View Full Version : 5* chars??

11-12-2016, 06:08 PM
I'm level 45 i think and have not gotten any 5*
Am i unlucky or is that normal?
Btw, what's with the bots flooding the forums????

11-12-2016, 08:22 PM
if you are a new player you have lost, old are ful and all new can't update, it's stupid.
And they want to do a pvp with that ahah

11-12-2016, 08:34 PM
It took a few months for me to level my first 5* character. It took a while thereafter to get another 3 or 4. Currently, evo shards drop with reasonable frequency at madness difficulty in the harder dungeons (if you can survive) but the new bottleneck is the talisman evo runes, so these new 5* toons you finally manage to assemble are stuck with a bunch of 3* talismans since it takes weeks to put the 2* and 3* evo runes to get some 5* talismans on ONE character.

11-12-2016, 09:05 PM
Most of my 5* characters have been grown, not dropped. If memory serves I completed the campaign with a 5* soldier Eddie, 4* blue allied soldier and 4* green allied soldier... My first 5* drop was an allied general a month or so later.

11-13-2016, 10:47 AM
My only 5* drops have been The Nomad (awesome, my first), Rainmaker Eddie (rubbish), and warrior Child of the Damned (useful).
It took me nearly 3 months playing every day to get the materials to get Soldier Eddie to 5* (still the most versatile Eddie in my experience). I still think patience and tactics will get you a long way with 4* guys, but you do need to have the right talismans and yes, it's got much harder to upgrade those. All you can do is work with what you have and do these best you can whilst waiting for drops. No shame in replaying levels if you can't progress for a bit. Play often, get badges and use them for skill shards, you will gradually get whatever else you need.

11-13-2016, 02:03 PM
Yeah, I didnt get my first 5* character from souls until after I'd finished the entire game and had hit level 78 or so.

By that stage I'd gotten 7x5* characters from farming for materials to evolve them up. So dont stress - Keep building your existing characters :)

Imo, some of the 3 & 4* drops can sometimes end up better characters than some of the 5* drops (OK only very few, but still). For example, my assassin golden son is still my best character and he drops as a 3* (I think).

11-14-2016, 02:01 PM
I got my first 5* (Pharaoh Dog King, pre-update, so with nerfed ability ) when i was in the middle of Underworld Madness, not sure abuot my level but it should have been 40 or more.
I think your situation is pretty normal.
Please consider initially I invested in rare most of the ironite i got from levels and most of my trooper points.

On a side note: more important than 5* toons are 5* talismans, It's not difficult to complete the game with 4*toons, if you have some serious trooper and good talismans.

11-14-2016, 03:12 PM
yeah, didn't pull my first 5* till after end game (since then I've pulled a few, thanks to the new achievement system & Halloween event). Also agree that 5* talismans > 5* characters