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View Full Version : Freeze augment freezes battle

07-25-2016, 01:50 PM
I have freezing talisman set on my allied soldier. Freezing enemies usually doesn't have any effects but sometimes it manages to freeze the enemy and the the whole battle. Both sides can't attack anymore only way out is exit. And even exit works on 2nd or 3rd attempt and theng gives server error. It usually happens when enemy has been stunned before.

07-25-2016, 02:00 PM
freezing not work for me, i tried with a unit that attack all enemy.. tried 7-8 times didnt even freeze once.
lots of bugs in the game.
whem i use reflect shield and the enemy have one as well, game somtimes get stuck too cant even exit

07-25-2016, 02:27 PM
I noticed stunned pharoh dog can still attack and cast regen in the same battle (strange believers, madness difficulty )

07-25-2016, 02:38 PM
freezing not work for me, i tried with a unit that attack all enemy.. tried 7-8 times didnt even freeze once.
lots of bugs in the game.
whem i use reflect shield and the enemy have one as well, game somtimes get stuck too cant even exit

Double reflect is annoying, but luckily easy to avoid. No enemies cast it, so all you have to do is A) not attack your first turn or B) cast your own reflect last. On the enemy's first turn their reflect will fade and then it's battle as normal.

07-25-2016, 03:06 PM
Freezing talisman working fine for me...I also used it on magus Allied Soldier.