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View Full Version : Should the prisoner be a Gunner?

12-01-2016, 11:21 PM
By definition, Gunners are AOE damage dealers. The Prisoner by contrast is not; he is a single damage dealer that bears all the trappings of an Assassin, including true damage. Now one may point out certain exceptional single-damage gunner characters like the newborn of light, or possessed rockets, or AoE assassins like artillery dog, and golden son. However these are generally standard characters in multiple classifications with basic features across the spectrum of the classes (like AoE sons and single-damage newborns) whereas the Prisoner is a unique character that does not conform to the assigned gunner class at all.

If I recall correctly, the affinity advantage(s) make no difference between Assassin or Gunner as they relate to warrior/sentinel/magus adversaries, so there is little practical consequence against many characters in the game. Instead you have a "yellow assassin," a gunner "assassin-killer" who in turn is particularly vulnerable to other assassins. So, does the deviation make play interesting enough to overlook this, or should the prisoner be reassigned to the assassin class (with corresponding purple talisman slots), which he represents most closely?

12-02-2016, 04:12 AM
Gunners aren't necessarily AOE-specialists:


have random effects and generate SPECIAL at higher rates

I've been under the impression since I started the game that Gunners were mainly about allowing more Fury attacks, plus some toolboxy/rogue-like abilities. While there's an AOE trend in the Gunner Eddies and Toons, it's by no means exclusive , such as The Prisoner and Cyborg Eddie.

I think the Prisoner's main problem is that Silence isn't a particularly good ability. It's useful sometimes, but the situational aspect of it doesn't make up for the single-target basic attack.

12-02-2016, 06:02 AM
Gunners aren't necessarily AOE-specialists:


I've been under the impression since I started the game that Gunners were mainly about allowing more Fury attacks, plus some toolboxy/rogue-like abilities. While there's an AOE trend in the Gunner Eddies and Toons, it's by no means exclusive , such as The Prisoner and Cyborg Eddie.

I think the Prisoner's main problem is that Silence isn't a particularly good ability. It's useful sometimes, but the situational aspect of it doesn't make up for the single-target basic attack.

I wouldn't say that I disagree with your impressions about fury generation/sneakiness (Which would then open the door for rainmaker Eddie to be a gunner) but from the philosophical standpoint of the characters, especially enemy toons, it seems the assassin is the lone character put in place to target one character with large applications of damage.

12-05-2016, 06:08 AM
it seems the assassin is the lone character put in place to target one character with large applications of damage.

The Golden Son, Storm Eddie, Corrupt Rescuer, Possessed Mine, Bomber Boy, etc are all assassins that do AoE damage in their base attacks. Cyborg Eddie, Aces High Eddie, Prisoner, Gunner Dog, and Chattering Skulls are some Gunners that hit single targets in their base attack. So there seems to be no rhyme or reason with Class determining single or AoE attacks...

And Cyborg Eddie's Beam is deadlier than any assassin attack I know of:cool:

Saw you scored a Prisoner. Congrats! Between his awesome Passive, solid single target damage, and the ability to hand back negative effects I've found him really useful. Not a farming tool, but really great when you need him, and makes the LoL a breeze.

12-05-2016, 02:12 PM
Along the same lines, 2 other characters struck me as being in the wrong class (or maybe in between classes):

The Assassin Axis Soldier is more like a Gunner with his Special scaling and yellow talisman spot.

The Gunner Corrupt Rescuer is more Sentinel than Gunner, with her defense scaling, heal, revive, and passive titan shield (and she has a green talisman slot, too, despite not having a HP-scaling attack).

12-05-2016, 02:38 PM
Along the same lines, 2 other characters struck me as being in the wrong class (or maybe in between classes):

The Assassin Axis Soldier is more like a Gunner with his Special scaling and yellow talisman spot.

The Gunner Corrupt Rescuer is more Sentinel than Gunner, with her defense scaling, heal, revive, and passive titan shield (and she has a green talisman slot, too, despite not having a HP-scaling attack).

Titan shield scales with max health, so that's all the reason you need for a green slot. Just because the character is one color doesn't mean they should use those color talismans. It all depends on the abilities.

Reclassifying characters would take up valuable time that could be used to fix much more important issues. I'd rather just leave them as is and fix other issues.

12-05-2016, 02:43 PM
Reclassifying characters would take up valuable time that could be used to fix much more important issues. I'd rather just leave them as is and fix other issues.

Not really the point since:

This is a discussion; and

if so inclined, devs will fix/balance/break/add/subtract on their time table.

Nevertheless, they have repurposed colored talisman slots multiple times over. If/when the need arises, it doesn't appear to be rocket science to reclassify a character, especially gunner-assassins.

12-05-2016, 04:47 PM
oh yeah, I'm not complaining, and certainly not saying they should be reclassified (either the characters themselves or the talisman slots). I just thought it was kind of odd to have an assassin with a focus on special (which is a gunner thing), and a gunner with a bunch of skills that are somewhat more typical of the sentinel class.

I'm actually all for diversity of skills/specialties. It would be pretty boring if every assassin was a single hitter and every gunner AOE, for example.