View Full Version : Best Warrior to upgrade to 5* - Can only do one at the moment

11-07-2016, 05:02 PM
Looking for some advice on which warrior to bring to 5* next. I only have 5 Red evo shards but plan on getting at least one more when the red level opens. Currently I have several toons to choose from but having a hard time deciding which one it should be.

Any thoughts?

Golden Son
Pyro Soldier (Not really considering him at the moment)
The Wicker Man
Rocket Dog
Angel of Fear

My main team is 5* Soldier Eddie with Pharaoh Eddie backup. 5* Blue Allied Soldier and 5* Warrior COTD. I've been playing more with GR Eddie and am liking him more but need to change the talismans around to give him more health.

Still a ton of talisman work to do since farming the 1* red runes is killing me, but that's another subject.

Thanks for any advice!!


11-07-2016, 05:17 PM
Holy Shit, that's a serious warrior roster!

The real answer is "you have a lot of farming to do so you can get a few of those up!'

Top picks are Troll and AoF because both are great AoE fighters with great passives.

Hellhound (since it was nerfed) and Wicker Man would be my next picks after that.

Golden son and Rocket dog thereafter (both solid, but nothing special compared to your others, IMO)

11-07-2016, 05:28 PM
Rocket dog can rape a team easily... or atleast he used to...

But yeah, troll is prob your best bet...

Also damn i wish i had an AoF... the only angels i have are 2 fears and 2 strifes...

11-07-2016, 07:04 PM
AoF is single attack (basic), but has a decent AoE special attack. It's great if you have a solid AoE attacker already. I use an Assassin Golden Sun & either GR/CR Eddie to do AoE, the knock off 1 guy w/the Angel of Fear = extra turn, which lets me clean the rest of them up the next turn.

But I've seen Rocket Dog do serious AoE damage. Probably the top support toon on my wish list right now.

11-07-2016, 08:35 PM
I just picked up the AOF last weekend and the Troll the weekend before that. I leveled up my PSS the last time I had 6 red evo shards. But much like most of my toons I have some serious talisman work to do. I really need to just concentrate on some talismans that they can share until I can get enough for them to have their own. I really made a big mistake with my talismans, but I'm learning from my mistakes... At least that's what I like to tell myself. :-)

Thanks for the advice! Maybe luck will be in my favor and I'll get enough to bring two of them up to 5*... Not holding my breath, but it's nice to dream!!