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View Full Version : Randomness on getting Souls

07-18-2016, 03:57 PM
Hi all,

Don't know if anyone noticed or experienced this before, but I don't think that the characters you get from Souls are random, instead they seem associated with your account.
I used about 10 1-3* souls, and a bit later I got disconnected with some error, that it wasn't possible to proceed, server error or something like that. So, I closed the game, started it again and had the souls and money back. Then, I tried using the souls again, and amazingly I got the same characters than before.
Shouldn't this be random when you use the souls, instead of being in some kind of order? Makes me think that some accounts have better chances of getting high-level characters than others.

07-18-2016, 04:04 PM
Nah, that's called random seeding. The first time you used the souls, what you pulled was random and got locked to your account. It prevents cheating so that you can't keep reconnecting and re-rolling until you get what you want. Pretty standard fair.

07-19-2016, 07:32 AM
Nah, that's called random seeding. The first time you used the souls, what you pulled was random and got locked to your account. It prevents cheating so that you can't keep reconnecting and re-rolling until you get what you want. Pretty standard fair.

Thanks Kulimar, that makes perfect sense to me. No exploiting this way.

07-19-2016, 12:03 PM
Yeah, even though, after countless souls no important allie or Eddie appeared... :(