View Full Version : Viking Eddie (Sentinel Type)

12-12-2016, 11:02 PM


Deals true damage to all enemies.
Grants Blizzard Shield to all allies.
35% Chance to Freeze all enemies for 1 turn.
LV 2/3/5 DMG+ 10/15/20%
LV 4 Effect Chance +10%


Deals true damage to a single target.
50% Chance to Increase MR.
50% Chance to Lower MAGIC.
Damage dealt increases the higher your MR.
LV 2/3/4/5 DMG+ 5/10/15/20%

Call to Arms
Removes Negative Effects for 2 turns.
Gain Immunity for 2 turns.
Increase MR of allies for 3 turns.

Deals true damage to a single target.
Steals a Positive Effect.
Heal for 15% of your Max HP if a positive effect is stolen.
LV 2/3/4 DMG+ 5/10/15%


Deals true damage to all enemies.
35% Chance to Stun or Taunt.
Damage dealt increases the lower the target's ATK stat.
LV 2/3/4 DMG+ 5/10/15%

Extend Positive Effects on self 2 turns.
Extend Negative Effects on enemies 1 turn.
Heal allies for 30% of your Max HP.

Magic Resist Charge
Grants MR Charge to all allies.
MR Charge increases the effectiveness of the next MR enhancing ability used.


3 Open / 3 Sentinel

12-13-2016, 01:15 AM
Cool beans cant wait to try and get him

12-13-2016, 01:30 AM
Is there a temporary increased drop rate chance on Viking Eddie?

12-13-2016, 01:58 AM
Is there a temporary increased drop rate chance on Viking Eddie?

It didn't see it mentioned in the announcement so I assume not. I am curious to see if anyone has luck getting him with regular rare souls.

12-13-2016, 02:30 AM

NOT mine.

12-13-2016, 03:15 AM
Slaaaaauuuuuuukiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!

12-13-2016, 05:17 AM
Slaaaaauuuuuuukiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!

yeah, new work for me :-)

EDIT: but actually the nerfs suck in many cases...

12-13-2016, 10:56 AM
I like those sixes on the shield. It's cute.

Also nice to see Blizzard Shield on something other than the Magus CotD. Call to Arms looks like it'll be fantastic. His skills in general remind me of a Sentinel Speed of Light with a little bit of the Mummy thrown in.

And finally a use for Ivory Talismans!

Does anyone know what art he's based off, if at all? AFAIK the song Invaders never had a single

12-13-2016, 04:01 PM
Does he drop as a 3* or do we need to burn rare souls?

12-13-2016, 04:05 PM
Does he drop as a 3* or do we need to burn rare souls?

As a 5*....

12-13-2016, 04:05 PM
Does he drop as a 3* or do we need to burn rare souls?

He drops as 5* so rare souls it is.

12-13-2016, 04:14 PM
I'll pass for now. I have enough ox cultists.

12-13-2016, 04:18 PM
A Viking... as a Sentinel... the class that's known to be weak...against warriors.:confused:

I've got one... how about Wizard Eddie, a Warrior Class character!

better yet, Ghandi Eddie... an assassin.


12-13-2016, 04:28 PM
A Viking... as a Sentinel... the class that's known to be weak...against warriors.:confused:

I've got one... how about Wizard Eddie, a Warrior Class character!

better yet, Ghandi Eddie... an assassin.


Probably emphasizing the toughness of Vikings? I mean, classes aren't the be-all-end-all of what characters are like. I mean, Sentinels have a dude with a gun (Bomber Boy) and a skeleton with a shield and axe (Undead Guardian). Besides, what's magical about that blue Axis Soldier anyway? Not to mention, there's a world of difference between a someone clad in full plate armor with a light skirmisher armed with javelins.

That, and I think making him a Warrior would have been a bad idea. That Navigator Eddie that was spotted a while back will be a Warrior, and there's still a chance that Killers Eddie might be one. Although 3 5* Sentinel Eddies rather clogs the list.

Or Visions Eddie tainted the Viking with some of his ethereal energy since their names are similar

12-13-2016, 04:37 PM
Probably emphasizing the toughness of Vikings? I mean, classes aren't the be-all-end-all of what characters are like. I mean, Sentinels do have a dude with a gun (Bomber Boy) and a skeleton with a shield and axe (Undead Guardian). Besides, what's magical about that blue Axis Soldier anyway? Not to mention, there's a world of difference between a someone clad in full plate armor with a light skirmisher armed with Javelins.

That, and I think making him a Warrior would have been a bad idea. That Navigator Eddie that was spotted a while back will be a Warrior, and there's still a chance that Killers Eddie might be one. Although 3 5* Sentinel Eddies rather clogs the list.

Or Visions Eddie tainted the Viking with some of his ethereal energy since their names are similar

It makes zero sense with the philosophy of the viking, notwithstanding sensibility. The viking is a warrior class, period. It makes sense for the viking to be neutral on warriors, weak on magus and strong on sentinels (they loved pillaging monasteries). Strong against magic, weak against warriors, neutral against sentinels makes zero sense with the philosophy of the character and shows a complete lack of thoughtfulness in character development.

If anything, a Viking, Skald, Berzerker three pack could have preserved this but as is proves senseless.
As for sentinel bombers, that makes more sense armed with a contraption/heavy gun than it would hand-to-hand. You are also comparing base toons to a rare eddie, which should have far more thought behind him.

12-13-2016, 04:41 PM
A Viking... as a Sentinel... the class that's known to be weak...against warriors.:confused:

I've got one... how about Wizard Eddie, a Warrior Class character!

better yet, Ghandi Eddie... an assassin.



I like where that is going ...

Swashbuckler Eddie - a Gunner

12-13-2016, 07:50 PM
I'll pass for now. I have enough ox cultists.

That was pretty much the same thing I thought, except I sell every single ox cultist. I got suckered into trying for the FotD Eddie and the NBW characters and didn't get any of them. I got a few useless pumpkins and a couple storm eddies, and have pulled a couple extra storm eddies since from random rare soul drops. Storm Eddie is the new SoL Eddie except he's actually usefull for boss fights.

12-13-2016, 08:01 PM
That was pretty much the same thing I thought, except I sell every single ox cultist. I got suckered into trying for the FotD Eddie and the NBW characters and didn't get any of them. I got a few useless pumpkins and a couple storm eddies, and have pulled a couple extra storm eddies since from random rare soul drops. Storm Eddie is the new SoL Eddie except he's actually usefull for boss fights.

Storm Eddie was a refreshing service to the community at large. Every Assassin Eddie is 5* (I believe) and thus unobtainable, as a player may luck out on a legendary sentinel or warrior pull from a rare soul, but the amount of rare G/A and legendary souls are few and far between, even with badges. Storm was the first and only reasonable chance at scoring an Assassin Eddie, and the only one I have ever pulled so far.

12-13-2016, 08:55 PM
Storm Eddie was a refreshing service to the community at large. Every Assassin Eddie is 5* (I believe) and thus unobtainable, as a player may luck out on a legendary sentinel or warrior pull from a rare soul, but the amount of rare G/A and legendary souls are few and far between, even with badges. Storm was the first and only reasonable chance at scoring an Assassin Eddie, and the only one I have ever pulled so far.

Same, I even leveled one to 100, and set him as my champ for now. The point was that had I known I would pull 3 more of them, I would have waited and not spent ironite on the BNW souls.

12-13-2016, 08:58 PM
You and me both. I pulled some good gunners with those extra BNW i bought, but I spent a lot to get mine.

12-13-2016, 11:54 PM
Does anyone know what art he's based off, if at all? AFAIK the song Invaders never had a single

It'll be based off any of the numerous event shirts Maiden have done for the Scandinavian and Nordic shows.

12-14-2016, 12:45 AM
Does anyone know what art he's based off, if at all? AFAIK the song Invaders never had a single

Kardas :)

Check this name Hervé Monjeaud in google - the guy is a French artist who did A LOT of Maiden stuff recently - both official and unofficial ones...



12-15-2016, 05:06 AM
I just made him my Trooper Champion so my Troopers can test him out.


A weak-hitting Viking; more Hagar the Horrible than Thor. I think Pharaoh is a much more useful Sentinel Eddie, though I just picked this guy up so I'll have to put him through the ringer a bit to really feel out his abilities. Certainly Loot is handy. Will be curious to see what my Troopers think as they play him over the next few days.

Seeing as he does True Damage and has three green slots, I put three green and three purple talismans on him. Because his basic attack scales with MR, Ward and Barrier would have been ideal, but I have him loaded now with only one Ward and one Barrier - the rest are Overwhelming and Shield since that's what I had around. May give him a little boost as I level the proper Talismans

Still cool to try a new Eddie. Occasionally a new one comes along, like Storm, that proves pretty useful

12-15-2016, 10:44 AM
I sent you a Trooper request a bit ago as you were the only reccomend Trooper with one. Any space left? Cheers either way.

12-15-2016, 01:07 PM
I sent you a Trooper request a bit ago as you were the only reccomend Trooper with one. Any space left? Cheers either way.

It suggests people with full rosters as Troopers; I had writtten in the suggestion area that that should be changed because it looks like you're being ignored.

I'm full and have just received a number of Trooper requests, I'm sure because of the above post. I have a couple Troopers at six days, so if they go to seven I'll clear them and add new Troopers

12-15-2016, 05:56 PM
I'm glad that you are my trooper,since i couldn't find anyone else with this character after 1000x refreshing the suggested troopers. ;)

My first impression was "meh". now after trying him,it's still a "men", but he does surprisingly more damage than i expected. sad that his slots limit us to only use a 3+3 setup (probably purple+green,just like you did)

what puzzles me are 2 of his skills: the "remove negative effects for 2 turns"...so if i get debuffed for 3 turns,will the debuff return for the last turn? and why?

second is Mr charge. what exactly are the devs expecting us to do with that? it's trying a bit too much to state: "Look i'm a MR based character!"...sadly the only one (tbh let's hope the last one as well)
So let's imagine how this is put into praxis: He casts that-some ally casts MR UP!-viking does more damage...i know,that in Spartons' world battles take 10 turns and buffs and debuffs are crucial.in my world by that time you could have been long finished just spending those 3 turns hitting with some damage dealers/or the enemy does the same to you=defeat
i just find it totally useless...

And let's hope that people won't go through the effort of maxing Ivory talismans because of him,because it will do nothing! i tested many such characters and the primary type of damage is always far superior to the "scales with bla bla". just don't do it people!

result:Definitely didn't make it into my wish list. Would prefer him being some all red slot warrior with a basic AOE skill...

12-19-2016, 07:06 AM
I'm updating this since I've had some time to work with him and...

I really like him.

Sentinels are generally support/tank characters, and yes he's hard to take down, but he's been proving pretty useful in PvP and I'm using him quite a bit.

His single hit basic does pretty solid damage. He has a low cost (3) AoE attack that isn't killer on damage, but has a 35% chance to stun or taunt. It's saved my butt a couple times. He heals well as its based on his total, not current, hit points. And that same heal? Also extends negative effects so if you're opponent is frozen or stunned before VE does his healing? Good luck. I've already talked about Loot which steals a beneficial effect - perfect when you want to smash someone behind a reflect shield or a green angel with pesky invincibility. His fury provides a very capable Blizzard shield to the whole party, and I never tire of hearing that Viking horn when it's triggered!

Pharaoh Eddie can revive dead party members and his Fury provides Invincibility, so he's probably a better overall support character, but Vikings ability to stun/taunt, a lower cost heal that extends negative effects, and an AoE Fury (Pharaohs is not AoE) with a stilll solid defensive shield are making him my go-to Sentinel Eddie. FOTD has some real nastiness, including extending negative effects, but that comes at an extra power point and he only heals with his Fury

May start putting some skill shards into him to add some weight behind his hits. 14 skill shards gets him fully leveled, but even a few will help augment his already solid skill set. All his levelable skills are useful (no Acrid Smoke)

Please ignore my first impressions a few posts up :p

12-19-2016, 03:00 PM
what puzzles me are 2 of his skills: the "remove negative effects for 2 turns"...so if i get debuffed for 3 turns,will the debuff return for the last turn? and why?
Don't have him, but I think it means it removes negative effects currently on him, and prevents them for another turn. So a 3-turn debuff would be permanently canceled. (could be wrong here)

And let's hope that people won't go through the effort of maxing Ivory talismans because of him,because it will do nothing! i tested many such characters and the primary type of damage is always far superior to the "scales with bla bla". just don't do it people!

I found this to be true for Iron. Problem is that it seems if attack scales with ATK & DEF, it sums the two numbers. Which means the ATK boost based on 20% of defense (Guardian) is almost always better than the 15% DEF boost on it's own (Iron). Unless you really need the DEF on its own, but I've found that to be rare. Same would be true of Paladin vs Ivory.

12-19-2016, 03:34 PM
Don't have him, but I think it means it removes negative effects currently on him, and prevents them for another turn. So a 3-turn debuff would be permanently canceled. (could be wrong here)

I found this to be true for Iron. Problem is that it seems if attack scales with ATK & DEF, it sums the two numbers. Which means the ATK boost based on 20% of defense (Guardian) is almost always better than the 15% DEF boost on it's own (Iron). Unless you really need the DEF on its own, but I've found that to be rare. Same would be true of Paladin vs Ivory.

Haven't had to use Call to Arms yet which is the skill in question; always seems to be a better option. If it gave immunity to the whole party instead of MR that would be killer, but as-is always choosing something else

I've tested different talisman combos and three green (mandatory) and three purple seem to be the optimum. You could certainly use all green if you want to maximize his tank capabilities at the expense of some damage.

Anyone else here have one of these yet?

12-19-2016, 03:37 PM
I want him SO BAD! :(

12-21-2016, 03:23 PM
This guy really DOES scale to MR. Surprisingly so. I removed two maxed Green Overwhelming talismans - substituted with 2 Mystical (no increase in ATK or Magic so I've always ignored them) at level 38 - and his damage INCREASED.

So I'm thinking that means his HP, both his DEF and his MR, and his damage can be maxed with a bunch of Mystical talismans. The kind I've always deleted :D. Which will also make him a defensive beast

I have three purple talismans on him now which provide the MR but not as many hit points

I wish Green power-up runes weren't so frickin' hard to come by. I'd like to test my theory, and leveling all those Mystical Talismans will take forever. I know there aren't a lot of Viking Eddies out there, but for those who have him please post what's working best for you...

12-21-2016, 03:56 PM
Experimented more. Replaced a fully maxed Purple with no MR (Shield) with a 44 level Mystical (Green). Big damage drop.

Also replaced a Shield with a Barrier and damage increased

So - at this point - looks like 3 Green (Mystical) and 3 Purple (Barrier) best combo for damage

12-21-2016, 04:35 PM
This guy really DOES scale to MR. Surprisingly so. I removed two maxed Green Overwhelming talismans - substituted with 2 Mystical (no increase in ATK or Magic so I've always ignored them) at level 38 - and his damage INCREASED.

So I'm thinking that means his HP, both his DEF and his MR, and his damage can be maxed with a bunch of Mystical talismans. The kind I've always deleted :D. Which will also make him a defensive beast

Have you tied Mystical vs Ward? Ward give the same MR boost as Mystical but also has MAG, so in theory it should be best (unless you really need the DEF, too)

With true damage scaling with MR, I usually try to maximize the sum of ATK+MAG+MR. But if MR has a multiplier that would certainly change the calculus (or algebra, as it were).

12-21-2016, 05:18 PM
Have you tied Mystical vs Ward? Ward give the same MR boost as Mystical but also has MAG, so in theory it should be best (unless you really need the DEF, too)

With true damage scaling with MR, I usually try to maximize the sum of ATK+MAG+MR. But if MR has a multiplier that would certainly change the calculus (or algebra, as it were).

Great point and need to do more testing. Have been swapping out one Talisman and as a rule this is the case, but for some targets it's not. Sentinels are also vulnerable to Warriors, so the defense of Mystical would be handy for sure. Will likely do more testing later swapping all three green Talismans and seeing how big the difference really is.

Update: As I stack them Wards are performing better than Mystical, which makes sense.

Ward and Barrier it is!

Lord Schmeb
12-22-2016, 04:15 AM
Not sure what's worse; the fact that I can't pull one, that you're the only person in the multiverse who has one as their champ, or that you'll forever be full of troopers, thus negating my chance of ever playing him.

Ah well.

12-22-2016, 12:08 PM
I was reorganizing my Talismans and I came across a set that would be very useful for the Viking: Crystal Talismans. They increase MR by 1% of your HP. I can't remember where I got them, but I think it was in Ailing Kingdom before the Talismans were overhauled in October. I think they would be incredibly useful for the Viking when they pop up again.

01-01-2017, 01:14 PM
Heavy New Year!

Today morning I got the Viking Eddie from a xmas soul :D.

Total shit, that some talisman are broken and useless...or not?

The crystal talismans will return in future update: http://forum.ironmaidenlegacy.com/showthread.php?449-Talisman-Illustrated-Guide&p=22890&viewfull=1#post22890

01-01-2017, 04:32 PM
Heavy New Year!

Today morning I got the Viking Eddie from a xmas soul :D.

Total shit, that some talisman are broken and useless...or not?

The crystal talismans will return in future update: http://forum.ironmaidenlegacy.com/showthread.php?449-Talisman-Illustrated-Guide&p=22890&viewfull=1#post22890

Congrats! Just finished maxing the skillshards on mine. Only takes 14 so not bad for an Eddie. Takes a while to get the hang of him, but after a very lukewarm initial impression he's one of my go-to Eddies in PvP.

There are definitely better Eddies for farming

Who knows if they'll ever reintroduce those Talismans. In the meantime I'm using Ward (Green) and Barrier (purple)

Have fun and post your impressions!

01-03-2017, 04:39 PM
Pulled mine just this morning from xmas souls. Checking his skills I was wondering to put him 3 freezing and 3 energy but I ll follow suggested strategy nicko did. Cheers!

06-04-2017, 02:51 PM
Interesting post you've done guys (sorry about my english). I would like to revive this post with my comment.

(skip this) I got mine today, i really wanted to get a viking and since i'll get legendary soul in 3 days of the event i pulled out sentinel souls today.

I been looking for a good set and since Nicko is here (this guy is awesome, im a fan of him since i start 3 months ago), i thought it could be very good if he shares his experience with his Viking eddie.

My first idea was 2 Crystal (Mystical), 2 Stone (Mystical) and 2 Ivory (Arcane and Power), because im looking for a build that makes him an hybrid between tank and atacker (for magus type).

So you guys think that it could be better with Assassins talisman or full Sentinel talismans?, i don't want to max out all of my actual talismans since i haven't much resources right now.

Thanks for your ideas, i would like to have my viking as an Atacker with good amount of hp for his healing ability.

06-04-2017, 05:30 PM
Hi Icarus - thanks for the props!

I was one of the first to get Viking Eddie and have tried lots of combos.

The one I like best and recommend is three Purple (Assassin Barrier) and three Green (Ward)

This is more of a damage build than a tank build, but he seems to do fine with it. Those Mystical Talismans you're using will give him some added DEF, but reduce his damage output. I don't use Mystical on characters where damage is a big part of their role - which I would argue it is with Viking. I only use them in support characters like Visions Eddie - where damage is less of a concern and he's there more for support - like removing effects and cleansing.

He's True Damage but also scales nicely with MR, hence the Barrier and Ward recommendations. It DOES make him more vulnerable to physical attacks however - so swapping out a Barrier for a Shield and a Ward for an Overwhelming would give him a little more DEF with only a small drop in his damage output. You could also tank him up a bit by replacing one of the three Purple with a green, though you'd lose the bonus from the three Assassin Talismans.

As always it's a balance between health and damage output. I tend to always lean towards damage output because it's the most fun for me (I've sharded almost every Gunner and Assassin Eddie I have) but look at his role on your team and see what makes the most sense for you.

Good luck and feel free to post any questions!

06-04-2017, 06:44 PM
Hi Icarus - thanks for the props!

I was one of the first to get Viking Eddie and have tried lots of combos.

The one I like best and recommend is three Purple (Assassin Barrier) and three Green (Ward)

This is more of a damage build than a tank build, but he seems to do fine with it. Those Mystical Talismans you're using will give him some added DEF, but reduce his damage output. I don't use Mystical on characters where damage is a big part of their role - which I would argue it is with Viking. I only use them in support characters like Visions Eddie - where damage is less of a concern and he's there more for support - like removing effects and cleansing.

He's True Damage but also scales nicely with MR, hence the Barrier and Ward recommendations. It DOES make him more vulnerable to physical attacks however - so swapping out a Barrier for a Shield and a Ward for an Overwhelming would give him a little more DEF with only a small drop in his damage output. You could also tank him up a bit by replacing one of the three Purple with a green, though you'd lose the bonus from the three Assassin Talismans.

As always it's a balance between health and damage output. I tend to always lean towards damage output because it's the most fun for me (I've sharded almost every Gunner and Assassin Eddie I have) but look at his role on your team and see what makes the most sense for you.

Good luck and feel free to post any questions!

Great! there is a very good stuff right here, im going to try that balanced DMG/DEF set and then i'll see what fits better for me.

Thanks a lot for taking your time to make this answer.

06-05-2017, 04:16 PM
The Magic Resist Charge skill on this guy could be intriguing if we had the characters to take advantage of it. The only other character I could find that has an attack that scales with MR is the Sentinel Hourglass, a character I would only put in my defense on April Fools Day. Perhaps there are others, or perhaps there are plans to add more characters with attacks like this, but as of now it's a Viking-buff only, not something that other characters can take advantage of.

06-24-2017, 04:01 PM
July 2017 Tuning:


Reduced chances of Call to Arms being used by the AI.

07-04-2017, 04:15 PM
Just got mine today, I plan on sticking him in my PVP defence as soon as he's ready to go.

Plan on setting him up similar to Nicko: 3 green wards and 3 purple barrier but I was planning to use Voids instead of Assassin. Figured that having more of a defensive edge is a reasonable trade-off for less damage output. Anyone have any other thoughts?

07-25-2017, 03:13 PM
Question on loot - says it steals a beneficial effect but gives no % so I assume that means guaranteed to steal?
If so mine is broken because he only steals an effect maybe 60% of the time.

07-25-2017, 04:40 PM
Question on loot - says it steals a beneficial effect but gives no % so I assume that means guaranteed to steal?
If so mine is broken because he only steals an effect maybe 60% of the time.

Yep! should be 100% steal 1 effect from the enemy.. BUT sometimes if the enemy has immunity or titan shield on cannot steal ---> it s a known bug reported many times and never totally fixed

07-25-2017, 05:26 PM
Yep! should be 100% steal 1 effect from the enemy.. BUT sometimes if the enemy has immunity or titan shield on cannot steal ---> it s a known bug reported many times and never totally fixed

Ah - good to know, just got him so was not aware. I will avoid using loot on toons with those buffs.


08-01-2017, 05:17 PM
What is the status on loot fix? I am really liking Viking but frustrated that he is only stealing a beneficial effect around 50% of the time. Immunity or not on target it is hit or miss.

Also - my own toons sometimes gets frozen at the end of the blizzard shield triggered by his fury. Almost cost me a few matches. This must be addressed.

08-01-2017, 06:03 PM
my own toons sometimes gets frozen at the end of the blizzard shield triggered by his fury. Almost cost me a few matches. This must be addressed.

Do you know the specific circumstances where you are running into the Blizzard shield freezing your own team? I will pass this information along to our QA department for investigation. Viking Eddie's loot not working 100% is also currently being investigated.


08-01-2017, 06:18 PM
Do you know the specific circumstances where you are running into the Blizzard shield freezing your own team? I will pass this information along to our QA department for investigation. Viking Eddie's loot not working 100% is also currently being investigated.


I have not noted any specific circumstances off hand, but I will look out for a pattern going forward. It only happens maybe 25% of the time but it's still enough to be concerning. Today it froze my Viking and Wrath. Fortunately I had all 4 toons vs. just 1 on the other team so I was still able to win.

08-02-2017, 12:15 PM
What talisman sets do you have on viking Ezz ?.. by chance do you have immunity on viking when he doesn t steal ?

08-02-2017, 04:49 PM
What talisman sets do you have on viking Ezz ?.. by chance do you have immunity on viking when he doesn t steal ?

No, I have him setup with energy and guard talis

08-03-2017, 12:54 PM
Do you know the specific circumstances where you are running into the Blizzard shield freezing your own team? I will pass this information along to our QA department for investigation. Viking Eddie's loot not working 100% is also currently being investigated.

-KazUnhappy to report that I got this issue too, today. 2 out of 3 of the allies were frozen by my Viking, right after his special attack (Invader).

I don't remember the whole team or the complete talismans set-up, but for sure it was a Cyborg (immunity+steal) and a Nomad (immunity+strike).

Luckily, for me, only his Nomad survived after the special attack, so I managed to get back in the game and won in the end.

Maybe it's something from the blizzard shield??

08-08-2017, 06:04 AM
Do you know the specific circumstances where you are running into the Blizzard shield freezing your own team? I will pass this information along to our QA department for investigation. Viking Eddie's loot not working 100% is also currently being investigated.


Ok this has happened a few more times and I'm noticing that every time it involves a nomad with class advantage on the opposing team. Typically their nomad strikes just before the blizzard shield ends and as it explodes it results in my own toons being frozen. Hope this helps.

10-24-2017, 10:51 PM
Got viking today and completed my eddie collection :) Any experienced player that have any tips and ideas on how to use him :)

10-24-2017, 11:01 PM
Got viking today and completed my eddie collection :) Any experienced player that have any tips and ideas on how to use him :)
Yeah, seat him on the bench with all the other unusable toons to collect some dust.

10-24-2017, 11:03 PM
Got viking today and completed my eddie collection :) Any experienced player that have any tips and ideas on how to use him :)

Viking Eddie is one of those characters who look REALLY cool but... He doesn't have much going for him. Well NF has been casually improving all the Eddies with the updates so maybe he's on the list.

10-24-2017, 11:09 PM
Lets say i do want to use him, what tali setup do you prefer and any tips on how to use his skills?

10-24-2017, 11:36 PM
I use Viking for pvp alot. His loot and scatter skills are the ones i mostly use. Dunno what that mr charge does and I've had him for months. Usually three barrier assassin or void, and three ward energy or guard talismans. His fury is always a fun show. Only about 7k true damage, but usually freezes someone. Wish I knew how to use the mr charge for damage

The Educated fool
10-24-2017, 11:47 PM
Viking is a fun character. :cool:

I built mine with Quake Mystical And Resistance Barrier, and he hits nice and hard. I would build him with Shells though, and Immunity, (and another green set... I'd probably do Advantage) if I were gonna bring him into the Arena.

I use my Viking to auto Magus LoL X, along with Sentinel Harpy, Gunner GS and Prisoner.

10-25-2017, 05:38 AM
I use Viking for pvp alot. His loot and scatter skills are the ones i mostly use. Dunno what that mr charge does and I've had him for months. Usually three barrier assassin or void, and three ward energy or guard talismans. His fury is always a fun show. Only about 7k true damage, but usually freezes someone. Wish I knew how to use the mr charge for damage

You use mr charge and then call to arms. It will double his damage after that combo.

10-25-2017, 10:52 AM
Oh boy he can hit hard :o
Maxed him out and put fate talis on him.
Managed to hit with ascension 20k on a warrior with pillage, and 17k on neutrals without ascension.

Tried fury with ascension too on 3 magus chars and hit 30k on each :p

10-25-2017, 02:33 PM
If you sharded him, I’ll do it too. He’s the next one on my list after I finish Shaman. As history showed us, all eddies get a buff after Browno sharded them😀

10-25-2017, 02:39 PM
Lol :p
I think another good setup would be 1 resistance assasin set barrier and 2 crystal sets ward. He should have around 1000 extra mr from those and a bit more hp. As of now when ascension kicks in he have a total if 2500 mr and using the suggested sets he should have around 2000 mr all the time and more hp. I just have to get myself some crystal talismans now :p

10-26-2017, 02:12 AM
That’s almost exactly the setup I gave him. 2 resistance and 4 crystal. I used one overwhelming and one shield to give him some Def, too. I fought some Vikings in the arena a long time ago and used Holy Smoke against them. Lowered his Def in the first round and hit him with Physical Damage in the next round. Worked fine then but with new talis and chars it’s not so easy nowadays. I’ll try your Viking today.

10-26-2017, 03:12 AM
Maybe 3 sets of crystal only would be ok as well for extra health.

11-11-2017, 04:02 AM
If you sharded him, I’ll do it too. He’s the next one on my list after I finish Shaman. As history showed us, all eddies get a buff after Browno sharded them��

Yes! Did it again! Huge buff incoming to call to arms :p

11-11-2017, 08:56 PM
Yes! Did it again! Huge buff incoming to call to arms :p

So you are the one I should thank for? got a long discussion about who to lvl/shard fisrt Pharaoh or Viking, got both on a really mall window from each other (Pharaoh from a soul also) and went for the Viking! so far no regrets!!! He is really fun to play with.

And then today I saw the news regarding Call to Arms, and yeah, that Viking horn.... that sound was all inside my head, while I was reading. :p:p:p

11-27-2017, 04:54 AM
With the change to Call To Arms, it immediately grants another turn. It also increases your Fury meter when you use it.

So you can use Call To Arms repeatedly to fill up your Fury meter every turn.

With a team of Wraths and Beelzebubs, you can fire off four Fury attacks every turn in PvP, or 3 in PvE.

This probably needs to be fixed. :)

12-05-2017, 08:46 AM
Can someone share screen of his viking eddie talismans,found mine today and put 3xstone,3xblind and he have 27000hp but his true damage is very low or maybe I don't know to play with him...DEF and MR is above 600 with this talismans,what's the point and how to play with this character?

12-05-2017, 11:17 AM

My setup and he has 1011 exta mr. Does a lot of dmg if you know how to use his skills

12-10-2017, 06:54 PM
Hi all, just passing to post my worries to the next change on my beloved Viking Eddie, even if the change doesn't sound like it will make a huge impact, after further testing, it certainly will.

Tested in a lot of scenarios, where the trigger would make a battle been won or lost.

Please don't get me wrong... CtA is too strong as of right now, but for the wrong reasons, mostly related to the generation of fury.

Ok if I get (and still was surprised by the info) that some triggers, like fury generated from skills can't be removed as a per-skill setting. Won't debate anything about this.

The fact that it will be a "lottery" skill is what will probably make me play as Pharaoh from now on.

Buffs are so easily removed nowadays...

The % on defense teams are just so freaking bonkers... Corrupt General almost ALWAYS stuns my hole team if no one has Immunity up. Alliance General always steals ALL (not just "up to 2") my buffs. Clair removed ALL buffs a LOT of times.

Hell even the LOOT from my Viking have "looted" all the skills on quite a few fights, where is supposed to steal only one.

So after quite a few fights on arena, I have come to the conclusion that AI % to trigger anything is wayyyy above a human player can achieve. And buffs on more than 75% of times are removed the very next round, making the buff worthless if you have to wait another round.

So AGAIN, this is not a rant, but I am pretty sure it will have a greater impact than whats anticipated.

Cheers!!! Ed.