items total to complete a single upgrade) having been found from a secret location.

This means that I can grind endlessly and still take 2-3 months to progress in the game, because I cant actually improve my characters at all with what I am able to grind. The only progression I get is once a day I use a person's level 100 5 star dude that can hit every enemy at once to steamroll a single level I haven't previously beaten.

That isn't how things should work, if I have maxed out my current team based on materials I can gather, I should be able to use that team to reach an area where I can grind materials that will allow further progression.

Please, I beg you devs, remove this brick wall, it's ridiculous and appears to rely on the very low chance (~5%) of getting 4-5 star characters from rare souls to move any farther in your game. I shouldn't hit a wall like this 3-4 days into playing, but I have, and I imagine many others have as well.

07-13-2016, 07:44 AM
It's a huge problem, and I'm sure the devs are working tirelessly on this. A game that gets tiresome after 3 days won't last long, even with Iron Maiden fans as a large base of players, so it's in their best interest to get this fixed ASAP. But it's worse than you think. I've played all the levels you mentioned and have played the first couple of levels in underworld ALL DAY (over 40-50 runs total) and still haven't got the 1 green 2-star evolution shard I need for my eddie to evolve. The drop rate is beyond ridiculous, and I feel it's below 1% even at Underworld stages 1-3!

07-13-2016, 03:45 PM
Agree, the materials required for evolution are simply not there. This could be fixed with a simple update, let's hope developers do this :)

07-13-2016, 04:16 PM
Just wanted to clarify something for you guys.

This is the era of freemium gaming. The developer's intent is to make a profit when they made this game. These days instead of buying a game up front at a one time fee, you make in game purchases.

How does this relate to us? You want 4 and 5 star characters the easy way? Shell out the cash. You want to do it the free way? It's a loooooong grind. You'll always be 2-10 steps behind everyone else.

Just to clarify this "it's wrong" and "unfair".

And there's still a ton of content to be released.

07-13-2016, 04:17 PM
And I'm not disputing there could be some drop adjustments.

07-13-2016, 04:21 PM
I do really agree about the extreme difficulty in obtaining 4-5 star characters or talismans. The materials required to upgrade a 3 star character or talisman to 4 star appear to either not drop in any location reachable with a 3 star setup, or drop at such a hilariously low rate that after 4 days of grinding world 1 madness, world 2 hard, and world 3 I have received 0 materials required to upgrade 3 star to 4 star, with a single item as part of the upgrade process (requiring 9 near impossible to get items total to complete a single upgrade) having been found from a secret location.

This means that I can grind endlessly and still take 2-3 months to progress in the game, because I cant actually improve my characters at all with what I am able to grind. The only progression I get is once a day I use a person's level 100 5 star dude that can hit every enemy at once to steamroll a single level I haven't previously beaten.

That isn't how things should work, if I have maxed out my current team based on materials I can gather, I should be able to use that team to reach an area where I can grind materials that will allow further progression.

Please, I beg you devs, remove this brick wall, it's ridiculous and appears to rely on the very low chance (~5%) of getting 4-5 star characters from rare souls to move any farther in your game. I shouldn't hit a wall like this 3-4 days into playing, but I have, and I imagine many others have as well.

This game mechanic is just a typical freemium greedy vicious circle.
As the game is new the devs are simply trying to force you to give in to frustration by spending money on draws to try to get 4*-5* characters to be able to survive in the areas that actually give the needed evolve mats to make characters that can survive there in the first place.
Making the drop rate of those 2* evo mats so ridiculously low is designed to just add to the difficulty frustration.

07-13-2016, 05:31 PM
Just wanted to clarify something for you guys.

This is the era of freemium gaming. The developer's intent is to make a profit when they made this game. These days instead of buying a game up front at a one time fee, you make in game purchases.

How does this relate to us? You want 4 and 5 star characters the easy way? Shell out the cash. You want to do it the free way? It's a loooooong grind. You'll always be 2-10 steps behind everyone else.

Just to clarify this "it's wrong" and "unfair".

And there's still a ton of content to be released.

We are all familiar with how freemium gaming works, and I personally have no problem with it. I've spent money on the game. Spending money doesn't help. If they let you buy upgrade materials, then I'd agree they are trying to force you to spend money. They are not. This is simply a case of poor design, nothing more. Greediness, "Normal Freemium practices", etc have nothing to do with this issue.

The reason your comment doesn't apply is this: You can spend money to buy gold which doesn't allow you to advance your character. Plus gold is easy to get. You can spend money to get sands of time refills. Again, that won't help you advance. You can spend money to buy regular souls, with a chance for a "rare" soul (which usually is a 3 star character). Again, that won't help you advance, since you need a 4 star character and above to advance beyond the point everyone is stuck at. That's it. That's all you can spend money on.

If you want gunner/assassin souls (the better 3 star characters in general), you CAN'T SPEND MONEY TO GET THEM. You HAVE to use trooper badges, which you can ONLY attain by playing the game (free). If you want skill shards (again, something that CAN help you a bit on advancing), you CAN'T SPEND MONEY TO GET THEM. You have to play the game or use trooper badges. See above.

So greediness or the freemium business model have NOTHING to do with it. It is a problem the devs didn't realize would be so prevalent. They miscalculated the sweet spot for essential item drop rates. period.

07-13-2016, 05:54 PM
Well then let's see if the devs change the evo mats problem, if they do then fair enough they have fixed their miscalculation.
But if they don't change this issue then my comments absolutely apply.

07-13-2016, 06:40 PM
I agree with Vaseodin. I'm willing to spend money to advance, but I can't. If they want to be greedy, they're doing a piss-poor job of it. They need to fix drop rates and maybe even some of the mechanics.

07-18-2016, 06:52 PM
Yep, i feel the same. money is not the problem, the problem is, we need 4 star character to get shards required to get 4 stars characters...

A character should be able to farm the craft material he need

07-18-2016, 11:05 PM
I used to be on the same wagon as you guys, in fact you can find a post I made a couple of days ago talking about this.

That being said, I just finished Underworld on Normal WITHOUT ever pulling a 4*. I only pulled a 4* Soldier Eddie wich was a kick in the nuts since I was ready to level my previous Soldier Eddie , the one you get from completing a level, to 4*. Wich made loose a lot of resources.

The most important things are; 1) Having good allies, I don't have the best team but you can add my 4* with really good talismans Soldier Eddie (Gonzo-0518), I will accept you as soon as the unable to remove friends bug is gone. And that brings me to the next point.
2) Even more important than good allies are talismans, this will change your game. Try and max the talismans that suit your playstile better, and add at least one of the green ones for extra XP.

I agree that the drop rate for evo shards is insanely high but, from time to time you'll get 5 or 6 in a row. That's how RNG works.

There should be an option to trade shards that you are not going to use for the ones you need, perhaps a 10 to 1 radius (?).

My last advice is... level up your Magus Allie Soldier, AFAIK everyone gets one as a starter. I don't rely too much on starter characters, in any game. But I was dead wrong about this one. His shield will make you breeze through levels super easy.

Let me end this with this, I've never spent money on the game, I will if some things change. I would love to buy stuff.

I hope this helps you.

07-18-2016, 11:58 PM
Where do you get the Magus Allied Soldier at? Is it a drop from trooper badges? I do have the Sentinel Allied Soldier that I received from a 3* Soul drop.

07-19-2016, 12:42 AM
I got him from the first 2 "scripted" crystals that you get as soon as you start the game. I got the Magus Allied Soldier and the Sentinel Gollem. I thought everyone got those at the beggining.

My bad.

07-19-2016, 12:55 AM
I kinda disagree with the drop rate issue on evo shards.

I spent two weeks+ to get the three red 2* evo shards for basic Eddie upgrade, this caused me to level and uses Soldier & Wickerman Eddie instead. I managed to upgraded Wickerman Eddie to 4* first by the third day of the red evo shards farming, and made it past most of the game.

07-19-2016, 05:16 AM
Do not forget that games has an Auto-Play feature. Find the level that gives most XP OR gives better loot according to your needs that your team can handle and play it on again and again on auto-play while you're doing something else. If you rank up, your stamina replenishes so you may never out of stamina in the beginning of the game. Try different levels, some gives more souls, some more shards, some more XP.

As Gonzo wrote, allies and talismans are very important. I'm playing with Magus Allied Soldier (AOE hit on normal, great shield on power skills) and Pharaoh Sun Spirit (Chance to steal power on normal, AOE hit and heal all on power skills). Found both from soulls. Pharaoh Sun Spirit was 1*, upgraded it to 3* immediately and leveled to 60 by playing. These two are just two examples, you can find other good allies.

07-19-2016, 10:50 AM
When a very large number of players are frustrated it means there is a problem. Just because some of you got lucky and got things you needed doesn't make it acceptable. I know talismans and troopers help, but when 90% of the player base is stuck and he to grind for weeks it makes the game a chore and not fun. Auto play should be a choice, not a requirement to advance. After all, you want to play the game, not let the game play itself most of the time. 3 hours on auto play and 10 minutes of actual play = not fun.

07-19-2016, 12:02 PM
I believe that the main focus of the game is farming, and trying to reach those materials to upgrade your eddies. It's pretty hard actually to move along the stages especially harder levels too...

07-19-2016, 05:03 PM
When a very large number of players are frustrated it means there is a problem. Just because some of you got lucky and got things you needed doesn't make it acceptable. I know talismans and troopers help, but when 90% of the player base is stuck and he to grind for weeks it makes the game a chore and not fun. Auto play should be a choice, not a requirement to advance. After all, you want to play the game, not let the game play itself most of the time. 3 hours on auto play and 10 minutes of actual play = not fun.

Oh no, you got my point wrong. I wasn't lucky. I grinded the hell out of the first mission in Underworld.

What I was trying to say is, don't waste your resources on characters or talismans that you wont be using anytime soon. Try different comps in lower levels to see wich one you like the most and then dump all your resources there.

I will say this again, I NEVER pulled a 4* character from crystals besides one that I already had. So the "you need 4* to get other characters to 4*" is not a valid point.

If you don't want to grind in games then unfortunately freemium games are not for you. You can spend money and cut the grinding curve or you can grind like a normal person. BUT, if you decide to spend money, keep in mind that the game may become too short and it won't be fun. I'm actually glad that I did not pull any OP characters before hand, because the game, for me, would be dead by now.

07-19-2016, 05:24 PM
If you don't want to grind in games the unfortunately freemium games are not for you. You can spend money and cut the grinding curve or you can grind like a normal person. BUT, if you decide to spend money, keep in mind that the game mey become too short and it won't be fun. I'm actually glad that I did not pull any OP characters before hand, because the game, for me, would be dead by now.

I was just thinking this same thing. Some are grind-ier than others, but all the successful ones boil down to what you said.

I used a 4* Trooper to get past the general, but I beat Beezelbub with all 3* units. Now on Underworld I can 4* finally. I was underpowered for the General, I do believe that I could beat him now. It really is just about putting in the time (or getting lucky).

07-20-2016, 07:21 AM
Oh no, you got my point wrong. I wasn't lucky. I grinded the hell out of the first mission in Underworld.

What I was trying to say is, don't waste your resources on characters or talismans that you wont be using anytime soon. Try different comps in lower levels to see wich one you like the most and then dump all your resources there.

I will say this again, I NEVER pulled a 4* character from crystals besides one that I already had. So the "you need 4* to get other characters to 4*" is not a valid point.

If you don't want to grind in games then unfortunately freemium games are not for you. You can spend money and cut the grinding curve or you can grind like a normal person. BUT, if you decide to spend money, keep in mind that the game may become too short and it won't be fun. I'm actually glad that I did not pull any OP characters before hand, because the game, for me, would be dead by now.

I think you misunderstood MY point. I never said I didn't get through the missions. I was able to grind and advance. I understand very well how Freemium works. Every other game I've played requires some grinding but NONE are as frustrating as this game was in the first 2 weeks of release. I repeat: The freemium model has nothing to do with my criticism. The devs didn't design the character advancement system properly. In fact, every review I've read talks about the insane difficulty spike that occurs in the middle of Battlefield. This is no coincidence nor is it a cry from only impatient players complaining unfairly.

What I mentioned earlier still stands: when 90% of your player base is extremely frustrated with the advancement system, there is a problem. The freemium business model would allow a pay option to advance further at the point where players are stuck. Unfortunately this game did not offer that initially. This makes it clear that it has nothing to do with the freemium business model and more with poor design.

Disagree if you like, but if you still disagree ask yourself this: if this is a "typical freemium business and most players just don't get it" then why was there no "pay" option to advance at the spot where players were stuck? The answer should be a no-brainer. Any smart business person would have that ready to roll as the solution. With today's update they have addressed the issue, but it took an emergency update (2 weeks in) and increased drop rates in addition to the pay option to resolve it (this screams of fear of losing a huge base of players who downloaded the game on day 1, which may have happened already). Again, you can sit back and claim that people don't understand the freemium model, but take a peek at the other successful freemium games out there and ask yourself why they are successful.

Hopefully the devs listening to players and patching up the game so quickly prevented a large number of detractors, but it is clear that the "pay for shards" option was not their intention initially. I'm glad they listen to the players and that fact alone may save this game. Unfortunately, I know a lot of players lost interest due to the insane "shard-gate" and won't be coming back.