View Full Version : Corrupt General Talismans & Team Options

11-13-2016, 11:10 AM
Accurate as of PVP Update

Since this General's not an instant 'I win' button anymore since the October update, I thought it might be interesting to give him an analysis thread.

His skills:
All Hail: Deals AoE magic damage that lowers MR for 1 turn with 15% chance to stun for 1 turn.
Note: Skill Shard use can bring the stun chance to 35% as of the December 12 update (used to be 40%).
Your bread and butter skill. Don't expect a lot of damage out of it these days, but it has more niche use now. Plus the sound effect used to be funny at double speed.

Total War (7 PWR): Deals AoE magic damage with chance to Seal an enemy ability for 2 Turns.
Note: Skill Shard use can bring the Seal chance to 75%.
The magic damage on this one is quite nice. The Seal chance is a nice bonus.

Combust (Fury): Deals single target magic damage. Consumes Burn effects.
The only non-Eddie Fury in the game. Does pretty great damage now.

Team options: The Corrupt General fits best on a magic using team, as they can take great advantage of his MR reduction. Just be sure to use him first.
Carriage Rider, Storm, Mummy, Grim Reaper and Speed of Light Eddie all have basic AoE magic attacks. The Mummy synergizes well with stuns, and following up a freeze or stun with SoL's Fury will have you cackling madly. Wicker Man Eddie is also possible choices.

Pharaoh Dog King and Wickerdog Queen can bring your damage into the stratosphere, but the PDK is probably better in the Rift than in the Campaign because his attack is single target. Magus and Sentinel Golden Sons are also nice bets are the Magus Allied Soldier and Assassin Soulless Demon. Sentinel Allied Bomber Boy is another good choice, as his Power move has a chance for an accuracy boost (and heal!), and his magical burns mean that Combust can actually be used. While they do true damage, Warrior Axis Bomber Boy and Assassin Troll have a Passive which increases Accuracy, which can keep the stun relevant. The Magus Haunted Pumpkin has a lot of burn attacks which may work well for Combust, despite being a single target attacker. The Angel of Pain (blue bat) is also a fine option.

I'd say the General has 5 routes with his Talisman loadout:
- 6 Freeze (4 Power, 2 Arcane). Adds a 24% Freeze chance on top of the stun. Works best if you have an Accuracy buffer in the team, but he'll be a bit squishy.
- 6 Holy (4 Power, 2 Arcane). For pure damage. Still, you'll be squishy.
- 3 Freeze (Power), 2 Holy (Power or Arcane), 1 yellow (Bulwark). Balances Health, Freeze and Magic damage. You can also use a green Ward Talisman instead of a yellow Talisman for the final slot.
- 3 green, 3 blue. A popular route for PVP that gives the General a support role. Your green Talismans should at least be Ward. For the blue slots, use a Freeze set, and use a Paralysis or Energy set for the green Talismans. Blind is also fine. 3 blue and 3 Thief (Bulwark) Talismans is also an interesting variant. You'll miss out on some crowd control but keep some decent health, have better magic than 3 green 3 blue, and this greatly helps your Fury gain.

Does anyone have anything else to add?

Ancient Mariner
11-13-2016, 12:36 PM
He's still a beast despite the nerf

His skills:
All Hail: Deals AoE magic damage that lowers MR for 1 turn with 15% ....
Note: Skill Shard use can bring the stun chance to 30%.

40%* with maxed skills

11-13-2016, 01:19 PM
I checked the levels on my own CG's All Hail for the stun chance and it went up to 6. Did the level 7 text disappear or something? If so, will fix.

And don't get me wrong, I'm still grateful for my CG troopers! The General only went from godly to excellent

11-13-2016, 01:27 PM
I run 2 x Freezing talisman sets with him. And yes, it triggers %24 of the time. But since he also have "Stun" chance with his basic attack, you have a high chance to either Freeze or Stun enemies. About the team option, i guess he will be perfect with magus Eddies, especially with Carriage Rider Eddie due to his AOE basic attack. Unfortunately i don't have him.

But i have fair strong magus team with 5* lvl 100 GR Eddie, Angel Of Pain (Blue Bat) and Pharaoh Dog King together with Corrupt General. Sometimes i use this 4 nasty magus chars against Red Dungeon Level 10, it works quite good.

In my view, most bad-ass looking non-Eddie char in the game! He have the highest self-esteem & powerful posture.

11-13-2016, 01:37 PM
Yep, still also want the Carriage Rider. I'll add the blue bat to the recommended characters though, thanks!

In my view, most bad-ass looking non-Eddie char in the game! He have the highest self-esteem & powerful posture.

Personally my vote goes to his archnemesis the Alliance General. The reason? THAT MUSTACHE.

11-13-2016, 01:47 PM
Yep, still also want the Carriage Rider. I'll add the blue bat to the recommended characters though, thanks!

Personally my vote goes to his archnemesis the Alliance General. The reason? THAT MUSTACHE.

Blue bat hits quite hard and his passive is very useful to block enemy buffs. I highly recommend it.

Alliance general also looks cool, but that mustache and fat stomach gives him kind of a beer drinking uncle-sam look, in my view hehe. But he also have cool posture no question about that.

Another reason of my Corrupt general choice is he kind of remembers me my favourite character Dark Raiden from Mortal Kombat with electric eyes.

"There are fates worst then death!" says Corrupt General and throws the cutted head of the Beast from his pocket. Then teleports to somewhere. (Inspired by that killer MKX after credits scene below :cool:)


11-14-2016, 07:03 AM
I checked the levels on my own CG's All Hail for the stun chance and it went up to 6. Did the level 7 text disappear or something? If so, will fix.

And don't get me wrong, I'm still grateful for my CG troopers! The General only went from godly to excellent

You have to scroll down to see lvl 7.

11-14-2016, 08:40 AM
Ever notice that when the Generals do their power move on auto farm that they look like they are grooving out to the music? It really matches up with the track that plays on the first half of battlefield.

Oh yeah, the assassin soulless demon's buff goes well with any magic based team if missing the better magic buffers. Pretty underrated character. It's actually not bad at 5* and with decent talismans.

11-14-2016, 09:28 AM
I run 2 x Freezing talisman sets with him. And yes, it triggers %24 of the time. But since he also have "Stun" chance with his basic attack, you have a high chance to either Freeze or Stun enemies.

I think it is useless because he already stunned. If he stun ennemis, additionnal Freeze is useless because your opponent Is already immobilized.

Alliance general also looks cool, but that mustache and fat stomach gives him kind of a beer drinking uncle-sam look, in my view hehe. But he also have cool posture no question about that.

Don't agree, Corrupt General have more fat stomach than Alliance General, IT'S A GALAXY!!!!!

11-14-2016, 11:41 AM
3 freeze and 3 blind not good for him?

11-14-2016, 12:06 PM
3 freeze and 3 blind not good for him?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't like Blind Talismans because I don't see them as being very useful for PVP. Not to mention that 3 green Talismans really limits the General's offensive power. I suppose it's possible though.

I'll add the Assassin Demon to the recs though.

11-14-2016, 12:07 PM
I think it is useless because he already stunned. If he stun ennemis, additionnal Freeze is useless because your opponent Is already immobilized.

Don't agree, Corrupt General have more fat stomach than Alliance General, IT'S A GALAXY!!!!!

Good point. But when he don't stun enemies, i guess it's good to have %24 freeze chance seperately.

Yes! Alliance General have beer-stomach, Corrupt General have Galaxy stomach! So in this case Alliance one drinks beer, Corrupt one drinks the universe :cool:

11-14-2016, 12:13 PM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't like Blind Talismans because I don't see them as being very useful for PVP. Not to mention that 3 green Talismans really limits the General's offensive power. I suppose it's possible though.

I'll add the Assassin Demon to the recs though.
full blue is better i think yes, i will try 6 freeze, 3 blind=bad power for me
3 more talismans to update, i m in shit lol
for magnus team lol X, with pdk, cr eddie and aof (for free turn)

11-14-2016, 12:31 PM
well, my corrupt general runs the same talisman set as my grim reaper (or any other mage, like my CR Eddie used to be):
2 holy taliamans for magic boost
3 freeze for ... well - freezing.
1 yellow (any) bulwark for a bit life and magic.

i've also tested a 4x holy and 2x life combo, which granted more life, but i didn't want to give up on freezing.
Another good combo (yet not for corrupt general) for the freezer option is for the gunner golden sun. Put a 3x freeze and 3x thief (bulwark or will) on him, pretty badass!

I'm now building up the same mage combo for a third time ... for my wicker dog queen, as she seems to be the 2nd powerful mage after the coorupt general. (not counting the teamheal and respawn-effect of the mage golden sun).

11-14-2016, 12:50 PM
one yellow on magnus, never see that, it's good?
I'm trying in lol X

11-16-2016, 10:10 AM
well, my corrupt general runs the same talisman set as my grim reaper (or any other mage, like my CR Eddie used to be):
2 holy taliamans for magic boost
3 freeze for ... well - freezing.
1 yellow (any) bulwark for a bit life and magic.

I second this... Great combination as you said for life and magic... More magic then ward but more HP than some blue... Plus a little special... I would recommend this combo anytime :D

11-17-2016, 08:41 AM
Good point. But when he don't stun enemies, i guess it's good to have %24 freeze chance seperately.

To increase the chance to immobilize ennemies (near 100%), I put freezing talismans in an another toon with AOE in my team like Blue Soldier. ;)

Yes! Alliance General have beer-stomach, Corrupt General have Galaxy stomach! So in this case Alliance one drinks beer, Corrupt one drinks the universe :cool:

The truth is that Corrupt is Galactus!!

Mine works pretty well with:
- 2 health ward to increase HP
- 4 Holy power for magic and DEF

12-17-2016, 03:07 PM
This may sound like a stupid question, but is it still worth it to Skill Shard the General after the Dec 12 update? Because I'm currently sitting on about 60K Trooper Points, and unless the Christmas update gives something interesting, I'll give it to this guy. Otherwise I'll give it to my red bat, troll or Alliance General.

On the other hand, I think I've thought up a team that perfectly complements him. You need:
- High AoE magic damager, such as Magus Allied Soldier to take advantage of All Hail's MR drop: IMO the blue allied soldier's still the best AoE magic damager in the game. And that Reflect Shield is great protection. You could also probably use the Gunner Bomber Boy or Masked Harpy here, as they're quite good and give you burns. Masked Harpy may be fun Fury Spam. All of them can give burns via Freeze Talismans, which should be great for Combust.
- AoE magic damage support Eddie, such as Storm Eddie: Best AoE magic damage that isn't the Carriage Rider (who's also a great option), but Storm Eddie does more consistent neutral damage (if a little random). Plus his Shock Effects will probably add up into the General's Combust.
- Focus Passive, such as Warrior Axis Bomber Boy. You could also use the Assassin Troll here instead. The Axis Bomber is a better counter against pesky Sentinels, but the Assassin Troll is a little tougher and has an arguably more useful Power Move.

Note: I've also updated CG's skills so they match the December update.